“Are you still pretending to be confused?” Cui Shu was so angry that he wanted to kill, and pointed at Tan Ling, “Give me back the spirit stone, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind.” Tanling

spread his hands, “It has nothing to do with me.” From

Cui Shu and Jian Lan’s words, she probably guessed the reason.

It must have been Lu Shaoqing who took the opportunity to run away, so that Cui Yuan and Jian Lan had to settle the bill.

However, she was still a little puzzled, that table was only 100,000 spirit stones at most, how could there be 60,000 more?

Looking at Cui Shu and Jian Lan, Tan Ling suddenly felt that he seemed to blame Lu Shaoqing wrong.

Pit Cui Xu and Jian Lan, this is not to break her face, but to make Cui Wei and Jian Lan lose face.

She suddenly felt the urge to go back and ask for clarification.

She is not angry now, but faintly happy.

Jian Lan shouted, “What about people? Let him come out and return the spirit stone. ”

Tens of thousands of spirit stones are not much for them, but they can’t swallow this breath.

Tan Linghui already had a smile on her face, pushing the boat along the water, she also wanted to know the details, “Then you guys wait, I’ll go and call him.” Cui

Shu and Jian Lan watched Tan Ling leave, and their bodies were still trembling slightly.

It’s so infuriating.

Tan Ling quickly turned around and came back when he found Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing was already lying in a hammock.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing like this, Tanling was unable to complain.

Can this bastard die without lying down?

Everyone else was hard at work, but Lu Shaoqing was not.

Since she met Lu Shaoqing, she had not seen Lu Shaoqing cultivate for a minute.


Tanling came here, a little embarrassed, and coughed dryly.

After all, Tan Ling knew that he seemed to be wrong about Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing pretended to be dead, closed his eyes, and didn’t know that Tan Ling was coming.

Tan Ling’s face was slightly red, and he couldn’t help but grit his teeth, what a nasty guy.

“They’re coming for you.” Tan Ling snorted, and wanted to smash Lu Shaoqing’s hammock again.

Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes and pouted, “Obviously I asked you to go out, I’m tired and don’t want to go out.”

“Didn’t you say that? I will shame you, I will not go out and shame you. Tan

Ling couldn’t help Lu Shaoqing’s face, and slapped it over, interrupting the tree trunk hanging from the hammock.

Lu Shaoqing jumped up, “What for?” Do you know that your behavior is excessive? ”

Served, this chick should not be Master’s illegitimate daughter outside, right?

Like Master, he loves to ruin my hammock.

“You tell me clearly, what the hell is going on?”

I thought that I would be disgraced by Lu Shaoqing, but now it seems that it should be Cui Xu and Jian Lan who lose face.

“If you don’t make it clear to me, I’ll drive you out.”

What’s more, she also took out her six-rank weapon and threatened,” she said.

“You think I’m afraid of you?” Lu Shaoqing gave Tan Ling a roll of his eyes, if it weren’t for the fear of the master behind you, I would have snatched your piano.

“It’s boring, I can’t talk well,” Lu Shaoqing sighed and said slowly, “It’s very simple, you left angry, I chased you away, let them stay, and in the end it wasn’t them who settled the bill, who settled the bill?” ”

It’s a short answer, but it’s not that easy to achieve.

Tan Ling reacted, “So you deliberately me off?”

“You’re not stupid, but now you’re reacting?” Lu Shaoqing despised, “I said I would help you get it, but if you don’t believe it, you have to question my major, which makes me very sad.” ”

Give me a million spirit stones to compensate.”

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The latter sentence was automatically ignored, and all the spirit stones on her body now did not add up to more than a thousand.

“What if I bow my head and admit my mistake as you mean it?” Tan Ling asked unconvinced.

“If you want to commit a slut, I can’t stop it.”

Talking Ling secretly gritted his teeth, will he speak? Who is going to be cheap?

She snorted, “I’m leaving, and you go with me, what if they notice?”

Lu Shaoqing said indifferently, “If you notice, then you can only pay for it.” ”

Me?” Tan Ling’s eyes widened and he scolded angrily, “What does it matter to me?”

“Isn’t it you treating?” Did you tell me to go out and think I’d help you check out? ”

If so, the face says invite me to dinner?”

“Yes,” Lu Shaoqing straightened, “I will treat you, you pay, there is no conflict at all.” Tan

Ling wanted to take out his long piano and give it to Lu Shaoqing.

It turned out that the idea of making her pay was at the beginning.

A thousand words, finally converged into one sentence, “Bastard!” ”

I’ve never seen such a hateful bastard.

In this way, Cui Xu and Jian Lan helped her instead.

“Why are you cursing again?” Lu Shaoqing was not happy, “I helped you.”

“One meal made the two of them pay more than 100,000 spirit stones, you say, are you happy in your heart?”

Although he didn’t want to admit it, Tan Ling nodded anyway.

It’s really cool, it turns out that pit people are so enjoyable.

When this matter spreads, people will only laugh at the stupidity of Cui Yuan and Jian Lan, so they will be pitted.

It will become a joke among the younger generation of the Holy Land.

Lu Shaoqing took the opportunity to say, “So, don’t say that someone wants to challenge you, you are stupid to fight.”

“Cleaning up people and losing face, you don’t have to fight and win.”

Tanling was silent, and she couldn’t refute this.

However, she also has a question, “Didn’t you eat more than 100,000?” How is it 160,000 spirit stones?

Lu Shaoqing pointed to the little ape that was still eating on the tree where he was hiding, “I packed it.”

“Anyway, if someone treats you, you don’t eat for nothing.”

“It’s good to feed the dogs.”

The little ape took time to protest, I’m not a dog.

Tanling was silent again, this bastard, really….

Tan Ling didn’t know how to evaluate Lu Shaoqing for a while.

Although what he did before looked stubborn, the result was to slap the other party’s face fiercely.

This is more powerful than directly defeating the other side.

She suddenly became more interested, and she wanted to see what Lu Shaoqing would do next.

So, she said to Lu Shaoqing, “You go out now to help me send two people outside.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Don’t go, I’m full and don’t want to move.”

“Are you going or not?” Tan Ling has also learned to be cunning now, “If you don’t go, when the news of them blocking the door spreads, my master asks, what do you think I will say?” Lu

Shaoqing looked at Tanling helplessly, and he used Master to scare people at every turn, okay?

Tanling had a sly smile.

“Hurry up, don’t send those two people away, don’t think I’ll take you up the holy mountain to see.”

Lu Shaoqing was helpless and sighed, “Alas, well, who makes me a good person.”

Then he took out a plate of spirit beans and looked at Tanling, “Help me peel some spirit beans?” Pass the time and ask them to wait a little longer…”

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