Miao Hongjun laughed, he didn’t rush to see the message in his hand, squeezed it in his hand, and said to Gou Qian, “Yours should be fast.”

Gou Qian waved his hand, “I know very well the character of my family’s Great Elder, and he will not send me a message. ”

Take a look, see how the battle goes.”

Miao Jingqian was happy next to him, with a smile on his face, like a gorilla laughing, “What else?” ”

The ancestor of the Gong family is not dead, I personally went to kill him.”

However, after Miao Hongjun read it, his smile slowly disappeared, and his face was difficult to see as if his own Great Elder had died.

Miao Hongjun gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice, “Damn, damn it…” Gou

Qian, Miao Jingqian and the others were stunned, and a bad premonition surged in their hearts.

Gou Qian’s heart stopped beating for half a beat, and he was very uneasy in his heart, “Brother Miao, what’s going on?” ”

The ancestor of the Gong family is not dead, someone saved him.”

Miao Hongjun said every word, and the words squeezed out from between his teeth made Gou Qian, Miao Jingqian and others unbelievable.

“What? Who saved him? Miao Jing shouted angrily, but soon fell silent.

Who saved it, do you still need to ask?

Who else could it be in this time but that hateful guy?

Gou Qian was very uncomfortable, and the two families conspired to join forces and decided to deal with the Gong family, arranging everything, but in the end they were destroyed.

Gou Qian was full of hatred, like cursing and killing his father’s enemy, “Damn Zhang Zheng, I am at odds with you.” But

he could only scream and scold twice, but he couldn’t do anything.

Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing are too strong.

In Sanwu City, there is no one here who is no match for them.

In the past, a bow was so pressed that the two of them couldn’t raise their heads, and they didn’t dare to put one more.

Now it is comparable to two bows, and they have no way.

Miao Ya looked at it next to her with a little envy in her heart.

Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing were able to overwhelm her family.

This is the strong one.

Although her family is suffering losses now, she still can’t help but yearn for it, hoping that she can also become an existence like Jiyan Lu Shaoqing.

Miao Jingqing’s hatred here, he felt that Lu Shaoqing was against him.

Miao Jing roared, like an angry orangutan, beating his chest, “Damn it, we should go and kill him now.”

Miao Hongjun was very angry and shouted at Miao Jingqian, “Stop! He

suddenly felt uncomfortable with his younger brother.

If it weren’t for his younger brother’s previous impulse, he wouldn’t have had time to get along with Ji Yan Lu Shaoqing at that time.

He thought about it and said to Gou Qian, “Brother Gou, in the next few days, our two families will move around more.”

Gou Qian understood what Miao Hongjun meant, and he nodded, “Of course, our two families advance and retreat together. ”

Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing stayed in Sanwu City, and only if the two joined forces, it was possible to resist the edge of these two people.

Then Miao Hongjun said to Miao Ya, “Xiaoya, in the next few days, you and Su Gongzi will move around a lot.”

Miao Ya’s face turned pale.

Gou Su laughed happily and said to Miao Hongjun, “Uncle Miao, rest assured, I will take good care of Miao Ya’s sister.”

Miao Ya didn’t speak, but her eyes showed a gaze that would rather die.

Gou Qian sighed and said a little helplessly, “In the next period, you juniors will do things in a low-key manner, don’t provoke them.”

“We also try not to have contact with them.”

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Although I can’t wait to crush Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces, at this time, being a shrunken turtle is the best way.

Just wait until Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing leave here.

Miao Hongjun thought deeply and agreed, “What Brother Gou said is extremely true.

“Hmph, my Miao family can’t afford to provoke them, can’t they hide?”

The two sides soon returned to Sanwu City, and Miao Hongjun and Gou Qian both issued death orders for what happened today, and they were not allowed to disclose the slightest thing to the outside world.

The two families returned to their families very low-key.

And this also made many viewers in Sanwu City wonder.

They are curious to know how today’s battle turned out.

However, seeing that the Miao family and the Gou family were like this, they all guessed.

“It seems that the Bow family won, otherwise the Miao family and the Gou family will not put a fart.”

“Yes, if the Gong family loses, the Miao family and the Gou family will definitely have to do something.”

“The Bow Family is really still powerful, it seems that in the future, Sanwu City will completely become the Bow Family’s bag…” ”

The Bow Family is powerful, the Bow Family is powerful, haha…” Most

of the people in Sanwu City thought that the Bow Family had won this battle, and the plan to dare to challenge the Bow Family was beaten into scum.

However, just as they were discussing lively, the Bow family returned.

Seeing the tragic situation of the Bow family, Sanwu Cheng was dumbfounded.

The Bow family looked very miserable, and they could smell the smell of blood and herbs on their bodies from far away.

A crushing victory?

But what happened to the people on that flying boat?

Wasn’t that man also one of the two who provoked the Bow family?

How with the people of the Bow family?

The people of Sanwu City were confused and had no idea what was going on in it.

Lu Shaoqing returned to Sanwu City and said to Gong Chu, “When the time comes, remember to send 2.3 million spirit stones to the Miao family to me.”

After speaking, he set up a boat and went straight to Miao’s house.

There is no Lingshi to find a place to live, so he can only continue to live with the Miao family.

Bow was stunned.

Isn’t it 1.3 million spirit stones?

How come there are a million more?

Looking at the flying boat in the distance, Gong Chu had an ominous premonition in his heart.

“Quick, hurry back and find the ancestor…” Miao

Hongjun returned to the Miao family here, and found the Great Elder Miao Wu at the first time.

However, seeing Miao Wu’s appearance, he was startled, “Great Elder…” Miao Wu

didn’t want to say more, he waved his hand, “Bind the clansmen, don’t let them provoke that kid named Zhang Zheng.”

Miao Hongjun nodded, “Don’t worry, Great Elder, I have already ordered to go down, and I have been keeping a low profile during this time, far away from them.”

“If we don’t provoke him, I think he won’t come to us to trouble.”

However, as soon as the words fell, Miao Jingqian jumped from a distance, “Big brother, big brother, then, those two guys have returned to our Miao family to live.” ”

What?” Miao Hongjun jumped three feet high, and he didn’t care what to say to the Great Elder.

Directly rushed out to see what medicine was sold in the gourd of the two of them.

Miao Wu’s voice came from behind, “By the way, I promised, and I have to give him a million spirit stones.” ”

Plop!” Miao Hongjun fell straight from the sky…

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