Time passed quickly, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

The time has also come to go up the sacred mountain.

Tan Ling went to find Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan early in the morning.

Although she was so angry that Lu Shaoqing itched her teeth, she still took Lu Shaoqing up the sacred mountain as agreed.

Of course, the biggest reason was that she wanted Master to scare Lu Shaoqing.

Who let Lu Shaoqing make her so angry that she wanted to vomit blood.

However, as soon as she came, before she could get closer, she heard Lu Shaoqing’s voice coming.

“Marde, how many times have you said it, let you keep a low profile, how the are you good, go directly to the middle, look for smoke?”

The voice was full of resentment, and he could feel it from far away, and he also wanted to get Lu Shaoqing’s resentful look in his mind.

Ji Yan said lightly, “This time, there are only two people with good strength.” ”

For Ji Yan, Mu Yong and Jian Yi can be called opponents, and everyone else is vulnerable.

“Stupid to die,” Lu Shaoqing scolded, “What are you fighting with him?” Hurt yourself, and I have to take care of you. ”

I really want to bury you scum.”

After half a month of cultivation, Ji Yan recovered a lot, and most of his strength recovered.

Then you have to rest for a month or two to fully recover.

But for Lu Shaoqing, the current plan is so false, when the time comes, something will happen, and he has to take it.

Such days are not the days he wants.

He wants a day when there is something to say, and there is something good for him to fish.

Lu Shaoqing spoke seriously, chattering and lecturing Ji Yan, “I know that you are brave, I know that you are fierce, I know that you are bullish, but do you also have problems in your brain?”

“Defeated Kenichi, injured, will you die if you run first?” Pretend to be in place, this time count you lucky, not killed by anyone.

“Next time there is such a situation, I will be the first to rush up and kill you.”

Thinking that Ji Yan could still escape under the siege of so many people, he asked curiously, “Have you comprehended something again?” Ji

Yan nodded, “It’s a comprehension of something.”

Lu Shaoqing was speechless, and finally said sincerely, “You pervert.”

Ji Yan shook his head, humble, and seriously refuted, “No, you are the most perverted one.” ”

Ji Yan is telling the truth.

Lu Shaoqing was a perverted junior disciple in his mind.

He is younger than him, and he usually has very little time to cultivate.

But he has been chasing him closely, and the realm of strength has never lagged behind him.

What is this not a pervert?

“Bastard,” Lu Shaoqing glared angrily, “Did you say that about junior brother?”

Ji Yan smiled and asked rhetorically, “Is there a junior brother like you?”

“Is it disobedience?” Do you want to come and do a fight? Lu Shaoqing is now full of confidence, and the newly promoted Yuan Infant Sixth Layer, let him speak loudly, “Annoy me, I’ll beat you up now.” Familiar

with Lu Shaoqing’s plan, he reacted, “You broke through again? When

Tan Ling heard another word, his heart jumped, and this tone seemed to break through in the blink of an eye.

Then, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came, extremely proud, “Haha, little meaning, sleep, accidentally break through.”

With a smug tone, Tan Ling had already made up Lu Shaoqing’s triumphant look in his mind.

She shook her head and threw out the abominable look.

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Bragging guys, really thick-skinned.

Tan Ling didn’t believe it, but Ji Yan believed that no one knew how his junior brother cultivated.

He said, “When I’m healed, I’ll fight you.”

Lu Shaoqing immediately sank his face and said unpleasantly, “Get out.”

“If you want to beat now, do you think I can beat you?”

Now he fights with Lu Shaoqing and is properly abused.

Ji Yan’s expression was as usual, and he naturally changed the topic, “What are you arguing me for?”

Lu Shaoqing squatted on a tree, like an unemployed gangster, “You think I want to come, I have to go to the Holy Mountain today, I’m afraid that you won’t know the time to cultivate here.”

“If there is anything to retreat and comprehend, go to the holy mountain.” Talking about the chick said that the above aura is more abundant, you hurry up and repair it for me. Ji

Yan didn’t speak, he didn’t care about it.

The main purpose of participating in the competition is to improve yourself by playing tricks with masters.

Ji Yan glanced at it, and Tanling’s figure had appeared in the distance, but stopped there and did not come over.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t seem to know that Tan Ling was coming, and he continued, “I don’t know if Tan Xiao Niu will take the opportunity to retaliate, find her master, give us a black hand, and not give us a holy mountain.”

He maliciously guessed at Tanling, “Well, there is a great possibility, wait until I see anyone, I will go to the Three Holy Son to preside over justice for me.” ”

Bastard!” Tan Ling couldn’t bear it and killed it directly.

I wanted to listen to it and see if I could find something about their identities from the conversation between the two people.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing was actually saying bad things about her, especially in front of Ji Yan, she couldn’t bear it.

Tan Ling’s face was murderous and stared at Lu Shaoqing, “Who are you talking about?”

Lu Shaoqing was not afraid at all, his eyes did not flinch, and he looked at each other, “I’m talking about the guy who owes me 200,000 spirit stones. ”

Give me back my spirit stone.”

Ji Yan was surprised, there was anyone who dared to owe his junior brother’s spirit stone?

How bold is this?

Speaking of this, Tanling felt proud.

To be able to make this bastard feel uncomfortable in her heart, she will be comfortable in her heart.

Her head shook slightly, her eyes defiant, “How?” Are you going to grab it?

“Today is the day to go up to the Holy Mountain, do you want to go up?” My master is on it. ”

Threats, naked threats.

Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “Do you want a wife?” This time it’s cheaper for you, I’ll carry her to your bed for free, how?

“Hurry up and give birth to a master and nephew to play with me.”

When Tan Ling heard this, his smug mood was swallowed by anger after less than a few breaths.

“Bastard, I’m going to slaughter you.”

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly ran to Ji Yan’s side and used Ji Yan as a shield, “You can try whether my senior brother is powerful.” ”

Pun intended!

The aura that Tanling burst out seemed to be blocked for a while, and he couldn’t advance or retreat.

She saw with her own eyes that she only had a second-layer realm, and she couldn’t toss a little wave in front of Ji Yan.

“Bastard, bastard!” Tanling gritted his teeth in anger.

Ji Yan looked at Lu Shaoqing expressionlessly, “You wait for me.” This

threat is much greater than the threat of Tanling, Lu Shaoqing immediately snorted, used the ancestral skills of Tianyu Peak, and changed the topic, “Little chick, you came here to take us up the Holy Mountain?”

Tan Ling said indignantly, “Don’t you want to follow me up…”

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