The breath of several people erupted, and the powerful aura squeezed together, and the space expanded rapidly and was distorted.

The faces of the few who shot were hideous, and their eyes flashed with cruelty.

Ji Yan is very strong, killing his junior brother can also be regarded as a harsh lesson Ji Yan.

Moreover, the few people who made the move made up their minds in their hearts, and after killing Lu Shaoqing, they quickly fled.

Anyway, the credit for killing a Terran traitor can’t run away.

Someone next to him exclaimed in a low voice, “It’s Lord Jihong!”

“Born in a small clan, but gifted, less than fifty years old has already stepped into the Yuan Infant period, and now it is the Yuan Infant three-layer realm.”

“Countless people died at his hands, including many disciples of the Holy Land.”

“He’s also one of the strongest of us.”

“After all, from a small clan, I can’t bear it so quickly, hehe

…” “You know a fart, Zhang Zheng in front of you is definitely not strong, so strike first, take advantage, people are smart…” The

people around them whispered, watching Ji Hong take a few people to make a move.

The wooden spell controlled by Ji Hong emitted a dark green light, like a pair of giant tentacles coming out of the ground, covered with spikes, and grabbed towards Lu Shaoqing.

Followed by several other demon cultivators, some of them controlled spells, some came out with swords, some bent bows and arrows, and two figures flashed, approaching Lu Shaoqing, like assassins, waiting for the opportunity.

Although several people joined forces for the first time, they had rich combat experience, and as soon as they made a move, they cooperated with each other and completely sealed Lu Shaoqing’s retreat.

Seeing this scene, Ou Hu shook his head and was very sorry, “Alas, it’s a step slower.”

Yan Shuya looked at it coldly, and her figure immediately retreated, and she said to Ou Hu, “You can strike now, but you have to think clearly.”

Ou Hu shook his head, “Forget it, he’s all dead, and I’m embarrassed to grab it.” ”

In fact, I am afraid of offending people, Ji Hong’s strength is not weaker than him, and there are people who are not lower than him.

Seeing Yan Shuya’s performance, the torturer was so timid, no wonder it was the people of the Yan family’s side tribe, who did not get the attention of the main family, he smiled and said, “Lord Yan, why bother…” Before the torturer’s

words were finished, there was a sudden explosion in the air.

A furious sword intent erupted, and the fiery and furious aura made everyone feel like the sun was bursting.

Everyone was shocked, and when they saw it, the Mo Jun sword in Lu Shaoqing’s hand in the field swung out fiercely.

The brilliant sword light, like the sun, unbridled burst out of its power.

Ji Hong’s spell was like green glass in front of this sword light, and it collapsed as soon as it touched, turning into a heavenly aura again.

As for the attacks of the others, in this sword light, they were as ridiculous as ants trying to shake a big tree.

Ji Hong’s face changed drastically, and the powerful force made his chest feel stuffy and stumbling.

The others were much worse than him, blood spurted straight out, and two people screamed and were seriously injured and unconscious.

Ji Hong and the others fought desperately to block this sword.

They showed horror on their faces, turned and fled.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were cold, since he made a move, he would definitely not be able to show mercy to his subordinates and kill chickens and monkeys.

Mo Jun’s sword swung out again.

Air fire!

Black and white flames appeared out of thin air, killing Xiang Jihong and the others with deadly killing intent.

The black and white flames fell on Jihong and several people like fluttering snowflakes.

In an instant, countless sword intents erupted in the flames.

The sword light tore through their bodies, and the sword intent destroyed their souls.

Ji Hong screamed loudly, and he couldn’t solve the sword intent raging in his body with all his strength.

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In the end, his body collapsed, and he left the body for the first time, thinking of escaping from here.

However, Lu Shaoqing was already on guard, his figure flashed, and with a wave of his big hand, he blocked the surrounding space and easily caught Ji Hong’s Yuan Baby in his hand.

The other few people were just in the Jiedan period, their strength was low, and they all screamed bitterly.

The bruised, bloodied corpse fell, smashed heavily on the ground, and smashed heavily on the hearts of others.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Ji Hong, who was on the third layer of the Yuan baby, was killed so that the Yuan baby escaped from the body, and he couldn’t escape.

Ji Hong’s Yuan Baby was in Lu Shaoqing’s hands, like a little human doll, his face was full of horror, and he struggled desperately.

Lu Shaoqing stood with his sword in his hand, glancing at everyone coldly, and his icy gaze made many people feel hairy in their hearts.

Lu Shaoqing did not speak, and slowly raised Ji Hong’s Yuan baby, Ji Hong seemed to know that a catastrophe was coming, and hurriedly begged for mercy, terrified.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze became even colder, and his divine consciousness gushed out, easily erasing Ji Hong’s consciousness.

Yan Shuya felt that divine consciousness and almost cried out in shock.

She was so impressed that she suddenly felt that her head was hurting again.

Lu Shaoqing absorbed Ji Hong’s Yuan Baby in front of everyone, and there was nothing left.

Everyone’s faces turned pale, and their hearts were cold.

It’s so ferocious.

Is he really a Terran?

None of our holy families can be so ferocious.

Killing people aside, even the Yuan baby is not spared, so that Jihong can only be reincarnated.

However, the next scene made everyone even more frightened.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand, and an almost transparent and pale white thing emerged from Ji Hong’s body and was controlled by him in his hand.

Then, Lu Shaoqing clenched his palm.

Everyone seemed to hear Ji Hong’s screams, and his soul could not escape, so he disappeared.

The fate of the others was the same, Lu Shaoqing waved his hand gently, and the souls of those people also dissipated in the scream, returning to heaven and earth.

Ou Hu felt that his legs were trembling, and he shouted luck in his heart, fortunately he didn’t take the opportunity to make a move just now, otherwise his fate was the same as Ji Hong’s.

The torturer’s face turned pale, his mouth was wide open, and he couldn’t say half a word.

He knew why Yan Shuya was so jealous of Lu Shaoqing.

This guy is even more ferocious and brutal than his senior brother.

Yan Shuya was also terrified, she suddenly felt that she was really lucky to survive.

It is definitely the blessing of the ancestors, otherwise she would not even be qualified to reincarnate.

After Lu Shaoqing finished all this, he looked indifferent, looked around at everyone again, and asked lightly, “Is there anyone else who wants to make a move?”

After thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing waved his hand again, the sword light fell, and several corpses that lost their breath became fragments of flesh and blood, and then a fire was ignited, and the air was filled with the smell of roasted meat, and finally turned into ashes and drifted away in the wind.

Dead silence, although there were more than thirty people present, no one dared to squeak.

Even if you breathe, be careful.

Many people quietly swallowed their saliva and retreated.

Although the reward is good, there is only one small life, and it is necessary to take it if there is a life.

Lu Shaoqing shocked everyone, and then shouted, “Don’t you hurry up and inside?” Ji

Yan’s figure appeared, looking at the cold Ji Yan, everyone was even more afraid.

This pair of junior brothers is not a good stubble.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan didn’t care about everyone, and in the eyes of everyone, the two flew away and disappeared quickly…

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