The sky, which was still filled with countless flames just now, instantly returned to calm, and the vertical and horizontal sword light also disappeared.

The speed with which he disappeared was so fast that Mu Yong almost thought that he was dreaming just now.

It was chased and killed in a dream.

In Mu Yong’s trance, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came over, “Haha, Brother Mu, I haven’t seen you for a long time, the fight just now didn’t hurt you, right?”

Mu Yong was stunned, looking at Lu Shaoqing scratching his head, looking embarrassed.

Mu Yong was powerless to complain.

As long as his strength was weaker just now, he would definitely be hacked to death by Lu Shaoqing with a sword and fall on the spot.

Look at you like this, just talking?

If I didn’t have some scruples, I would have to kill you.”

Really thought I was afraid of you?

Lu Shaoqing showed a cheeky smile and flew over slowly.

The kind smile gives people a feeling of affinity and good feelings.

But Mu Yong could see the hidden vigilance in Lu Shaoqing’s eyes.

The well-informed Mu Yong believed that if he had the opportunity, Lu Shaoqing would definitely attack him again.

This kid is not easy to deal with.

Mu Yong made an evaluation of Lu Shaoqing in his heart.

“Brother Mu, what did you just say?” After Lu Shaoqing came over, he asked with a smile.

That’s what he’s afraid of now.

Discovered by the Holy Lord, he and Ji Yan had to die here.

Even with hole cards in hand, he was not sure that he would be able to escape.

This is also why as soon as Mu Yong appeared, he thought about killing people and killing people.

Mu followed behind silently, scared to death.

Mu Yong’s origin is unknown, very mysterious, and what is more terrifying is that his strength is not weak.

Although Lu Shaoqing had the upper hand just now, he would have no way to take Mu Yong for a while.

Moreover, Mu Yong gave him the feeling that he did not completely exert his full strength.

Such a person made Lu Shaoqing feel uneasy.

You have to solve him here, even if you can’t kill him, you have to shut him up and not reveal his whereabouts.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Mu Yong with a smile, waiting for Mu Yong’s answer.

Mu Yong also put away the thoughts in his heart, and a smile also appeared on his face, “I said, if you fight like this, you will be known by the Holy Lord.” ”

Oh,” Lu Shaoqing was surprised, “Could it be that you are the first or second holy son?”

Lu Shaoqing’s first thought was only the first and second holy sons.

Mu Yong shook his head, “I’m not.

Lu Shaoqing continued to speculate, “No, then what is your relationship with the Holy Lord?” You say he knows he knows?

“You’re not lying to me, are you?” Lu Shaoqing’s face gradually became gloomy, and he began to show a murderous aura.

Mu Yong was not afraid, and said with a smile, “You can try, when the time comes, the place will be destroyed, do you see if the Holy Lord will appear?”

“This is the place where the Holy Lady is selected, and the Holy Lord attaches great importance to it.”

Mu Yong’s words made Lu Shaoqing’s scalp tingle, as if he felt that a pair of eyes were staring at him.

I have to go back to find Senior Brother and get out of here quickly.”

Lu Shaoqing suppressed the killing intent, “What are you doing here?” Track me?

Mu Yong didn’t use the same question to ask Lu Shaoqing, “I’m curious, what are you doing here?”

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Lu Shaoqing smiled, “I said I was lost, do you believe it?”

“I was originally shopping down there and somehow ended up here.”

Mu Yong had the urge to come and go on Lu Shaoqing’s face, get lost?

But I’m following you, and you’re going all the way here, with a clear purpose, how can you look the slightest bit lost?

Lu Shaoqing’s words were nonsense when he heard this, and he laughed straight, “Do you think I look like a fool?”

“Say, satisfy my curiosity.”

“If you don’t say it, I’m afraid I won’t be able to resist telling the Holy Lord at that time.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “The Holy Lord shouldn’t be your father, right?”

He had actually secretly affirmed in his heart, Yu Ling had said before that the Holy Lord had three sons, and the youngest, Luan Huang, died in his hands.

The first and second children, no one knows who.

Maybe Mu Yong in front of him is it.

It seems that he can only find a way to make him swear that he can’t leak things here.

Mu Yong shook his head and denied it again, “You don’t need to guess the relationship between me and the Holy Lord, I am not his son, but I am very familiar with him. ”

No,” Lu Shaoqing was shocked, “Are you the Holy Lord’s guest of honor?”

“I didn’t expect it, you look like a dog, you actually have this mouthful?”

Lu Shaoqing’s face was full of disgust, and he even took a step back, making Mu Yong suddenly feel that it was better to kill this guy in front of him.

He was silent for a while, and said with emotion, “You can live until now, your life is really great.” ”

Your mouth must have offended a lot of people, right?

Why didn’t those people beat you to death?

Lu Shaoqing was not happy, straightened his chest, the wind in the air blew his hair up, like a handsome son, “You understand a fart, I see everyone loves, flowers see flowers, have character, have a responsible model immortal cultivation youth, who wants to kill me?”

“Unlike a guy like you, sneaking up on me, what do you want to do?” Be the old sixth?

“Thanks to the fact that you met me, if you met someone else, I would have killed you a long time ago.”

Mu Yong suddenly felt that it was difficult to communicate with Lu Shaoqing.

What were you doing? If you swing your sword and cut me, it’s not a shot?

Mu Yong was silent for a moment and said, “I said that I also happened to meet you here, do you believe it?” ”

I believe,” Lu Shaoqing nodded seriously, “Since everyone happened to come here, everyone should have never met it, how?” When

Mu Yong heard this, he was sure that this guy was still afraid that he would be discovered.

So, he again put forward conditions, “You tell me the purpose of your coming here, and I will promise you.”

“By what?” Lu Shaoqing’s face was not good.

Mu Yongyou was fearless, looking sure of Lu Shaoqing, and he said, “Just because I have a close relationship with the Holy Lord, I want to know the purpose of your coming here, otherwise I can only let the Holy Lord personally come to ask you.”

“Are you threatening me?”

Mu Yong smiled and said, “No, tell the truth.

Lu Shaoqing thought about it for a while before saying to Mu Yongdao, “It’s okay to tell you.”

“But you have to make sure you don’t tell things about here.”

Mu Yong smiled and agreed, “No problem, I don’t tell others.”

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Mu Yongdao, “You swear first!” Mu

Yong must swear that today’s events cannot be said in order to achieve his goal.

Mu Yong nodded and swore as promised.

Facing Mu Yong, who agreed happily, Lu Shaoqing hesitated, and couldn’t help muttering in his heart, he couldn’t guess what Mu Yong wanted to do.

Suddenly a thought flashed, and Lu Shaoqing’s scalp was numb and looked at Mu Yong, “You won’t be a holy lord, right?” ”

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