Ji Yan and Mu Yong are about to meet.

Jian Lan’s spirit was shocked, and she was not angry, but gloated.

“Hehe, that’s great,” Jian Lan said proudly to Lu Shaoqing, “Your senior brother was targeted by Mu Yong and died. ”

Muyong’s true strength no one knows.

But those who can make a move with the sword and easily retreat, the strength can be imagined.

Kenichi is the big hit this time, and so is Mu Yong.

Now Mu Yong has met Ji Yan, according to Mu Yong’s habit, he must have a fight.

Being targeted by Mu Yong, whose strength is insufficient, was killed on the spot is not without trying.

Cui Shu and Luan Xingyue looked at Lu Shaoqing with teasing, eager to see Lu Shaoqing’s panicked expression.

Unfortunately, they didn’t see the expression they wanted from Lu Shaoqing’s face.

Lu Shaoqing was still half-lying with a comfortable face, as if he saw what was about to happen in the picture.

Tan Ling couldn’t help but worry, Mu Yong, this is a very special existence.

Tan Ling also encountered it, and she couldn’t beat Mu Yong with all her strength.

She looked at Lu Shaoqing and couldn’t help but whisper a reminder, “Be careful, Mu Yong is very strong, and I am not an opponent.”

After speaking, she found Lu Shaoqing turn his head and look at her in surprise.

After looking her up and down, Lu Shaoqing said, “I’m thinking, it’s not difficult to defeat you, right?”

“Defeating you is a master?”

“Also, it’s useless for you to remind me, and it’s not me playing.”

Talk about it to death, this guy’s mouth is really nasty, I really want to tear it.

Bastard, talking secretly grinding his teeth.

Then he kept telling himself in his heart to be calm and calm.

She had to restrain herself so as not to embarrass herself.

“Calm down, how big is it?” After Lu Shaoqing despised her, he went to point Shi Liao in an old-fashioned manner, “Boy, remember, don’t panic when you encounter things.”

“Don’t be scared half to death at the slightest thing.”

He had been paying attention to Lu Shaoqing and found that Lu Shaoqing’s expression had hardly changed since he came in.

The whole person also looked lazy, and seemed to be uninterested in anything.

Now that Mu Yong, a recognized master, was about to find Ji Yan, Lu Shaoqing didn’t even mention it, and he didn’t have the slightest worry.

Is it to have absolute confidence in the senior brother, or is the reflex arc long, not knowing Mu Yong’s power, and not worrying?

He smiled slightly and asked Lu Shaoqing, “You’re not worried about your senior brother at all?”

Lu Shaoqing pretended to be proud and said arrogantly, “My senior brother is invincible in his generation, Mu Yong, what is it?” ”

Blow ratio.

Cui Wei and the others looked at it coldly and despised.

What peers are invincible, do you think your senior brother is a holy son?

Jian Lan even shouted, “Less bragging here, the real invincibility of the same generation is the three holy sons.”

Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “What about your brother?”

Jian Lan spoke, and finally curled his neck and hummed, “My brother is naturally too, and your senior brother is definitely not my brother’s opponent.”

Cui Shu saw that Mu Yong had already found Ji Yan, and pointed to the picture, “Whether he can touch the sword is a problem.”

“Maybe he will be killed by Mu Yong in the next moment.”

The strength is not enough, can not withstand Mu Yong’s attack, the end is self-evident.

Jian Lan looked at the picture and grinned, too happy, “It’s a pity, I met Mu Yong, and I will die.” On

Lu Shaoqing’s side, Tan Ling and Shi Liao also became nervous.

Mu Yong is powerful, can Ji Yan deal with it?

On the screen, Mu Yong came to Ji Yan, Mu Yong’s head was slightly tilted, with a faint smile on his face, quietly looking at Ji Yan.

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Ji Yan slowly stood up, standing opposite Mu Yong, looking at each other from a distance.

Mu Yong took out his long sword and asked with a smile, “You are Ji Yan?”

“Jiu Yang!”

Ji Yan sensed Mu Yong’s strength, and the Wuqiu sword flew out from the scabbard behind his back and fell into his hand.

Mu Yong’s gaze immediately fell on the Wuqiu sword, staring at the Wuqiu sword for a long time, admiring, “This sword is good!”

“Who are you?” Kenichi?

Mu Yong’s eyes flashed with a strange gaze, and he shook his head and smiled, “My name is Mu Yong, an ordinary Saint Clan.

“You’d better show all your strength, otherwise, you’ll die.”

The tone is soft, but the words spoken are chilling.

Ji Yan frowned, he didn’t talk nonsense, and shot directly.

No matter who it is, as long as it is a master.

Wuqiu’s sword swung out, and a white sword light roared like a full moon.

The surrounding wind howled, forming a powerful coercion.

Mu Yong’s eyes brightened, and he shouted, “Good!

He also struck a backhand, and the same sword light lit up.

The two sword rays collided fiercely like two charging warriors.

The sword intent contained in the sword light instantly exploded, and in an instant, Ji Yan and Mu Yong’s side was filled with endless sword intent.

Countless sword intent raged on, as if a world of sword intent had formed around the two.

In this world, only sword intent exists, and everything else is destroyed.

After a loud bang, heaven and earth returned to clarity, and Ji Yan and Mu Yong hung in the sky, and the two were unscathed.

Ji Yan’s expression remained unchanged, still indifferent.

Compared to Ji Yan, the smile on Mu Yong’s face disappeared, and his expression became a little more solemn.

“You’re strong!”

After Mu Yong said a word, a smile appeared on his face again.

“Exactly, bring out all your strength.”

After speaking, redraw the sword.

A majestic sword intent erupted from him, and the sky darkened again.

Sword intent takes shape!

The whale reappears.

This time, the giant whale was even more terrifying than when he encountered Jian Yi just now.

The huge coercion caused the mountains below to collapse, and countless trees and boulders burst into slag under the stranglehold of the sword intent.

The mountains below collapsed, and smoke billowed and vanished.

Such a terrifying scene stunned the population watching the battle.

This is more powerful than just now, is this Mu Yong’s real strength?

But why didn’t you use all your strength to deal with Kenichi just now?

Some people speculated, “Mu Yong has fought fiercely with Jian Yi before, and knows Ken Yi’s strength.

“When he appeared to meet Jian Yi this time, he should be just as he said, to see if Jian Yi has improved.”

“That’s why it’s a point-to-point, a blow and a retreat.”

“And now this person called Ji Yan is the first time Mu Yong has met, so he has to exert all his strength to test how strong Ji Yan really is.”

“It’s too strong, such a terrifying sword intent incarnation, Ji Yan is dead, right?”

“Dead!” Jian Lan’s tone was determined, “On the cold star, the sword cultivation is the strongest.

“Mu Yong’s kendo cultivation, even my sword family ancestor praised, how can a dirt bag that appeared out of nowhere, how can he resist Mu Yong?”

“So, you are a senior brother who is dead…” Jian Lan said proudly to Lu Shaoqing.

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