Lu Shaoqing laid down several formations, and instructed Mo Junjian, “Play nearby, show me something.” Otherwise, you will be locked up. Back

in the room, the figure flashed, disappeared in place, and appeared in the Time House.

Along the way, he and Ji Yan shared a boat and had no chance to enter the ring.

Even if Ji Yan is regarded as his dearest brother, he does not want to expose his last secret.

After coming to the Holy Land, the reason why I wanted to talk about finding a place for him was to have a larger place so that everyone could have a little privacy when they lived.

After Lu Shaoqing came in, his breath was high, and his heart was full of arrogance.

He obtained almost eight and a half million spirit stones from Sanwu City, and now he added the five million spirit stones in Tan Ling’s hands.

All of a sudden, there were more than ten million spirit stones.

With so many spirit stones combined, it has been more than two hundred years for him to use here.

“In two hundred years, a pig can also cultivate into refinement, right?” Lu Shaoqing smiled proudly, “A genius like me is much more powerful than a pig.” However

, Lu Shaoqing did not intend to cultivate for two hundred years at once.

God knows if he’ll go crazy.

Before it was all gradual, too long, he could not bear the loneliness.

“Let’s cultivate for ten years first.”

Now that he has enough spirit stones in his bag, he has also become bold.

“It’s just 600,000 spirit stones, sprinkle water.” Lu Shaoqing took out the spirit stone while saying to the spirit card, “Even if you are a dead ghost who increases in price, I can withstand it.” After

speaking, he threw 600,000 spirit stones into the incense burner, and the white light flashed, and the spiritual energy on the spirit stone was instantly swallowed by the whale, and the spirit stone turned into residue, and finally disappeared completely.

Lu Shaoqing even had time to praise the dead ghost little brother, “You dead ghost is actually not bad, you don’t need me to help you take out the trash.” The

white light on the surface of the jade table flashed, and a stream of information poured into Lu Shaoqing’s mind.

Lu Shaoqing’s smile quickly froze.

I saw that his expression was first stunned and unbelievable, and then slowly turned red and angry.

He slapped heavily on the jade table and roared angrily at the spirit card, “Dead ghost, what are you going to do?

“Is corruption so blatant?”

“Before you said that I entered the Yuan Infancy stage from the Jiedan period, and 10,000 spirit stones gave me two months, I confessed.”

“What the hell, give me 10,000 spirit stones for a month now?”

“What are you doing? Rebellion? I haven’t become a god yet, Grandma Li’s…..”

Lu Shaoqing is so angry, this kind of profiteer behavior, privately increase the price, is there anyone in charge?”

Can I fight demon spirits?

Really think that spirit stones are easy to earn?

Lu Shaoqing paused, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and continued to slam the jade table with a bang, “Dead ghost, bastard, can’t you afford to play?”

“I was just joking, you still take it seriously?”

“Spit out the spirit stone for me, don’t spit it out, I swallowed you alive.”

Lu Shaoqing was extremely angry, and his saliva sprayed three thousand feet wildly, falling on a jade table like snowflakes.

The things placed on the jade table were stained with his saliva.

“Spit it out for me, or I’ll smash your spirit card.”

Lu Shaoqing reached out to get the token, but the next moment, the coffin parked in the middle of the jade table suddenly lit up.

Lu Shaoqing immediately jumped away like a frightened rabbit.

Stared at the coffin in disbelief.

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The coffin was just a flash of white light, and there was no more movement.

Lu Shaoqing waited for a long time, and cautiously exclaimed, “Big guy? ”

Big brother?”


After shouting a few times, but there was no response, Lu Shaoqing once again boldly approached the jade table and said to the coffin, “Big brother, big guy, this matter has nothing to do with you, it’s a matter between me and the little brother of the dead ghost.”

“You are so old, you are an elder, you should not interfere!”

However, as soon as he finished saying this, the white light on the coffin flashed, and then a powerful aura erupted from the coffin.

Like a bomb exploding here, a powerful shock wave is raging wildly.


Even if Lu Shaoqing is a five-layer realm of the Yuan Infant, invincible in his peers, and can also cross the level to slash and kill the existence of the big guy, he can’t bear this.

An invisible coercion smashed heavily on him, causing him to spray blood, like a flat boat in a stormy wave, thrown high and then smashed heavily on the ground.

Lu Shaoqing was extremely shocked in his heart, and this coercion was probably beyond his imagination.

In the face of this coercion, he felt that he was not even an ant, and if he wanted to, this force only needed one stroke to crush him to death and completely disappear into this world.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the coffin that had regained his calm, and such a thought appeared in his heart, he was definitely a super big guy.

What kind of gods, refining void in front of them are all scum.

Even, Lu Shaoqing had an intuition that this was not a union or a Mahayana, it would be a higher existence.

A higher existence, only the ascended immortals.

Thinking of this, Lu Shaoqing’s whole person became even more numb.

In front of this kind of big guy, he didn’t have any resistance at all.

He had guessed before that the coffin and the spirit card were one, and now he could be completely affirmed.

No wonder he would take the initiative to project the treasure map to him, making him stupid to go to Yanzhou.

As a result, the body of the big guy was recovered.

Before the spirit card was arrogant enough, now that the body is back, it is even more explosive.

No wonder he swallowed his spirit stone without any discussion.

Lu Shaoqing stared at the coffin, his expression changing.

After a long time, Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth, cried his face, and said to the coffin, “Big guy, don’t bring this.”

“Everyone is a cooperative relationship, time to increase the price, you have to tell me, you can’t buy and sell strongly.”

“Now in this world, it’s not easy to earn some spirit stones…” Lu

Shaoqing pinched his thigh fiercely, causing him to burst into tears, and he couldn’t pinch a handful of snot after pinching his nose for a long time.

Lu Shaoqing could only wipe his eyes on the jade table and continue to cry, “This year, in this world, the economy is not good, everyone has even punched out the dog’s brain in order to earn some spirit stones.” ”

In order to earn a spirit stone, I went up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, and the knife came and went in the fire, and my little life was always in danger.”

“You are a big guy, even if this spirit stone is thrown on the side of the road, it is an insult to you if you look at it.”

“You are here to ignore my spirit stone, pass it out, where will your boss’s face go?”

“Will you be laughed at for 3,000 years?”

If it is hard or not, Lu Shaoqing can only come soft, and wipe a handful of tears on the jade table.

It’s a pity that there is no snot, Lu Shaoqing secretly pity in his heart.

Otherwise it could look worse.

Lu Shaoqing nagged, just like a long-tongued woman saying here, saliva also sprayed all over the jade table.

Finally, the white light of the jade table flashed, and a stream of information poured in, “Roll…”

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