The young man in white also walked in the direction of the central position, his face was grim, with a bit of haze, and his eyes had a frightening cold gaze.

The aura on his body was unscrupulous, and even through the picture, everyone present seemed to be able to feel its powerful coercion.

He is the strongest existence of the younger generation of the sword family, less than fifty years old, already in the seven-layer realm of the Yuan baby, in

the Holy Land, no one knows the name of Jian Yi, no one knows it.

After seeing Kenichi, his body sat up straight casually, his expression solemn.

He cared a lot about Kenichi.

This time, I deliberately came down the mountain to come here, mainly to see Kenichi’s recent state.

He and Jian Yi competed for the third holy son, and he narrowly defeated Jian Yi one move.

Although he followed the Saint Lord to cultivate, his strength increased by leaps and bounds, but Jian Yi had the support of the sword family, and his strength had never lagged behind him.

Jian Yi’s presence gave him great pressure.

The Holy Family is very realistic, who does it is on it.

If Kenichi’s strength surpasses him, his status will be lost.

As soon as the sword appeared in the picture, there was an even louder cheer outside.

Although the status of the three holy sons is respected, they stay on the sacred mountain all year round to cultivate.

In the eyes of the people of the Holy Family, it is far inferior to the cultivation here in the Holy Land, and Jian Yi who can also run into it from time to time.

Coupled with the swordsman’s publicity of Kenichi, Kenichi quickly became a super idol in the Holy Land.

Handsome and powerful, strong and strong, such a master, who is not rare?

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Trouble.” ”

Sure enough, the sword cultivators in white clothes are all sautense, and they should be beaten.

However, Lu Shaoqing also had to admit that Jian Yi did look very mastery.

However, in his mind, the strongest is his senior brother.

Therefore, for Jian Yi, Lu Shaoqing was not worried at all.

Among his peers, even if the opponent is the late Yuan Infant stage, he believes that his senior brother can win.

Lu Shaoqing stretched and moved his body to make sitting more comfortable.

There are so many people here, otherwise I would have to lie down.

Sure enough, I was still thin-skinned.

When Tan Ling saw Lu Shaoqing like this, his heart became angry.

The whole person is almost trapped in the animal skin sofa, crooked, not lying down, but it is no different from lying down.

No manners at all.

Tan Ling was indignant in his heart, and he didn’t know if your master would whip you with a belt when he saw you like this.

When Jian Lan saw her younger brother, she became excited, and pointed at her younger brother, “Jian Yi will definitely win the first place this time.”

“Jianyi, he has to do his best in everything he does.”

The tone was proud and proud, and the eyes of everyone were also full of pride.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s appearance, Jian Lan’s eyes were even more disdainful.

Such a guy, it seems that his senior brother is not so great.

The two brothers are probably the same guys.

After a little strength, I don’t know how high the sky is and the ground is thick.

She taunted loudly, “Your senior brother is dead, trying to challenge my brother, he will not keep his hand.”

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Lu Shaoqing buttoned his ears, “Let’s see, your brother is such a mess, be careful to be beaten to death halfway.”

“I have to say it in advance, your brother was killed and eliminated, and I won.”

As if hearing the funniest joke, gladioli laughed, and a rouge powder fell on her twitching face.

“Are you talking about dreams? Who is Kenichi’s opponent?

Cui Xingyue and Luan Xingyue also shook their heads and sneered.

If Jian Yi was defeated so easily, he would not deserve such a high reputation.

“A guy who has never seen the world…..,” Jian Lan sneered, and just when he was about to continue to despise it, Shi Liao shouted again.

“Someone has found a sword man.”

When Jian Lan heard this, she immediately disdained, “There are still people who are not afraid of death?”

However, when her gaze fell on the picture, she froze and subconsciously cried out, “Mu, Muyong? The

faces of the others also changed slightly, and they showed jealous eyes.

Even Hyun is the same.

Lu Shaoqing sensed that the atmosphere was wrong, and he looked at the young man in the picture, dressed in blue clothes, coming from the wind, flowing and domineering, like an eagle soaring in the air and choosing the opportunity to eat.

Young people have an ordinary appearance, and they are the type that will be ignored in the crowd at once.

This young man appeared, and the sword that had just recklessly exuded an aura and hurried to the road stopped, and he was strictly waiting for the battle.

Lu Shaoqing was curious, and seemed to have a bit of a clue, he asked Shi Liao, “Who is he?”

Shi Liao looked at Mu Yong in the picture and slowly introduced Mu Yong in a low voice.

Mu Yong, a lone saint, no one knows where he came from, no one knows his details.

He will appear in the competitions for the qualification to climb the sacred mountain.

And he was able to get a place every time, but he never went to the Holy Mountain.

It’s as if participating in the contest is just fun.

His strength is unfathomable, and no one has been able to really force his strength yet.

The Holy Land threw an olive branch at him, and even promised the position of the elder of the outer gate, could not impress him.

After each competition, he disappears.

The Holy Land also sent people to look for him, but could not find any trace of him.

After Lu Shaoqing listened, he was also curious about this person named Mu Yong, “Mo Fei, what is he doing here?”

Shi Liao shook his head, “Some people speculate that he should be from some hidden family, and he came out to find someone to discuss.” ”

It also makes sense why you don’t go up to the Holy Mountain.”

The hidden family holds a complete inheritance, and there is no need to envy the inheritance of the Holy Land.

“Can he beat Kenichi?” Lu Shaoqing was a little interested, sat up slightly straight, and looked at the picture.

If he defeated Kenichi, even if he didn’t kill him and make him lose his combat effectiveness, this bet would be considered as his win.

You can leave a lot of work for your senior brother.

Although Jian Lan was surprised by Mu Yong’s appearance, she still had full confidence in her brother.

“It’s not that he hasn’t fought, how is he Kenichi’s opponent?”

As everyone discussed, Mu Yong came to Jian Yi and greeted him like an old friend who had not seen him for many years, “Jian Yi, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Jian Yi looked at Mu Yong coldly, “You still dare to appear in front of me?”

Mu Yong flipped his wrist, and a cold and faint long sword appeared in his hand, “What don’t you dare?” You haven’t won me again, come on, let me see how much you improve. After

speaking, take the lead in attacking.

The long sword waved, and the sky instantly darkened…

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