Lightning lingered, like a sword of destruction descending from the sky, and the whale swallowed all the spiritual power.

The giant sword pointed directly at Ji Yan with an aura of destruction and fell heavily.

The wind howled, the earth trembled, and the sky shattered.

Black cracks appeared around again, cracking the void.

The giant sword has firmly locked Ji Yan, there is no escape, there is no escape.

Watching the giant sword fall, Ji Yan hunted in white, his body was tall, and his eyes shot brilliant light, like a nine-heavenly sword god.

The wind howled, and the sword intent that fell in the sky, Ji Yan did not even resist, allowing them to bombard him.

Feeling the sword intent fall one after another, he could feel the trajectory of these sword intents and everything contained in the sword intent.

As soon as his mind moved, his own sword intent moved, and the surrounding area turned into an invisible area of sword intent.

In the eyes of everyone, the space around Ji Yan was distorted.

But in their eyes, this is the vision brought about by Kenichi.

Only Lu Shaoqing’s eyes flickered, and he scolded his mother in his heart, should he understand something again?


A sword intent slammed towards Ji Yan, but it dissipated at a distance of one inch from Ji Yan.

Without warning, it dissipated like winter snow meeting the sun.

One after another rained down, but it kept dissipating.

Ji Yan was that cluster of flames, attracting countless flying swords like moths, but they fell and dissipated in front of the flames.

Ji Yan’s eyes revealed excitement, and the battle intent in his body reached its peak at this moment.

Wuqiu Jian felt Ji Yan’s fighting intent, and a buzzing sound sounded.

Wuqiu even jumped out and shouted, “Cut him!” Ji

Yan rushed straight up with the Wuqiu Sword in his hand, taking the initiative to face the falling giant sword.

Ji Yan’s body did not show the slightest aura fluctuation, and his ordinary appearance was like that of a mortal in the world, and he challenged the gods without measuring his strength.

“Gave up?”

Seeing Ji Yan like this, many people couldn’t help but guess in their hearts.

“Could it be that he felt that the attack of the sword master was too strong, and he gave up?”

The sword above the sky looked cold, seeing that Ji Yan actually dared to take the initiative to face his attack, and he did not show his own breath, revealing a cruel smile.

“This is my trick, I have used all my strength, even people in the same realm dare not easily resist.”

“You are only a mid-Yuan baby, and you dare to raise it?”

“This time either you die or I die, let me die!”

Under Jian Yi’s urging, the giant sword fell and hit Ji Yan fiercely.

A huge sound wanted to resound through the heavens and the earth, and then the explosion swept thousands of miles.

The strong light once again made the picture white, and countless people could not see any picture again.

Watching Ji Yan being swallowed by his giant sword, the powerful energy was frantically vented, and the terrifying power generated seemed to tear this space apart.

The smile on Jian Yi’s face was even wider, no one could survive this terrifying force.

Finally solved this nasty guy.

Jian Yi was in a good mood, as if he had been constipated for many years, and suddenly he collapsed and solved the trouble that he annoyed.

Even if he is empty in his body now and his combat effectiveness is greatly reduced, he doesn’t care.

As long as you solve the opponent in front of you, everything is worth it.

If he hadn’t been reserved for his identity and maintained his own personality, Jian Yi would definitely have laughed out loud.

“Hmph, I don’t know where the waste comes out of nowhere, dare to challenge me?”

“Seek your own death, I, Jian Yi is the strongest, the position of the Holy Son, I will take it back sooner or later.”

However, at this moment, Jian Yi’s face suddenly changed.

In the explosion below, a white light suddenly lit up, like a ray of light suddenly appearing, piercing through the darkness.

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The sword intent erupted, sharp, and Ji Yan appeared from the explosion.

Ji Yan was surrounded by sword intent, like armor, and the surrounding energy constantly exploded and could not cause Ji Yan the slightest damage.

With a sword, it was killed from the explosion and pointed straight at Jian Yi.

Jian Yi was shocked by this scene, this was his most powerful trick.

The powerful power could not be resisted even by him, but Ji Yan was able to jump out alive.

What kind of joke, is his trick so vulnerable?

Even the Son of Heaven’s proud sword was frightened by the terrifying nature of Ji Yan.

At the same time, I can’t help but doubt myself.

Am I really that bad?

Why am I stronger than him, but not his opponent?

Can’t beat him with all the tricks?

For a moment, the proud sword was confused.

Ji Yan killed in front of Jian Yi, a sword stabbed out, and Jian Yi in confusion reacted and wanted to resist.

But it was already late, and he ate Ji Yan’s sword firmly.


The long sword is sharp, and the sword intent is turbulent.

Kenichi even had the illusion that a villain had kicked his soul fiercely.

His soul was almost torn apart, and the powerful pain made him scream.


The sword sprayed blood wildly and fell from the sky again.

Mu Yong, who was watching the battle from afar, saw the figure of the falling sword and shook his head, “The third realm of sword intent, it is really terrifying.

“If Jian Yi simply used the realm and cultivation to deal with Ji Yan, the winning rate would be greater, but unfortunately, he was clever, and he was reluctant to give up his sword intent.”

“These little guys, it’s still a little bit worse

…” Then, Mu Yong’s gaze fell on Ji Yan, who was standing with his sword and did not continue to pursue, and for a long time, he whispered to himself again, “I don’t know if I can recruit…”

The picture turned white, and there was no portrait in sight.

The people of the Holy Land are greeting the people of the district tribe again.

The people of the district clan were aggrieved and died, and this is not a problem with their formation.

It was clear that the battle between Ji Yan and Jian Yi was too fierce, and the strong light covered it.

Jian Lan shouted at Lu Shaoqing again, “This is Jian Yi’s most powerful killing move, your senior brother is dead.”

Lu Shaoqing covered his eyes and said to Jian Lan, “Can you go and make up some lime?” I think you can still see with lime on your face.

“The way you look now, really hot-eyed.”

Jian Lan gritted her teeth, “You can’t be happy for long. The

light in the picture began to recede, and everyone’s attention returned to the picture.

However, when the light receded, the first picture everyone saw was that it had rushed up into the sky, and a sword was stabbed on Jian Yi’s body.

Watching the sword fall with a scream, everyone was dumbfounded.

Can’t believe this scene is real.

Although Ji Yan is very powerful, Jian Yi is stronger, and the final attack is even more powerful.

Moreover, Ji Yan is still two small realms lower than Jian Yi.

In the eyes of the people of the Holy Land, Ji Yan had to be seriously injured and lose his combat effectiveness if he did not die this time.

The final result was that the sword fell down with a scream?

Did the sword fail?

Lu Shaoqing smiled and asked Jian Lan, “How, who is dead?”

Jian Lan came back to his senses and screamed loudly, “No, it can’t be, fake, definitely fake…”

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