Tan Ling really couldn’t stand it, and left in a huff.

Looking at it again, she was afraid that she would not be able to resist beating someone.

What’s even more hateful is that she can’t beat Lu Shaoqing.

The two siblings Shi Ji and Shi Liao have already defected and believe in Lu Shaoqing.

Stay here again, she will be an outsider.

Going back and speaking slowly, seeing Lu Shaoqing here, she couldn’t slow down.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the well-behaved two siblings Shi Ji and Shi Liao, very satisfied, it is rare for these two pairs of siblings to appear here in the Holy Land.

The demon people have an arrogant personality and a short temper.

Here in the Holy Land, he was still the apprentice of the Holy Land Elder, and according to the character of other demon racers, he had already cocked his tail to the sky.

The pair of siblings in front of him are different, the two have gentle personalities and are still eyes on him.

After Tan Ling left, Shi Ji couldn’t help but ask, “Master Zhang Zheng, what is your method?” Shi

Liao also showed curiosity, is there really a way?

Let the two of them break through quickly, even their master can’t do it.

Lu Shaoqing put his hands behind his back and said to the two, “The method will tell you when the time comes, but before that, I have to confirm one thing.”

“During this time, you two have to listen to me, and I ask you to do whatever you want, can you do it?”

Shi Liao showed hesitation, you let us go to the rebellious Holy Land, can we agree? Of course not.

Shi Ji didn’t have such doubts, patted her chest and promised, “Yes, I will listen to you.”

Lu Shaoqing said to Shi Liao, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you do murder and arson, it’s a very simple thing.” “Good


Shi Liao finally agreed.

Lu Shaoqing smiled even more happily, and then roared at the little ape in the distance, “Silly monkey, come here.” The

little ape came over reluctantly.

Since that day, it has suffered, and it was ordered by Lu Shaoqing to drag a giant tree to run wildly in the forest, which was called training it, but it was exhausted.

On the other hand, this behavior was also supported by Ji Yan, and no one helped it if it wanted to resist.

The little ape came over in a frightened manner, not knowing what else was waiting for it.

Lu Shaoqing patted the little ape, pointed to the bare hill in the distance, and said to Shi Ji and Shi Liao, “Just right, the three of you go and plant the trees and build a few more houses.” ”

Shi Ji and Shi Liao look at each other, do you want to use the two of them as coolies?

“Sir, this…” Shi Liao was not very happy, “This kind of thing, we don’t need it, right?”

“If the adult wants to use someone, we can help the adult find someone.”

Shi Liao felt that doing this kind of thing was a waste of time, and what he wanted was to break through quickly and strengthen his strength, instead of working hard here.

Lu Shaoqing had already made up his mind and said, “There is no negotiation, you have already agreed.”

“Unless you leave now.”

Shi Liao’s face was ugly, and he felt that he was on a thief’s ship.

On the contrary, Shi Ji was optimistic and trusted Lu Shaoqing very much, she patted her brother’s shoulder, “What’s so difficult about this little thing?”

“With the strength of the two of us, it’s not a blink of an eye?”

She and Shi Liao are also masters of the Jiedan period, isn’t it just to plant some trees and build a few houses?

In Shi Ji’s opinion, this is a breeze, as simple as drinking water.

“Hey,” Lu Shaoqing interrupted Shi Ji, “I haven’t finished speaking, you are not allowed to use any spells, magic weapons, or walk in the sky.

“Only with your own strength, by your hands and legs.”

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At this time, Ji also froze.

No spells, magic weapons, no flight, relying on your own strength alone, the time it will take is not certain.

Shi Ji didn’t understand, “Master Zhang Zheng, what are you doing here?”

“Do it first, and when you’re done, I’ll give you an explanation.” Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, and the warm man was full of charm.

Shi Ji originally wanted to say something, at least to argue with reason, but seeing Lu Shaoqing’s smile, he immediately forgot what he was going to say.

Just subconsciously said, “Good.

Lu Shaoqing turned and left, leaving a sentence, “Do a good job, work hard.”

“Sister, this…”

Shi Liao felt that he had been deceived.

“Lord Ling asked him to return to his original state, and he tricked the two of us into helping him work.”

I am still too naïve and simply deceived.

He’s younger than me, so what shit can be done to break through.

Definitely deceptive.

Shi Ji believed Lu Shaoqing and was very optimistic, “This is the request of the adult, naturally there is his reason, let’s do this well first.”

“Anyway, we came out to distract ourselves, and helping here is equivalent to helping Sister Ling.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

That was said, but Shi Liao was still full of resentment and was deceived, how could he swallow this breath in his heart.

“No, I want to make it clear with him.”

However, Shi Ji’s words calmed Shi Liao down, “You are like this, what should Lord Ji Yan do if he looks down on you?”

“It’s better to help Lord Zhang Zheng, and then you can also ask Lord Zhang Zheng to help say something good, maybe Lord Ji Yan is willing to guide you?”

This statement was not unreasonable, and Shi Liao had to suppress the resentment in his heart.


The little ape jumped in front of the two and patted his chest, as if to direct the two to work.

Seeing this, Shi Liao inexplicably burst into flames in his heart.

was deceived, his heart was originally unhappy, and now a spirit pet also wants to command him to work?

He thought that the little ape was Lu Shaoqing’s pet and was sent here to supervise their work.

“I’ll test how good you are.”

After speaking, Shi Liao put his fingers together and pointed at the little ape.

Referring to the sword, a light spirit sword intent burst out, like a wind blade rushing straight towards the little ape.

The little ape did not dodge or dodge, straightened his chest, and Shi Liao’s sword intent fell on the little ape’s chest.


With a soft sound, the sword intent disappeared, and the little ape had nothing to do.

The little ape also hammered his chest, facing Shi Liao’s teeth, and he couldn’t even be considered tickling.

The two siblings Shi Ji and Shi Liao were taken aback.

Even if Shi Liao is a casual blow, it should not be blocked so easily.

This shows the extraordinary nature of the little ape.

Shi Liao looked sluggish and was struck.

He is actually inferior to an animal?

The little ape was very proud, shouted at the two, and then pointed to the depths of the forest, signaling the two to start working…

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