Lu Shaoqing’s target was exactly what he considered to be the captain of the Zijia Holy Guard.

is the core hub of this squadron.

Mo Jun sat on the sword, the whole person was excited, and he seemed to be shouting murderously, Wuqiu cut people together.

A sword light shot out like a dark arrow, silently penetrating the void, and directly attacked the captain of the Zijia Saint Guard with a deadly killing chance.

The timing of Lu Shaoqing’s attack was fierce, and by the time Zijia Shengwei’s side reacted, they were already unable to dodge.

The captain faced the incoming sword light, did not panic or dodge.

He ate Lu Shaoqing’s sword abruptly.


The sword light fell, the light flashed, and the sword intent raged on.

However, when the sword light dissipated, Lu Shaoqing froze.

The captain of the Zijia Saint Guard who had eaten his sword was only a little pale on his face, and there was no other injury.

However, seeing the remains of a magic weapon that fell in the captain’s hand, Lu Shaoqing was a little more balanced in his heart, otherwise he would really doubt his life.

Relying on the life-saving magic weapon and their exercises, they ate Lu Shaoqing’s sword hard.

Although Lu Shaoqing did not go all out, the power was still amazing.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, “In the late stage of Jiedan, it is too outrageous to be able to withstand a blow in the middle of the Yuan Infant period.

“My senior brother can’t do it.”

Mo Jun jumped in front of Lu Shaoqing, waving his hand and shouting, “Boss, continue to cut him.”

“I’m going to hack them to death with Wuqiu.”

Lu Shaoqing flicked its head and ejected it off, “It’s noisy, give me a good stay.” Lu

Shaoqing did not continue to attack, but continued to press the formation next to him with the Mo Jun Sword in hand, continuing to look for opportunities.

Lu Shaoqing’s actions greatly increased the pressure on Zijia Shengwei.

Especially the captain of the Zijia Holy Guard, this will already be bitter in his heart.

Their mission is to drag the two Terran traitors from fleeing and force them to duel with the disciples of the Holy Land.

I thought it was enough to send out one of their brigades.

It’s just a traitor, even if it’s a baby of the yuan?

The strength of the saints is naturally stronger than that of the Terrans, and there are only two Terrans, and the dispatch of a large team of Zijia holy guards is simply killing chickens with a cow knife.

After meeting Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, Zijia Shengwei only had Ji Yan in his eyes, and they did not put Lu Shaoqing, who was smiling very cheaply, in their eyes.

However, when Lu Shaoqing made a move, the captain of the Zijia Holy Guard knew that he underestimated Lu Shaoqing.

If it weren’t for the fact that the fourth-grade magic weapon in his hand resisted most of its power at the cost of collapse, he really couldn’t bear Lu Shaoqing’s sword.

The exercises and formations practiced by Zijia Saint Wei can divide the enemy’s strength and resist.

If the strength exceeds one degree, they will not be able to resist it either.

Just now, a sword let him know Lu Shaoqing’s strength.

In this way, they also had to focus part of their attention on Lu Shaoqing, in case Lu Shaoqing suddenly attacked again.

The leader of the Zijia Holy Guard shouted, and then the team changed its formation, forming a circular formation, and they took a defensive position.

Ji Yan even made several swords that were easily dissolved by them, and the circular formation was like a turtle shell to further improve their defensive power.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing calculated the time, they had been here for more than an hour.

The pursuers behind him will appear at any time.

Lu Shaoqing shouted to Ji Yan, “Hurry up, don’t play with them, kill them.” When

Zijia Saint Guard heard this, he was furious, and their aura even skyrocketed a little because of these words.


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Can’t attack for a long time, or say that they are playing with us?

We are the most elite Zijia Saint Guard, do you really think that we can easily defeat us?

The captain of the Zijia Holy Guard said coldly, “Even if the two of you join forces, it will be impossible to defeat us. ”

We can’t beat you, but we can still do it by holding you back.”

If we can’t even do this, we are still a fart armor holy guard.

Lu Shaoqing pointed his long sword and shouted at the captain, “You kind of come out and single me out.”

“I’ll give you a hand.”

In exchange for it, it was only Zijia Shengwei’s sneer.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to be so angry that he roared at Ji Yan, “Don’t hurry up yet?” The

captain of the Zijia Holy Guard was satisfied in his heart, so angry that he lost his square inch, and the threat to them was even smaller.

Ji Yan struck again, looking at the monstrous sword light, the terrifying sword intent.

The captain of the Zijia Holy Guard couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, such a demon is really rare.

However, such an attack still does not help us.

This time, they still resisted the attack, and at this time, another sword light struck.

Naive, think that this will help us?

I’ve been on guard against you for a long time.

The captain of the Zijia Holy Guard sneered in his heart, feeling that the power of the incoming attack was not great, and he once again chose to resist hard.

This time, he didn’t even use a magic weapon.

After resisting it, he found that its power was not as powerful as the blow just now, and he laughed directly, “Ha…” The

next moment, he couldn’t laugh out loud.

A powerful divine consciousness enveloped him, like a sharp sword straight into his head.

The expression on the face of the Zijia Holy Guard Captain froze, and the laughter stopped abruptly.

Then, holding his head, he roared bitterly.


the surrounding Zijia Saint Guards were shocked, and the formation was inevitably chaotic.

Because of the environment, after thousands of years of evolution, the people of the Holy Race have grown strong, tall and strong, and are good at physical cultivation.

Their spirit is weak, plus they lack sufficient exercises.

Lu Shaoqing’s divine consciousness is powerful, and he is not more reckless than the transformation god.

In the same realm, no one could withstand his divine sense attack.

Not to mention just the Zijia Saint Guard in the Jiedan period.

Even if he is the captain, he is also a settling period.

He possessed a spiritual sense that was one level lower than his divine sense, and he was unable to resist Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense attack at all.

He slowly fell down after just two screams, his eyes turned white, and the pain caused by the destruction of the sea made him pass out, and even if he woke up, he would become an idiot.

Many Zijia Saint Guards were shocked.

The formation is chaotic, but they are elite after all.

Immediately someone stood up and shouted, “Steady! A

loud drink, deafening, allowed the flustered others to stabilize in time.

However, the next moment, another powerful divine consciousness shrouded.

The man who stood up also fell down screaming.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Lu Shaoqing coldly struck, and the powerful sword intent erupted, covering all the Zijia Saint Guards…

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