Ji Yan stared at Lu Shaoqing expressionlessly.

Wuqiu Jian didn’t know when he flew to Ji Yan’s side and levitated beside Ji Yan.

Wuqiupan sat on the hilt of the flying sword and looked at Lu Shaoqing like a plan.

“It’s boring,” Lu Shaoqing scolded Ji Yan, “You are ready to be an old bachelor for the rest of your life.” Yan

Shuya’s face was flushed, shy, and angry.

Lu Shaoqing looked back at Yan Shuya’s expression and comforted her, “You don’t have to be shy and sad, my senior brother is proud and proud, and it’s normal not to look at you.”

“You are just one of the thousands of girls that my senior brother can’t look at, don’t be sad.”

I want to kill you.

Yan Shuya roared angrily in her heart.

It’s humiliating.

She said coldly, “It’s not shameful to kill, Master Zhang Zheng, don’t you think this is excessive?”

“Is the next sentence to kill or kill as you like?” Lu Shaoqing suddenly narrowed his smile and looked at Yan Shuya coldly.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze made Yan Shuya feel cold in her heart.

The intuition in her heart told her that Lu Shaoqing would really kill her, and she was definitely not joking.

Of course, Yan Shuya didn’t want to die, she felt that her brilliance had just begun, and she died here, and she couldn’t die blindly.

She said to Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, “Two adults, I don’t know anything about today’s events, and I haven’t been here, how?”

“And if someone disappears without knowing anything, do you think the elders won’t care?”

“At that time, we will track down the two adults, even if the two adults are strong, they will not be able to compete with the Holy Land, right?”

Although her head hurts, Yan Shuya still has clear thoughts and quickly says these words.

Lu Shaoqing smiled coldly, “Holy Land? You think there’s no one behind us?

“It really annoys my family, and the holy place can be smoothed out with a change of hands.”

Yan Shuya’s body shook and looked at Lu Shaoqing in shock.

It turns out that there is someone behind it, so there is no fear?

Yan Shuya is very smart, but she meets Lu Shaoqing, who is smarter than her, or Lu Shaoqing, who is more cunning.

A few words made her more and more crooked.

“Besides,” Lu Shaoqing continued to strike at Yan Shuya’s psychological defense, “I can sneak up, naturally I can also sneak down and kill you, who would have thought that I did it?”

Lu Shaoqing’s words were very light, and the pressure on Yan Shuya was great, like a big stone falling on her heart, making her feel terrified, and fine sweat appeared on her forehead.

“I, I’m from the Yan family…” Yan Shuya moved her family out, intending to add a little confidence to herself.

But she overlooked one thing, just now Lu Shaoqing didn’t even pay attention to the holy place, what about the Yan family.

Lu Shaoqing was satisfied in his heart, which meant that Yan Shuya lost her square inch, panicked in her heart, and rushed to the hospital.

Lu Shaoqing deliberately exclaimed, “Wow, Yan, Yan family, I’m so afraid.” Yan

Shuya was silent in her heart, the Yan family took it out at this time, not only did it have no effect, but it would make people laugh.

She was desperate in her heart, was she in trouble this time?

Just when Yan Shuya was desperate in her heart, Lu Shaoqing said, “However, killing you like this is quite troublesome…” Yan Shuya

lit up hope in her heart, stared at Lu Shaoqing tightly, and she said again, “I will definitely not say anything about this time.”

Lu Shaoqing also stared at her and said, “Tell me the location of the Absolute Split Abyss, I can spare your life.” Yan

Shuya suddenly wanted to cry.

She already knew that it was for the location of the Absolute Abyss, and when Ji Yan asked just now, she should have said it, instead of thinking about running.

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And thus I made it like this.

Knowing this, why should

Yan Shuya be sad in her heart, but she also made a decision.

She said, “Sir, I need a guarantee. ”

I’m afraid that I will be killed by you after I say it.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, and swore with a Dao heart, “As long as you say it, I will definitely release you.” Seeing

this, Yan Shuya breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, no longer hesitated, and immediately said the location of the Absolute Crack.

“The Absolute Rift Abyss is a little higher, and the two adults can go up directly, in the northwest direction.”

After Lu Shaoqing listened, he waited for a while, and saw that Yan Shuya no longer spoke, and was surprised, “That’s it?” ”

Yan Shuya is puzzled, otherwise, what else?

“Do you not say whether there is anyone defending the Absolute Rift, how to enter, and whether there will be danger on the road?”

Yan Shuya’s expression became complicated, this guy, thoughtful, not easy to deceive the past.

She gritted her teeth and said again, “Be careful along the way, with the strength of an adult, you won’t encounter danger.” ”

The entrance to the Peerless Abyss is obvious, and there is no one to defend it.”

“There is a formation at the entrance, which is arranged by the Holy Lord himself, and no one can enter unless the Holy Lord is present in person.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he deliberately scolded his mother, “Vozhi! ”

Of course, this is to confuse Yan Shuya.

Later, he asked Yan Shuya, “Are you familiar with the Holy Lord?” How about letting him open the door? Yan

Shuya wanted to scold for a moment, and bothered her pen.

If I am familiar with the Holy Lord, let him blast you to death as soon as possible.

Lu Shaoqing showed distress and did not speak for a long time.

Seeing this, Yan Shuya tentatively asked, “Sir, I’m done, should you fulfill your promise?”

Lu Shaoqing turned around and asked Ji Yan, “Are you going to kill her?”

Yan Shuya was shocked, she reacted to this, she ignored a very serious problem.

Lu Shaoqing swore an oath, but Ji Yan did not swear.

In other words, Ji Yan can kill her without worrying that there will be an oath back.

At this moment, Yan Shuya was really afraid.

However, Ji Yan’s words made Yan Shuya relax her heart, “Let it go, she doesn’t dare to talk nonsense.”

Yan Shuya hurriedly assured, “Today’s matter, I, I will definitely not reveal a word.”

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “It’s not interesting.”

He said to Yan Shuya, “Swear by Dao Heart, otherwise I won’t worry.” ”

Scumbag. Yan Shuya secretly cursed in her heart, but until now, she didn’t have the heart to resist, and she couldn’t resist.

After obediently swearing, Lu Shaoqing lifted her prohibition.

Before Yan Shuya left, Lu Shaoqing continued to threaten, “Little chick, if someone comes to us for trouble, you know the consequences.”

Yan Shuya paused for a moment, and then quickly left here.

Yan Shuya endured the headache and walked in the air, and only after running back to the place where she lived, did Yan Shuya dare to breathe a sigh of relief.

She covered her head, and the murderous aura raged through the room, destroying the inside of the room.

“Damn Zhang Zheng, you wait, I will definitely not spare you.”

Then she sneered again, “Even if you have the formation attainment of the Holy Lord, without the tokens of the three elders, you can’t enter, otherwise, hehe, wait to be discovered…”

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