Tan Ling took Lu Shaoqing and began to go up the mountain.

The sacred mountain is very high, more than 10,000 meters high, and the true height may only be known by the Holy Lord.

Countless formations were laid on the sacred mountain, covering it up, which was very mysterious.

Along the way, Lu Shaoqing discovered that there were not only mountains and forests on it.

There are wastelands, deserts, forests, lakes and so on.

Moreover, there are also many wild beasts and ferocious beasts, their figures are scattered all over the sacred mountain, and the air is filled with a dangerous aura.

As Tan Ling walked up, he warned Lu Shaoqing, “The Holy Mountain here is different from other places, and there are many places here that are absolutely not allowed to enter without permission.

“Otherwise, don’t say that you are a person with no identity background, even if it is me, you will not be able to escape punishment, or even lose your life.”

“Moreover, there are formations all over here, and if you are not careful, you will fall into it, so don’t run around.”

“Where do you want to go, you tell me, I’ll take you.”

Lu Shaoqing blinked, “I want to go to the top of the mountain, will you take me?” Tan

Ling was startled, his figure swayed, and he almost fell down.

She turned back in horror and stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly, “What are you going to do?”

“Tell you, if you dare to do something disrespectful to the Holy Land, don’t blame me for killing you.”

Tanling’s eyes sharpened, and his expression was solemn.

Her master and the first elder and the third elder had different opinions, and they each formed a faction, and she did not deal with Jian Lan and Cui Xuan.

However, she did not intend to rebel against the Holy Land.

The interests of the Holy Land cannot be compromised, and she will never allow anyone to mistreat the Holy Land.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t expect Tan Ling’s reaction to be so violent.

With a jump in his heart, he secretly warned himself, yes, the chick in front of him is also a demon clan.

I am not the same person as myself.

Here, apart from their own junior brothers and sisters, there are no other human beings.

I am a foreigner here, so I can’t be careless.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand to pick his nose in front of Tanling, “What are you so excited for?” Don’t give a joke? ”

There’s no humor at all.”

Tan Linghu looked at Lu Shaoqing suspiciously, but the look of picking her nose was too disgusting for her, she turned around and warned again, “You’d better be joking, otherwise I won’t spare you lightly.”

Lu Shaoqing said lazily, “Don’t worry, don’t worry, what kind of person I am, don’t you know yet?”

“I came here just to see the scenery above, but my wish was granted.”

Tan Ling secretly said in his heart, it is precisely because I know who you are, I am afraid.

Talking about it, he would regret bringing Lu Shaoqing up.

In case Lu Shaoqing made some big movement on it, she would not have time to cry.

After thinking about it, in order to further deter Lu Shaoqing, Tan Ling said, “All the Cold Star Transformation Gods are concentrated in the Holy Land, and most of them are cultivating on the Holy Mountain…”

The next words did not continue, but the warning threat was very obvious.

Even if the strength is strong, you have to be a good child here in the Holy Mountain.

Lu Shaoqing nodded his head repeatedly, once again saying that he had come to the sacred mountain with Tanling, and he definitely didn’t think about what to do.

Soon, he came to the top of the sacred mountain, which was almost tens of thousands of meters above the ground, and it was already the highest place allowed to come.

Further up, even an identity like Tanling cannot easily go up.

Lu Shaoqing looked up, it was like a sky covered with thick clouds, and there was no scene in sight, and it was gray, giving people a depressed and heavy feeling.

And the place where they were going to cultivate was also above the clouds.

His destination, the Absolute Abyss, is also above.

It seems that you still have to go up. Lu Shaoqing looked at it and read silently in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing did not dare to scan his senses, this place could be regarded as the core of the Holy Land.

The devil knows how many secrets there are here, and how many masters are hidden in the secret.

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Lu Shaoqing withdrew his gaze, but found that Tan Ling was staring at him with an unkind face, his eyes full of thick doubt.

“What do you want to do?”

Lu Shaoqing called Qu, “The first time I came here, the above is so special, normal people will see it, right?”

“How? You doubt me like that?

Tan Ling was still full of suspicion and vigilance, and Lu Shaoqing’s words could not impress her, “According to my intuition, you must be thinking of bad ideas.”

“Intuition? How many spirit stones are they worth? Can I eat it? Lu Shaoqing despised Tanling fiercely, “My intuition also tells me that you also have bad intentions when you bring me up.”

When Tan Ling heard this, he stopped speaking and turned around, “Let’s go, go and meet my master.”

Lu Shaoqing froze, “You, what are you going to do?” ”

Lu Shaoqing wants to go down the mountain to sleep.

Just kidding, the second elder of the Holy Land, under one person, above ten thousand people, the existence of the late stage of the Avatar God.

Being in a high position, in a high position, this kind of person is not easy to deal with at all.

Fu Yun had made him stunned in his heart before, not to mention the Second Elder of the Holy Land.

Tan Ling turned around, the smile on his face could no longer be hidden, like a brilliant red flower, “Let me tell you first, your intuition is quite accurate.” ”

I’ll give you a hair.

Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry without tears, and understood the meaning of Tanling.

Find her master to bully him.

Lu Shaoqing took two steps back, “You are not kind like this, I didn’t bully you, you came up to bully me, okay?”

Tanling’s mouth was crooked, and he couldn’t laugh.

Didn’t bully me?

Only you, the bastard, can say this.

Are you bullying me less below?

Come to the above this time, let my master show up in front of you, and let you know the consequences of bullying me.

“Didn’t bully me?” Tan Ling snorted, looking at Lu Shaoqing’s appearance, his heart gradually became happy again, “What you did yourself, you know in your heart.”

Lu Shaoqing subconsciously said, “Don’t talk nonsense, I am innocent with you.” ”


Tan Ling wanted to spray this low-mouthed Lu Shaoqing with saliva.

“Let me in.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “No! He

Sabi went to see the famous Second Elder.

He said sincerely, “Second Elder is busy, don’t waste her time. ”

Talk about it,” Master is very busy, but she deliberately took time out to meet you, hurry in, don’t waste Master’s time.”

Lu Shaoqing touched his face, when did he have such a big face?

This kind of big face, I don’t want it at all.

Lu Shaoqing changed to another reason, “Little chick, the matter between our juniors, you asked the adults to come forward, okay?”

“What about the dignity of the disciples of the Holy Land? What about your face?

Tan Ling sneered even harder, “This is what you taught me, sometimes clean up people, you don’t have to do it yourself.”

Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry without tears, and lifted a stone to hit his own feet, “You don’t look like a very smart person, why did you comprehend it so quickly?”

Tan Ling gritted his teeth and shouted, “Go in!” ”

Don’t!” Lu Shaoqing even turned around, “I’m going back to sleep.” ”

Big deal, when the time comes, I will sneak up by myself, isn’t it the formation? It’s broken.

Tan Ling was stunned, but he didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing’s attitude to be so resolute.

Just as she was about to say something, a voice came, “Since you are here, don’t you come in and sit?”

Tan Ling subconsciously shouted, “Master..”

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