Fu Yun was very happy, laughing, white hair scattered, heroic and domineering.

A trace of jealousy flashed in Lu Shaoqing’s eyes, and Fu Yun gave him a sense of danger.

Not only because of Fu Yun’s strength, but also because he can’t see through Fu Yun in front of him, as if wearing a mask.

The current Fuyun looks heroic and domineering, but Lu Shaoqing is sure that this is definitely the surface, the true face, and no one knows.

Lu Shaoqing said lightly, “You’re welcome, it’s just a deal.”

Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to pretend, and he pretended in front of Fu Yun, but it might be possible to annoy him, so it was better to order directly, “Five hundred thousand spirit stones, can you give it to me?”

Fu Yun didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to be so direct, and he was stunned for a moment.

The talker who followed was unable to complain, this bastard is really not afraid of death.

Ask for spirit stones in front of Fu Yun.

Are you not afraid of being beaten to death?

Besides, Shi Liao can break through, are you sure it has something to do with you?

After Fu Yun was stunned for a while, he laughed and said, “Don’t worry, the things promised to you will not lose you.”

“However, you said that you want both of my apprentices to break through.”

“My big apprentice hasn’t broken through yet, when do you say she will break through?”

Shi Ji looked at Lu Shaoqing with a bit of expectation in her eyes.

The younger brother broke through, and she was relieved in her heart.

Next, she also hopes that she can break through.

As an older sister, she can’t lag too far behind her younger brother.

Lu Shaoqing just said, “My younger brother has broken through, as a sister, don’t worry, go back and calm down, you should be able to break through soon.” The

light in Fu Yun’s eyes flashed again.

Lian Sheng said, “Good, good, sure enough, I didn’t read it wrong, you little guy really has some skills.”

Lu Shaoqing said modestly, “Generally, this kind of thing can be seen by normal people. ”

Is this what modesty should look like?

Tan Ling wanted to hit someone.

Do you mean to say that I’m not a normal person?

Even Fu Yun didn’t know what to say for a while.

He knew the problem with his two apprentices.

Shi Liao was anxious, but the more anxious he was in cultivation, the more difficult it was to break through, and the so-called speed was not achieved.

What about Shi Ji, she was also worried that Shi Liao would also not be able to break through.

In other words, the mood of the two siblings is not good, and they are impatient.

How can such a state of mind break through?

But he didn’t have a good way, he could only drive the two out and let them come out to relax, hoping to restore their state of mind to normal.

Unexpectedly, he met Lu Shaoqing here, and the things he was worried about made Lu Shaoqing easily solve.

Fu Yun was a little curious, “Little fellow, how can you be sure that letting Shi Liao plant trees will definitely calm him down?” ”

Tan Ling, Shi Ji, and Shi Liao all pricked up their ears, and they were also curious.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “I can’t be sure, I just want to give it a try.”

“After all, I needed help at the time.”

Shi Liao couldn’t help but ask, “What if I can’t break through?” ”

If there is no way to break through, then there will be no rut.” Lu Shaoqing spread his hands and said that if that was the case, there was nothing he could do, “I can’t earn 500,000 spirit stones. Tan

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Ling’s face was strange, very, serious, and fierce suspicion that letting Shi Liao help him plant trees was Lu Shaoqing’s real intention.

Fu Yun smiled again, “Interesting.”

“No matter what, it took you little guy to let the little guy break through.” You say, I can do something to repay you.

Lu Shaoqing said expressionlessly, “No need, didn’t I say that?” One transaction, 500,000 spirit stones is enough.

After a pause, he looked at Shi Ji and said, “If she fails to break through, give me 250,000 spirit stones at that time, no problem?”

Lu Shaoqing’s words surprised Fu Yun, and he couldn’t believe it, “Is it really not needed?” ”

He is an elder of the Holy Land, and he has a lot of power here in the Holy Land and can do many things.

A word can make a person soar and a family prosper.

But Lu Shaoqing refused.

Good heart.

Fu Yun looked at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze and became more and more appreciative.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and gave the eviction order, “No need, if there is nothing wrong with a few of you, please come back, I’m busy.”

As an old fox, Fu Yun understood what Lu Shaoqing meant, and did not calculate, but smiled, “Well, if you need anything, find me again when the time comes.” Then

he brought the two apprentices back, Shi Liao wanted to continue to consolidate the realm, and Shi Ji was ready to attack the Yuan Infancy Period, and it was not suitable to continue to stay outside.

After Fu Yun left, Tanling looked at Lu Shaoqing suspiciously.

Lu Shaoqing glared at Tanling, “Look at what?” Haven’t seen a handsome guy?

Tan Ling was not angry, but curious, “No, according to your character, Elder Fu wants to thank you, but you actually refused?” In

Tan Ling’s opinion, Fu Yun just now was a lamb who took the initiative to send to the door, and with Lu Shaoqing’s character, it can be regarded as giving Fu Yun face if he doesn’t open his mouth.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing refused Fu Yun, and did not intend to pluck a sweat hair from Fu Yun.

Behave like a gentleman, say what is good, and do not take advantage of it.

Such Lu Shaoqing is not normal at all.

After Tanling finished speaking, he saw a painful look on Lu Shaoqing’s face, and shouted at her, “Ma De, don’t mention this?”

Lu Shaoqing covered his chest, his heart aching, as if he had lost a hundred million spirit stones.

Lu Shaoqing also wanted to open his mouth to Fu Yun and ask Fu Yun to give him a few small target spirit stones.

Fuyun this kind of existence, there are not many others, there must be spirit stones.

The problem is, he doesn’t dare and doesn’t want to.

He was extremely jealous of Fuyun, and he didn’t want to be involved with Fuyun one hundred percent.

So I can only endure the pain of refusing.

This matter, in retrospect, will be distressed.

I can’t sleep at night.

When Tan Ling talks about this now, he is undoubtedly pouring salt on his wounds, and his old heart is distressed.

He said intimidatingly to the conversation, “You dare to mention this again, believe it or not, I beat you?”

“You dare?” Seeing Lu Shaoqing like this, Tan Ling was very happy, and guessed it, she smiled happily and said, “Are you afraid of helping the elder?”

“I’m afraid of a hair? Am I respecting the elderly? Lu Shaoqing curled his neck and did not admit it.

“I’ll let my master come and see how you are then?”

Lu Shaoqing had a headache.

Fu Yun had already made him nervous and scared.

Elder Rui, who was stronger than Fu Yun, wanted to come to him, so he better run obediently.

So, he immediately laughed and soothed, “Grandma, if you have something to say, call your parents at every turn, how childish…”

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