“Courage is commendable!”

Bow Purple Frost’s arrival could not be concealed, he didn’t even have to dodge, grabbed Bow Purple Frost’s arrow, and easily dissolved.

“Dare to make a move against me in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, should I say arrogant, or confident?”

Gou Qian sneered, revealing a deep killing intent towards Bow Zishuang.

Bow Purple Frost is considered to be the best among the younger generation of the Bow family, and it is the future of the Bow family.

Since he wants to destroy the Bow family, Bow Zishuang is the object of key care.

Bow Zishuang’s eyes were red, and he almost went crazy.

The Gong family was attacked by the Miao family and the Gou family, and the casualties were heavy, and the original team of dozens of people was now only a dozen people left.

Everyone else fell down screaming.

Among them, there are many of her closest relatives, uncles, brothers and sisters.

Bow Zishuang shouted angrily, his voice sharp, revealing incomparable hatred, “Damn, I will definitely not let you go.” ”

Go and die!”

Gou Qian was too lazy to talk nonsense with Bow Purple Frost, and with a palm against Bow Purple Frost, a huge force attacked.

Although Bow Zishuang struggled to resist, but in the face of the gap in realm strength, within a few rounds, her blood sprayed wildly, her injuries were heavy, and her whole person was shaky.

What made Bow Zishuang hate even more was that Gou Su also joined in and attacked her.

Moreover, Gou Su is more eager to kill Bow Zishuang than Gou Qian, and every move reveals cruelty, and kills her.

Gong Zishuang’s hair was messy and embarrassed, and her heart was full of endless regret, and she would think of Lu Shaoqing’s words.

Lu Shaoqing was right, she was indeed blind.

She used to like people like Gousu.

Blind people are not as blind as her.

Bow Zishuang said hatefully, “Despicable villain!

Gou Su smiled coldly, “Your bow family is too much, this is the end you deserve.”

“Give up resistance, I’ll give you a pain.”

“Dreaming!” Gong Zishuang definitely didn’t want to die in the hands of someone like Gou Su, “I will definitely kill you.” ”

Kill me?” With the victory in hand, the flying dragon rode his face, and Gou Suhaha laughed, “How do you kill?” In this situation, do you think someone else will come to your rescue? After

already knowing the plan to deal with the Gong family from Gou Qian, Gou Su was not worried at all.


At this moment, a voice sounded, “How did you fight like this?”

“Stop it, it’s all over there, ahhh, don’t fight.”

It’s not loud and it’s audible to all.

It’s like speaking in your own ear.

Everyone subconsciously raised their heads and saw Lu Shaoqing on the flying boat.

“It’s him!” Miao Hongjun’s heart sank.

Miao Jingqian gritted his teeth, roared, and directly shot at Lu Shaoqing.

Miao Hongjun shouted, “Don’t be impulsive.

Gou Qian sneered, “Brother Miao, what are you worried about? ”

His senior brother is strong, does not mean that he is strong…” As

soon as the words fell, a sword intent erupted, and Miao Jingqian, who rushed up, fell from the sky with a scream.

Gou Qian was dumbfounded.

Everyone stopped.

Lu Shaoqing put away his sword and stood up, and said lightly, “Haven’t you eaten enough of the suffering?” ”

Miao Jingqian passed out, his injuries were extremely serious, and he was almost ruined.

Miao Hongjun was furious, and he suppressed his anger, “What do you want to do?”

Lu Shaoqing squatted on the bow of the boat, like a little riffraff, and touched the side of the ship with the Mojun sword, “Let you stop, don’t fight, go back to each house, and find each mother.” ”

Everyone in the Bow family is surprised and happy about this, is this a savior?

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Miao Hongjun knew that he couldn’t beat Lu Shaoqing, the Great Elder was not here, and these people were not necessarily Lu Shaoqing’s opponents.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing also had a plan behind him, which made him dare not act rashly.

Gou Qian was not convinced, “How old are you?”

“There are so many of us, I’m afraid you won’t make it?”

This kid bullied my son, and I haven’t had time to settle scores with you.

Dare to show up here and kill you.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, facing Gou Su was a sword, the sword light shone, and the sun was eclipsed.

Gou Su’s hair stood on end, his original strength was not as good as Lu Shaoqing, and he was not well injured.

Unable to resist this sword, he cried out in horror.

“Dad, save me!”

Gou Qian also made the first move.

The spiritual power in the body surged, and the whole person was like an arrow, and instantly came to Gou Su.

He shouted, a halo appeared on the surface, and the spiritual power in his body gushed out, quickly forming a spiritual power shield to envelop him and Gosu.

Gou Su breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and felt relieved.

Looking at my father’s back, my heart was excited, and my father’s back was indeed reliable.

But, soon, Gosu’s smile disappeared.

In front of Lu Shaoqing’s sword, the thick spiritual power shield burst like an egg.


Gou Qian didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing’s sword to be so fierce, and he didn’t have time to be fully prepared.

In an instant, he was shrouded in sword light and suffered a big loss.

It was as if countless long swords had slashed at his hook Qian’s body, and countless wounds appeared.

The sword intent was like a piranha, frantically drilling into the wound, causing more damage to Gou Qian.

Gou Qian roared angrily, and finally blocked Lu Shaoqing’s sword with his own strength.

But he was also injured.

Gou Su was almost scared to death, and his own father almost couldn’t protect him, “Dad, you, are you okay?”

“No, it’s okay.” Gou Qian waved his hand and looked at Lu Shaoqing in horror.

Lu Shaoqing’s strength was beyond his imagination.

How can it be so strong?

Ridiculously, he also plans to find a place for his son here.

Now it seems that this plan is going to fall through.

“Do you still want to fight?” Lu Shaoqing was condescending and asked coldly.

Gou Qian was silent.

Miao Hongjun didn’t understand, “Why did you save the people of the Bow family?” ”

Ji Yan challenged the Bow family, defeated Gong Jue, and had a conflict with the Bow family.

As a junior disciple, Lu Shaoqing should not protect the Bow family.

Lu Shaoqing said righteously, “I love peace, and I can’t see you fighting.” No

one believed this.

Miao Hongjun glanced around, the people of the Bow family had been killed and injured, and Gong Chu was also seriously injured by them.

Lu Shaoqing made his attitude clear, none of them could beat Lu Shaoqing, and today they could only retreat.

Miao Hongjun whispered to Gou Qian, “Retreat first, the Great Elders should have succeeded.”

“The Bow family, you can’t make any waves, after you go back, find another opportunity to destroy the Bow family.”

Gou Qian also had no fighting spirit, and nodded, “Okay, go first.” ”

He swore with hatred in his heart, after I integrate the resources of Sanwu City and increase my strength, I will definitely kill you.

The people of the Bow family looked at Lu Shaoqing with a complicated expression, what was he going to do?

Now that few people on the Gong family’s side are fine, noticing Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, everyone became nervous…

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