
With a loud bang, the monstrous sword intent erupted.

The powerful sword intent collided, black cracks appeared in the air, and lightning lingered.

The collision of two sword intents and the colliding of the strength of the two knocked out a crack in the space.

The spatial crack exuded a terrifying aura, and finally slowly disappeared and returned to its original state.

Everyone suddenly exclaimed, “This, impossible.

“This, how is that possible?”

Many people looked at the picture in disbelief, their faces were full of shock, and they couldn’t believe what their eyes saw.

And Jian Yi’s sister, Jian Lan jumped even higher, and cried out in a lost voice, “Impossible!”

In the picture, the sword turned pale, and the fire dragon transformed by the sword intent collapsed in half, as if it had been bitten off most of its body by something.

But Ji Yan’s divine dragon was intact.

Although Jian Yi’s fire dragon recovered quickly, it was already clear who was strong and who was weak.

High and low judgments.

At the same time, everyone also saw some clues.

The divine dragon transformed by the sword intent of Ji Yan is flexible and vivid, full of spirituality.

It seems to have life, like a real divine dragon hovering above the nine heavens, with hideous horns on its head, and the dragon’s power sweeps thousands of miles.

Although the fire dragon transformed by the sword intent of the sword is huge, it looks dull compared to Ji Yan’s divine dragon, like a puppet.

Some strong people couldn’t help but exclaim, “This, it’s terrible.” Ji Yan’s sword intent is stronger than Jian Yi’sword intent.

“Kendo, the sword is not as good as Ji Yan!”

“It’s really terrible, could it be that Ji Yan is from the Hidden World Clan?”

“Impossible, right? Is there a sword cultivator family that is even more powerful than the sword family?

“Anyway, this time the sword is dangerous.”

The two sides continued to collide, but from the beginning, Jianichi fell behind.

From a distance, the two dragons were fighting fiercely, and every time they collided, endless sword intent would erupt, but the fire dragon was not the opponent of the divine dragon at all, after a few rounds.

The sword spurted a mouthful of blood, and blood suddenly burst out of his body, spraying the sky.

The fire dragon transformed by his sword intent wailed and disappeared into the sky.

The white divine dragon seemed to hover down from above the nine heavens, and the sharp sword intent filled the world, like a powerful dragon power sweeping the heavens and earth, suppressing all things.

The sword couldn’t resist, and once again sprayed blood from his mouth.

He fought hard, but his sword intent could not be compared to Ji Yan.

Finally, it was swallowed by the divine dragon and disappeared without a trace.

This scene left everyone silent and unbelievable.

Kenichi lost like that?

When Jian Lan saw this scene, her body was shaky and she almost passed out.

Luan Xingyue and Cui Yuan turned pale.

Tan Ling and Shi Liao were ecstatic in their hearts, did they win?

Many people are wailing.

“Has the sword been defeated? My spirit stone…”

“I knew it was better not to buy him, the odds are so low, now even the profane pants have lost a fine.”

“Miserable, miserable…” These

are good gamblers.

And Kenichi’s admirers felt the sky fall.

Especially those sword cultivators, they felt that their Dao Heart had collapsed at this moment.

The idols they worshiped were actually destroyed.

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As a genius of the Sword Cultivation Holy Land, he was no match for a nameless person who appeared in the Sword Dao.

Do you still want to call it a sword cultivation holy place?

What will they do with these sword cultivators in the future?

There are also brain-dead fans who wail, and the sword is defeated, making them feel like dead fathers and mothers.

Just when everyone thought that Ji Yan had defeated Jian Yi, Ji Yan suddenly spurted blood, and the divine dragon hovering in the sky also wailed and slowly disappeared.

Jian Yi’s figure reappeared, looking at Ji Yan coldly.

His white clothes were all red, and he looked shocking.

However, Jian Yi’s aura did not weaken in the slightest, but became more and more powerful.

Jian Yi’s gaze was cold, and his voice echoed between heaven and earth, “You are very strong, but if you want to defeat me, you are far from it.”

“Your realm is weaker than mine, what are you going to use to defeat me?”

Once again, everyone was shocked.

But soon, many people cheered, and Jianyi was not defeated.

It was just an illusion.

Jian Lan, who had almost passed out just now, was refreshed at this moment, jumped up again, and laughed.

“Haha, I know, there is no problem with Jianyi.”

“Jian Yi is the seven-layer realm of the Yuan Infant, how can Ji Yan be his opponent?”

Cui Xingyue and Luan Xingyue also turned gloomy and smiled.

Even if the sword intent is not as good as Ji Yan, the realm is enough to crush.

Seven layers against five layers, the difference is two small realms, the flying dragon rides the face, how to lose?

Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s calm face, he still didn’t worry in the slightest.

He smiled and asked, “Zhang Zheng, aren’t you worried?”

“Or do you still have any cards or means for your senior brother?”

Lu Shaoqing shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly, “It’s only the seventh layer of the Yuan Baby, and it’s not that I haven’t fought before.” ”

Ji Yan had already fought with the veteran Yuan Infant Gong Jue in Sanwu City before.

Although he was seriously injured at that time, Gong Jue had already entered the seventh layer of the Yuan Infant for many years.

And Jian Yi has only entered the seventh layer of the Yuan Infant in recent years, and Jian Yi’s strength is not as good as Gong Jue.

Fighting with Gong Jue is enough for Ji Yan to comprehend a lot and improve his strength.

During these times when he came to the Holy Land, Ji Yan did not sleep, but had been working hard to cultivate.

Moreover, the Hillless Sword was further enhanced.

Such a plan could not defeat Jian Yi, and Lu Shaoqing usurped and rebelled when he went back, overthrowing Ji Yan and becoming a master brother.

For Lu Shaoqing’s answer, he was stunned.

Is this arrogance, or self-confidence?

The gap in the realm is not so easy to erase.

When Jian Lan heard this, she smiled even more happily, the white rouge powder had almost fallen, revealing her wheat-colored face, “Laughing dead, the seventh layer of the Yuan baby?”

“It’s a big breath, don’t cry later.”

Lu Shaoqing sincerely suggested, “I think you should sit down and wait for the fainting to fall so as not to fall.” ”

At this time, your mouth is still hard,” Cui Shu said coldly, “You better pray that your senior brother can withstand the attack of the sword master.”

“Then don’t quarrel with me, I’m praying, my senior brother lost, I’ll find you to settle the score.” Lu Shaoqing’s words made Cui Yuan’s face livid.

The three of them combined could not say anything about Lu Shaoqing, which made them grit their teeth with hatred in their hearts.

Luan Xingyue also spoke, “Arrogant…” Before

he finished speaking, he heard Jian Lan next to him exclaim.

Luan Xingyue hurriedly turned his head to look, but found that the sword that had just flown into the sky had repeatedly fallen from the sky.

Luan Xingyue was dumbfounded….

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