Tan Ling wanted to leave, but after hearing Lu Shaoqing’s words, she changed her mind.

That’s right, you can’t let the two of them look flat.

Lu Shaoqing took the lead and went upstairs.

Tan Ling followed, beside him and asked viciously, “What are you going to do?”

Lu Shaoqing held his hands behind his back, sad and compassionate, still the same words, “I can’t bear to see you guys in the same room, brother Yan Wall, I want to resolve your contradictions.”

After speaking, his eyes showed firmness and his expression was resolute.

Even if there is a sea of fire in front of him, he wants to break in.

Talker is powerless to complain.

How old are you?

Still so naïve?

If there is no solution to this kind of thing, it is impossible to resolve the contradiction.

Behind him, Cui Shu and Jian Lan walked up side by side, and Jian Lan looked at Lu Shaoqing’s back with a thick suspicion in his eyes.

She was thinking about what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

Would you be so kind to invite them to dinner?

Although it is a bag, it is not so naïve as to think that it is enough to invite the two of them to a meal, right?

Jian Lan concluded, “This guy is definitely not malicious.

Cui Yu smiled lightly, not taking Lu Shaoqing to heart, “Don’t worry, what kind of storm can he set off here?”

“This is my Cui family’s restaurant, and he dares to make trouble here?”

This restaurant is an important source of income for the Cui family, and whoever dares to make trouble here will not be able to get by with the Cui family.

Provoking the Cui family in the Holy Land can only be said to be looking for death.

She said to Jian Lan, “You don’t need to spend money today, wait to let him know that the invitation is not so good.”

Jian Lan thought, his eyes lit up, “Wait for the expensive point, see how he cries…” In

the private room on the fifth floor, after Lu Shaoqing sat down, he waved his big hand, and said to Cui Yuan and Jian Lan, “Two, you are guests, you order first, you can eat whatever you want.” ”

Whatever?” Cui Wei looked at Lu Shaoqing with a mocking smile, “The things here are not cheap, can you afford it?”

Jian Lan reacted, “That’s right, I’m afraid that if you don’t have a spirit stone to give later, you let us give it.” ”

Even in the Cui family’s restaurant, Cui Yuan does not dare to eat the overlord meal here.

The spirit stone that should be given still has to be given, of course, as the Cui family, you can take it on credit.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, very disdainful, pointed at Tan Ling and said to Jian Lan, “If you don’t believe it, you can ask her, is there enough spirit stone on my body?”

“I don’t have much for anything now, just more spirit stones.”

Isn’t this revealing my scars?

Tanling’s face became even more ugly, and he snorted.

Five million spirit stones, it hurts to think about it.

Seeing Tanling’s appearance, Cui Shu and Jian Lan also believed it, and the two of them were no longer worried at the moment.

Jianglan took the menu first, picked expensive points, turned her purple-painted lips up and down, and ordered seven or eight dishes in a short while.

After Tan Ling heard the names of these dishes, his face became even more ugly, and the

combined price of these dishes had exceeded fifty thousand spirit stones.

The menu arrived in Cui Yuan’s hands, Cui Shu looked at Lu Shaoqing with a smile, and finally returned the menu to Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, you can order it.”

“Lest you wait and say we’re bullying you.”

Lu Shaoqing was also not polite and ordered a few more dishes.

The price added up to nearly 100,000 spirit stones, filling a large table.

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“Eat, eat, you’re welcome, it’s not enough to order more.”

The first to start was the little ape, which squatted on the table and wanted to stretch out his hand, but was knocked by Lu Shaoqing with chopsticks, “Don’t eat if you don’t use chopsticks.” ”

Didn’t you see guests here?” Less embarrassment to me here. The

little ape had a bitter face, while grabbing a chopstick, struggling to pick vegetables.

Lu Shaoqing is also not polite, the skills of the chefs here are much better than those of the chefs in Sanwu City.

It tastes good and fits his taste.

Talking about Ling is not in the mood to eat.

Watching Lu Shaoqing gulp down, she was a little distressed.

This table can’t walk without 100,000 spirit stones.

If Lu Shaoqing invited her to eat food worth 100,000 spirit stones, she would be very happy and would say that Lu Shaoqing was generous.

But now with Cui Shu and Jian Lan, she couldn’t be happy.

She felt sorry for the 100,000 spirit stones, and she was wronged, and when the time came, she would be laughed at by Cui Shu and Jian Lan.

Even, when the time comes, other peers will laugh at her.

I already knew, but I won’t come out today.

Alas, I really have to see the days when I go out in the future.

Cui Shu and Jian Lan are as unpolite, the two are women, but they are also very heroic when they eat, no worse than men.

The two of them are holding the intention of making Lu Shaoqing the big boss, and they can eat as much as they can.

The two had smiles on their faces, it was worth it to come here today to be able to eat these delicacies.

Half an hour passed, and the table of food was eaten, Lu Shaoqing stopped, picked his teeth, and then said to Cui Shu and Jian Lan, “Two, since everyone can have a meal here, it can be regarded as a fate.”

“What contradictions did everyone have before, let’s just forget it, okay?” Just give me face. Jian

Lan was unceremonious, her tone was arrogant, and she squinted at Lu Shaoqing, “What are you?” What face do you have? ”

It is the so-called cannibalistic mouth that is soft and short-handed, but Jianglan does not have this consciousness at all.

She is the kind of person who can scold her mother when she puts down her chopsticks.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but glance up at her and smelled a bit of the same kind of breath.

However, it still stinks.

Lu Shaoqing still smiled and said, “Everyone is a disciple of the Holy Land, and they should be united, and fighting in the nest will only make others laugh.”

“What was the contradiction before, everyone should be a fart, how?”

Tan Ling couldn’t help but shout, “How old are you, still so naïve?”

Lu Shaoqing turned his head to look at her, his expression displeased, “How can you do this?” Your attitude is not right.

“I think that there is a conflict between you because of your bad attitude and makes everyone hate you.”

Is there infighting?

Jian Lan said happily, “That’s right, it’s just that her attitude is too arrogant to make people annoying.”

“Actually, it’s not impossible to resolve the conflict,” Cui Shu said to Lu Shaoqing, “If you ask her to toast us, we won’t be embarrassed with her.”

“You dream!”

Tan Ling stood up and glared angrily at Cui Yuan.

Toast these two guys to make amends, she doesn’t have to mess around here in the Holy Land.

What is the difference between this and simply throwing in the towel?

At that time, even the master will be laughed at.

Lu Shaoqing said, “Hey, you don’t have the attitude to solve things like this, how about toasting a glass of wine?” Toast a glass of wine, everyone laughs and hatred, and they will be friends in the future.

“You, bastard!”

Tan Ling was so angry that he threw the table away…

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