Gong Zishuang originally thought that reporting his name would make Lu Shaoqing feel awe, and the worst would be surprised.

Unexpectedly, it was such an answer.

Don’t you know that I am a goddess that everyone in Sanwu City admires?

I don’t know which blind dog thing ranked Miao Ya ahead of me.

Haven’t heard?

I don’t believe it.

Gong Zishuang was even more angry, she did not believe that Lu Shaoqing had not heard of her name, and thought that Lu Shaoqing was deliberately humiliating her.

She clenched her silver teeth and no longer concealed her killing intent, “Arrogant fellow, I’m going to kill you.”

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, pointing at the bow purple frost, his fingers trembling, “Is your bow family so arrogant? Just because you haven’t heard your name, you’re going to kill someone?

Then he shouted loudly, “Is there still heavenly reason?” Doesn’t the Holy Land care either? Looking

at Bow Zishuang’s pretty face covered with frost and murderous intent, Lu Shaoqing hurriedly said, “Okay, okay, I’ve heard it, okay?” Don’t move and shout to kill, I’m afraid.

Bow Zishuang was even more angry, “You damn it, you injured Brother Gosu, I will definitely not let you go.” ”

Oh, so it is.

Lu Shaoqing was abrupt, then shook his head and sighed, “Alas, you said, you are a chick, you look okay, why are you blind?” Actually fancy that little white face?

Then he pointed to Ji Yan beside him, “Did you see it?” This is a real man, do you want it? Give me the spirit stone and I’ll introduce it to you. ”

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine spirit stones, a high-quality man who can take home.”

Bow Zishuang’s face turned red, “Indecent.” ”

Are you bowers so rude? Curse at every turn. Lu Shaoqing was very aggrieved and shouted, “Let your family come out, I don’t want to talk to an impolite chick like you.”

“Bastard, dare you fight me?” Bow Zishuang couldn’t bear it anymore and pointed at Lu Shaoqing to challenge.

Bound to beat this nasty guy to death on the spot.

In the distance, Miao Hongjun saw this scene and then looked at his daughter.

Shaking his head slightly, “What is the origin of the guy named Zhang Zheng?”

Miao Jingqian gritted his teeth, hatred distorting his face, “I must kill him.”

Miao Hongjun did not speak.

But they have always had some scruples about Lu Shaoqing’s identity.

In this case, dare to talk like this, really not afraid of being beaten to death?

It is simply a miracle that his character has survived to this day.

It should be a big deal.

“Enough!” Finally, someone from the Bow family, who had been watching coldly next to him, spoke.

A middle-aged man with a solemn face and a grim gaze stepped forward and said to Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, “I don’t know what the relationship between the two princes and the Holy Land is?” ”

Could it be that the two are from the Holy Land Sword Family?”

As soon as the four words of the Holy Land Swordsman came out, everyone couldn’t help but feel awe-inspiring in their hearts.

The holy place of all sword cultivators in Cold Star, one of the most powerful families of Cold Star.

The people who came out of the sword family were all geniuses.

The sword intent is pure, the body is thin, and the words in front of him are in line with these characteristics.

I couldn’t help but be so suspicious of the people of the Bow family.

If it was someone from the Holy Land Sword Family, they would definitely not dare to do anything to Ji Yan.

Lu Shaoqing immediately admitted, “That’s right, I’m from the Sword Family.

“It’s not.” Ji Yan denied it, and he disdained to use this fake identity to scare others.

Lu Shaoqing was angry, “Bastard, can you die if you don’t speak?” ”

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The middle-aged people of the Bow family are relaxed in their hearts, and if they are not from the Holy Land, then it is good.

He even showed a smile and bowed his hand to Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, “Two princes, I am the head of the Bow family, Gong Chu.” ”

The two princes came to Sanwu City to challenge my Bow family, is there some misunderstanding?”

Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to speak, and retreated with the little ape into the distance, handing over this place to Ji Yan.

Ji Yan shook his head and said truthfully, “I just want to find someone to talk to.”

Then the long sword pointed at the bow, “What about your masters?” Fight me.

Being pointed at like this, Gong Chu was angry in his heart, but he still suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, he maintained the smile on his face again, and said to Ji Yan, “Ji Gongzi, I wonder if you are interested in becoming a guest secretary of the Gong family?”

“If you have any requirements, you can ask for it.”

The people of the Miao family and the Gou family who were watching from a distance were shocked.

Is the Bow family trying to solicit words?

Miao Hongjun couldn’t help but look at his daughter.

Three days ago, Miao Ya brought back Ji Yan and the two, and she also had this plan.

But the people of the Miao family, including Miao Hongjun, have never had this idea.

They treated Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing more as opponents, and tried their best to dissociate themselves from them.

Seeing that Bow Jia was about to solicit Ji Yan, Miao Hongjun reacted to whether he had overlooked something.

But after thinking about it, he felt that if Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing had succeeded in recruiting Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing at that time, the Miao family would have to bear the wrath of the Gong family and the Gou family.

So, there is nothing wrong with what he did.

Miao Hongjun looked coldly into the distance, hmph, no matter how powerful you are, you can’t be the opponent of the Bow family.

Ji Yan is quite helpless, can’t these guys understand people?

Let you send masters to fight me, not to recruit me.

Ji Yan could only say again, “I’m not interested, what about you people?” Let him come and fight me.

Bow Chu still smiled, not intending to give up.

Because the clansmen who had fought with Ji Yan told him that Ji Yan was very strong.

If he can recruit as the guest secretary of the Bow family, the strength of the Bow Family will definitely skyrocket again.

At that time, it will be a breeze to dominate Sanwu City.

“Ji Gongzi, what can I say slowly…” Ji

Yan was impatient, and without saying a word, he was a sword against the bow.

For a moment, everyone seemed to see the sun.

The brilliant sword light carried the sharp sword intent, turning into a dazzling sword and falling.

The sky shook, and it seemed that everything was shrouded in this sword.

The people watching the battle from a distance felt a tingling pain on the surface of their bodies.

This sword seemed to cut at their bodies, making them terrified.

At this moment, everyone was clear about the horror of the plan.

The first to bear the brunt of the bow was covered in sweat, and he smelled the breath of death.

His smile disappeared, replaced by a solemn expression.

In the face of the incoming sword, he could only dodge in a hurry.


This sword landed on the ground, and a huge crack of hundreds of meters appeared in everyone’s sight.

After Bow Chu avoided this sword, his face was very ugly.

Ji Yan said lightly, “You’d better show your full strength. Then

he swung out a sword, the wind and clouds, and the sword qi crisscrossed…

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