The steward was even more aggrieved, and he said, “I, I thought you were friends, and he also said that it was the two young ladies who invited guests.” ”

I invite you to be a big-headed ghost.

Cui Xuan’s chest continued to rise and fall in anger, and he gritted his teeth and said to the steward, “You wait for the punishment of the family.” ”

Such a waste steward is not worthy of working here.”

The steward was terrified, but he still had to do his part well.

He continued to ask, “Two young ladies, this account, who, who gives?” Jian

Lan closed his mouth tightly, and even quietly took a step back.

More than 160,000 spirit stones, even if it was her, taking it out would make her feel distressed.

What’s more, this time he was pitted by Lu Shaoqing.

Given, the tone in my heart will be more smooth.

The steward noticed Jian Lan’s small movements, and his gaze fell on Cui Xuan.

“Miss, do you want to keep accounts?”

Cui Wei roared angrily, “Remember a fart, can’t I afford it?” ”

One hundred and sixty thousand spirit stones, for the descendants of a large family like them, it is still a small meaning.

I was angry that I was pitted like this.

I thought of pit Lu Shaoqing, but I didn’t expect to be turned back by Lu Shaoqing.

Cui Xuan looked at Jian Lan, and the meaning was obvious.

You have to give half of this money.

Jian Lan shrunk her neck, a little reluctantly, “I, I didn’t eat much.”

Cui Wei also gritted his teeth and said, “I haven’t eaten much.” In

fact, Lu Shaoqing ate the most, which was one of the reasons why the two of them felt aggrieved.

“One and a half.” Cui Shu decided that Jian Lan was reluctant, but also had to give the spirit stone.

Finally, Cui Shu waved his big hand and gave the spirit stone to the steward.

After the steward counted, he looked up at Cui Shu again, and stopped talking.

Cui Xuan was even more angry, “Look at what? Do you still want to ask me for a fraction? ”

The steward secretly complained in his heart, you erased more than three thousand at once.

But the steward no longer dared to say anything, and could only obediently retreat.

“me off.” Cui Xuan slapped the table, and the table made of Erpin Lingmu instantly fell apart, and the plates and plates fell and shattered to the ground.

Jian Lan was also extremely distressed, “All this is a trick to talk about it, deliberately sying us.”

“Damn, I will never let them go.” Cui Yuan’s body was still trembling slightly: “Go, find the two of them to settle the account, we must take this account back…”

Tanling huffed back, constantly cursing Lu Shaoqing along the way.

“Bastard, damn bastard!”

“Shame on the Holy Family!”

“I really made a crime, met you bastard, pissed me off, damn it…” Tanling

regretted, extremely regretful, staying with someone like Lu Shaoqing was simply a great shame.

This time, Cui Shu and Jian Lan will definitely publicize this matter, and her face is lost.

She could foresee that the whole Holy Land would be laughing at her at that time.

Faceless to go out.

No, you have to get this bastard out of me.

After Tan Ling returned home, he thought about it a little and felt that he could not let this kind of bastard live here anymore.

It is necessary to drive away and draw a clear line.

So, Tan Ling took advantage of Lu Shaoqing’s not yet returned and came directly to find Ji Yan.

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She felt that she couldn’t make sense with people like Lu Shaoqing, and only Ji Yan could do it.

“Something?” Ji Yan looked at Tan Ling calmly and asked lightly.

The indifferent and calm Ji Yan exudes an indescribable temperament, which is very attractive.

It was difficult for Tan Ling to look away, her face was slightly red, and her heart beat faster.

She didn’t understand why Ji Yan had a junior disciple like Lu Shaoqing.

She even had the urge to ask Ji Yan, why didn’t she hack Lu Shaoqing to death, and keep a guy like Lu Shaoqing, except for adding blockages, it should be useless, right?

Tan Ling took a deep breath and suppressed the strange look in her heart, she said to Ji Yan, “Lord Ji, when do you plan to leave?” ”

What’s the problem?” Ji Yan did not understand the meaning of Tanling’s words.

It’s good to live here, why ask this, “We live here, bothering you?”

In the face of Ji Yan, Tan Ling did not hide it, she said what happened just now, and said, “I let you live here, not to let you break my face.”

“My master is the second elder of the Holy Land, and I was humiliated and humiliated by them, that is, I lost my master’s face.”

“I can’t tolerate this happening.”

“Lord Ji, you can stay, but, he, you must go.”

Talking’s tone was decisive and unquestionable.

Ji Yan smiled slightly, and said to the conversation, “You have a misunderstanding of him, he must have his reasons for doing this, and it will not cause you trouble.” ”

Is that still going to trouble me?

I almost threw my face on the ground and stepped on it.

Tan Ling suddenly felt that he knew why Ji Yan didn’t hack Lu Shaoqing to death.

Pampering, spoiling, pampering, cover-up…

Those derogatory words flashed in Tanling’s mind for a moment.

“No matter what, Master Ji, I still want you to move out of here…” As

soon as the words fell, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, “How?” Chick, are you going to drive someone away?

“Say yes to take me in for the rest of my life?”

Lu Shaoqing clenched his teeth and flew slowly from a distance with the little ape.

The little ape carries two large lunch boxes in each hand, which is larger than the body of the little ape.

When Tan Ling saw Lu Shaoqing’s rogue appearance, his anger became even stronger, and he rubbed his breath.

She shouted angrily at Lu Shaoqing, “Bastard, you still dare to come back?

Lu Shaoqing was curious, “Why don’t you dare?” I didn’t do anything to be sorry for you. Tanling

burst out, and angrily sprayed at Lu Shaoqing, “You still dare to say that you didn’t do anything to be sorry for me?

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, took three steps back, and crossed his hands in front of him, “Don’t talk nonsense, I’m clean, I haven’t touched you, don’t think that you want me to be an honest person when you see me as a bully.”

“I’m not going to be a taker.”

Tanling stomped her foot in anger, and in anger, she stepped on the ground and shook repeatedly, and the flat ground had been taken out of a pit.

“Don’t tell me here, if you don’t give me an explanation for today’s affairs, I’m not done with you.”

“I’ll ask my master to come to you to settle the score.”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but groan, “Sister, you don’t have to, it’s a shame to find parents to come forward.” Tan

Ling clasped his hands tightly, trying to control the urge to hit people.

Ji Yan is here, and Tan Ling does not want to show Ji Yan his gaffe.

“Shame? My face today was lost by you.

Lu Shaoqing was strange, “Who said that?” It’s the two of them who lose face today, okay? Tanling

was stunned, and then became even more angry, and did not dare to admit what he did? And the face is turned black and white upside down here?

When I am the party dead?

When Tan Ling was about to brew a wave, and when he was ready to spray Lu Shaoqing in front of him, suddenly Cui Yuan’s angry voice came from outside, “Tan Ling, get out of here for me….”

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