With a slash of the sword, a sword light slashed through, forcing the three black-robed men who were chasing to stop.

Tan Ling was unbelievable, the spiritual power in her body was imprisoned, and her body could not move.

He is also the existence of the second phase of the Yuan Infant, and his strength is strong, and he can be regarded as an incredible existence among the young generation of the Holy Land.

Except for a few people such as the Holy Son, no one in her generation is her opponent.

But now, she was actually easily handled by a person.

Even if she was injured and exhausted from being hunted down and killed, she should not be caught so easily.

Her scalp is numb, what are the origins of these two guys?

The power of divine consciousness may not be comparable even to the master.

It’s terrible.

Lu Shaoqing threw Tan Ling onto the deck of the flying boat and cursed, “Little chick, are you looking for death?” ”

I’m so angry.

I don’t want to cause trouble, why do people have to mess with themselves?

Is it so hard to be a quiet beautiful man?

“You, you…” Tan Ling was terrified in her heart, and the pain in her head made her not know how to speak for a while.

“You what you, shut up for me.” Lu Shaoqing was very upset, and said to Tanling, “Don’t force me to pump you.”

Then Lu Shaoqing turned to the three black-robed people, “Come, take this chick away, I don’t care about you, and don’t come to provoke me.” The

three black-robed men were silent, and their gazes hidden under the black robes were fierce, like poisonous snakes hiding in the dark, and they could bounce up at any time to launch a fatal blow.

Six eyes roamed back and forth on Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, and Ji Yan’s sword made them perceive the horror of Ji Yan.

Finally, one of the three black-robed men spoke, his voice hoarse, dry, and ugly, “Good! Tan

Ling was terrified in her heart, she was controlled, fell into the hands of three black-robed people, and was 100% dead.

She hurriedly shouted, “Slow, slow, Gongzi help me, I am willing to repay me with a lot of money.” ”


Lu Shaoqing’s ears immediately pricked up and faced the three black-robed people, “Slowly, you guys wait first.” ”

Heavy money reward, is there a spirit stone?” Lu Shaoqing asked expectantly.

“Spirit, spirit stone?” Tan Ling was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said, “Yes, yes, Gongzi help me, and when I arrive at the Holy Land, 500,000 spirit stones will be offered with both hands.”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but glance up, little rich woman.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to think about it, and blurted out, “One hundred… Syllable!

The next moment, Lu Shaoqing slapped himself on the mouth in time and beat back the following words.

Then he opened his slap and said to Tanling, “Five million spirit stones!” ”

From the Holy Land, it should be rich. Don’t be more, can’t help yourself.

The conversation was boiling for a while, and she even had the illusion that she could break through the confinement.

She subconsciously scolded, “Why don’t you grab it?”

Lu Shaoqing was very crisp, holding up Tanling, and threw Tanling towards the three black-robed people with a wave of his hand.

“Bye bye!”

Talking about Ling was shocked, he didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to be so resolute and decisive.

She struggled desperately, but found that she couldn’t move, so frightened that she hurriedly shouted, “Promise, I promise.”

With that, she was pulled back onto the ship.

Lu Shaoqing smiled at the three black-robed people, “Okay, you can go.” ”

Go back, it’s getting dark.”

“Find death!” The three black-robed men were furious, and the three couldn’t bear it anymore, bursting out their most powerful aura.

Three terrifying fluctuations descended like a hurricane, sweeping around.

The three of them are all the strength of the Yuan Infant Period, the black-robed man in the middle is the second layer of the Yuan Infant, and the left and right two are the Yuan Infant Layer.

Joining forces, a powerful force erupted.

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The surrounding spiritual power swept over, and the whistling sound was endless.

Powerful energy fluctuations devoured and destroyed everything within a radius of several miles.

The living, the dead, boulders, trees, etc. were all destroyed in this energy fluctuation.

The location of the flying boat where Lu Shaoqing was located was the center of the storm.

The powerful pressure is like the sky falling, to crush them into meatloaf.

Tanling was desperate.

The three Yuan Infancy joined forces, unless her master father came from herself, she would not be saved.

Tan Ling was extremely regretful in her heart, she knew that she didn’t open her mouth just now, and obediently bypassed them, maybe she could escape further.

It’s a pity that it’s too late now.

At this time, she heard Lu Shaoqing say to Ji Yan, “Go, hack them to death.” Don’t let them run. Ji

Yan was a little reluctant, “They are too weak.” ”

One Yuan Baby Second Layer, Two Yuan Baby One Layer, even if they join forces, they are very weak in Ji Yan’s eyes.

Bullying the weak doesn’t make much sense.

“Then you wait for your ship to be crushed by them.”

Ji Yan sneered, “Huh, the Heavenly King Laozi kneels in front of you, and you don’t make a move?”

Lu Shaoqing looked calm, his face was not red, and he despised Ji Yan, “You understand a fart, does the Heavenly King Laozi have a spirit stone fragrance?” ”

Hurry up and shoot, less squeaky here.”

Tan Ling was speechless, she had grown so big, she had never seen such an arrogant person.

Do you really think you guys are invincible?

The other party is three Yuan babies teamed up, are you opponents?

The next moment, Tan Ling knew she was wrong.

A sword light that was even more dazzling than the sun appeared, cutting through the void and piercing the spiritual power storm of the three black-robed people joining forces.

The sharp sword intent devoured the three black-robed people, and the spiritual power shield of the three people shattered like glass in front of the sword intent.


The three black-robed men sprayed blood from their mouths one after another, and the black robes turned into pieces under the strangulation of the sword intent, revealing their true faces.

They carried a gloomy and cold breath, thin faces, pale skin, as if they had never shone on the sun, and their thin bodies were different from ordinary saints.

The narrow eyes of the three black-robed men showed a terrified gaze.

Ji Yan’s sword was completely beyond their imagination, and it was so powerful that it was not decent.

The three joined forces to attack, and Ji Yan defeated them with just one sword.

How powerful is that?

However, the aura revealed by Ji Yan let them know that Ji Yan was only an existence in the middle of the Yuan Infant period.

This is even more difficult for them to accept.

Their identities have a lot of origins, they cooperate with each other and join forces, even in the late Yuan Infant period, they recognize themselves to fight.

Now, I can’t even beat a mid-Yuan baby, it’s too shocking.


The three knew they were invincible, but they would not run away and could not escape.

The three joined forces again, and in an instant, the sky and the earth were dark, and they burst out their strength without reservation.

The powerful spiritual power burst out, making the heavens and the earth tremble, and countless countless smoke and dust billowed out, covering the heavens and the earth like black fog.

However, in the face of Ji Yan, all this is in vain.

In the face of the all-out attack of the three, Ji Yan’s expression did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Rushing up into the sky, the Wuqiu sword swung out, and the sharp sword intent erupted.

Just as the sun in the sky broke through the darkness, bursting out dazzling light, sprinkling the earth to its heart’s content.


The three black-robed figures completely disappeared into the sword light, and the heavens and the earth returned to clarity…

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