Tan Ling held her forehead, and she felt that her head hurt a little again.

Sighing in his heart, this girl was not saved.

Lu Shaoqing carried the little ape to find Ji Yan.

Because the house has been strangled to pieces by two swords. A mountain is bare, and he can only find a random place to cultivate nearby.

Watching Ji Yan cultivate seriously, he thought of seeing Lu Shaoqing sleeping soundly just now.

Tan Ling had an impulse in his heart to ask, are you really junior brothers?

Why is one so diligent and hardworking, one so lazy, one calm and silent, a riffraff scoundrel.

How did the two of you get together as brothers?

Ji Yan opened his eyes, and the two siblings Shi Ji and Shi Liao, who saw Ji Yan for the first time, suddenly felt a sharp breath.

Especially Ji Yan’s pair of eyes looked over, and the two siblings seemed to see a divine sword, shining with cold light and sharpness.

This is a great person.

The two siblings Shi Ji and Shi Liao looked at each other, and they could both know each other’s thoughts.

Even, Shi Liao’s heart was faintly excited.

He was a sword cultivator, and he could feel the unique aura on Ji Yan’s body.

Ji Yan glanced at the three of Tan Ling, and his gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing.

Silently asked Lu Shaoqing what he wanted to do.

Lu Shaoqing directly explained his intentions, “This chick doesn’t believe what I said, she has to put the black cauldron that destroyed her house on my head, you quickly prove it to me.”

Then he turned back to the conversation and said, “My senior brother can be a witness, right?” My senior brother is an honest person at first glance, a big good person, never lies, do you believe what he says? ”

Tan Ling really wants to retort that you and your senior brother are the same thing.

However, seeing Ji Yan’s appearance, she did not speak, acquiescing to Lu Shaoqing’s words.

Ji Yan’s appearance does make people feel good, but it is difficult to give birth to bad feelings.

Ji Yan looked at Tanling, his eyes were calm, which made Tanling feel a little pressure, and his heart was even a little flustered.

Ji Yan said to Ling, “That’s right, it was indeed not he who destroyed, it was our two swords.” If

others still say this, Tanling will have to spray him in the face.

But this is a plan, and she is a little difficult to refute.

Shi Ji laughed here, clapped her hands, and said happily to the conversation, “Sister Ling, you see, it wasn’t Master Zhang Zheng who did it.” ”

Tanling couldn’t help it, played Shi Ji, bastard, you girl, where are you?

You are also not small, mortals at your age, children can run all over the ground.

Actually helping outsiders, believe it or not, I went to find Elder Fu to lock you up?

Although the plan does not seem to be a lie, this kind of thing is really hard to believe.

What your sword did has nothing to do with the two of you?

I think you did something bad with your sword.

Tanling made a face, and his good impression of Ji Yan gradually receded, “Lord Ji, you said that it was done by the sword, and such a statement is difficult to convince me. Lu

Shaoqing was shocked, didn’t Senior Brother’s beautiful male plan work?

Then he secretly calculated in his heart how many spirit stones he would need to compensate here.

After calculating it, I decided in my heart that it would not be compensated if I was killed, and it was a big deal to run away.

Ji Yan did not talk nonsense, and slowly stretched out his right hand.

Just when several people felt strange, a roar sounded in the sky.

Two flying swords descended from the sky, and the sharp aura made the three of Tan Ling feel dangerous in their hearts.

The body is like countless needles, and goosebumps appear on the surface.

Is this still a sword?

The Wuqiu sword fell into Ji Yan’s hands, and when the Mojun sword fell halfway, it suddenly stopped in the air.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Get down!” Like

a little elf, Mo Junjian cowered and fell in front of Lu Shaoqing.

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Lu Shaoqing flicked it, like an old father scolding his son, “Guy with no ambition, he didn’t come home for a few days, and he wanted to die.” Mo

Junjian buzzed twice, exuding a fawning mood.

The three of them had the illusion that Lu Shaoqing was not teaching a sword, but a son.

Ji Yan said to Ling, “These are these two swords. Looking

at Wuqiu Sword and Mojun Sword, Tanling once again had nothing to say.

Although she didn’t want to believe it, the spirituality shown by the two swords made her want to believe Ji Yan’s words.

Where are these two swords, these are simply two spirit pets.


Tan Ling gritted his teeth, “This is your sword, destroyed here, how do you plan to pay for it.” ”

There has to be an explanation for this. Otherwise, how to go and explain to the master.

However, for Ji Yan’s sake, Tan Ling said to Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, “Build a few houses here and plant trees again, and this matter will pass.” ”

When the time comes, it will almost be able to return to its strong appearance after taking good care of it.

A small hill, almost a hundred meters high, surrounded by trees, even a monk has to spend some time and effort.

Other than that, there seems to be nothing to do about it.

Hit it, you can’t beat it.

Scold, it doesn’t seem to have much effect.

As for kicking out? She thought about it, but where would Lu Shaoqing agree to leave.

Regarding Tan Ling’s request, Ji Yan said that he had no objection.

Even Lu Shaoqing nodded again and again in agreement, and he even patted his chest and said, “Little chick, don’t worry, I will plant this mountain with trees and return it to your previous appearance.”

Shi Ji volunteered and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Master Zhang Zheng, how about I help you?”

Tan Ling sighed, this girl, really helpless.

She looked at Shi Liao, don’t you care about your sister?

At that time, it will be your master who will be disgraced.

However, at this time, she noticed that Shi Liao’s face was full of excitement.

What’s going on?

Is it anger?

Angry that her own sister has no position?

Shi Liao’s side was indeed very excited, and when the Wuqiu Sword and the Mojun Sword appeared, he began to get excited.

As a sword cultivator, he knew very well what these two swords represented.

Are these two people in front of you sword cultivators?

How powerful are they?

Will it be stronger than the people of the Sword Family?

Shi Liao stepped forward two steps and respectfully saluted Ji Yan, “Sir, are you a sword cultivator?” Ji

Yan replied lightly, “That’s right.

“Sir, can you talk to me?”

After speaking, he took out his long sword, hoping to fight Ji Yan.

However, Shi Liao’s face was red, and he was very embarrassed.

Ji Yan was not familiar with him, and it was very rude to meet him for the first time.

However, seeing the Wuqiu Sword and feeling the extraordinary nature of the Wuqiu Sword, the intuition in his heart told him that Ji Yan was very strong.

When you meet this kind of master, you can learn one and a half tricks from him, which can make him useful for life.

In particular, he is now in the Jiedan realm, and he is close to breaking through by chance and stepping into the Yuan Infancy Period.

He felt, perhaps, that chance was here.

Faced with such an opportunity, even if it was rude, Shi Liao did not want to miss it.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Tan Ling, “Did you bring him here to challenge my senior brother?” What did he do to you? I actually let you do this to him….”

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