The three Saint Clan women chased behind Xiao Yi in a zigzag shape, and the three of them chased while shooting at Xiao Yi in front.

What drove them crazy was that their attacks were always a little worse, and the distance between them and Xiao Yi was also a little bit closer.

Xiao Yi sat on Xiao Bai’s body, cunning like a loach, so that the three of them could not help Xiao Yi.

However, the three of them were unwilling to give up.

One hundred saintly candidates entered here to compete for three saintly places.

The process is brutal, and the price of failure is life.

Every day people fall down screaming and losing their lives.

Some people fell because they failed in the same kind of competition.

Some people have fallen because of the dangers here.

The number of one hundred candidates gradually decreased.

Some people gradually made a name for themselves here.

Xiao Yi is one of them.

She was originally in the foundation building period, but after coming in, in less than two years, her strength increased by leaps and bounds, and she soon entered the Jiedan period.

No one knows Xiao Yi’s origin, where she comes from, and what background she has.

She was a loner with a white tiger by her side.

One man and one tiger wander here, not in partnership with people, nor with alliances.

Xiao Yi’s strength grew by leaps and bounds, and gradually attracted everyone’s attention.

Many people speculate that Xiao Yi has a peerless treasure on her, so that she can continuously break through the realm and improve her strength in less than two years.

Soon, Xiao Yi became the target of others.

Everyone wanted to defeat Xiao Yi and take the treasure in Xiao Yi’s hands.

However, Xiao Yi was very cunning, and many people joined forces to chase and block her to escape.

This time, the three women of the Holy Clan discovered Xiao Yi, and after a battle, Xiao Yi was defeated and fled in embarrassment.

The three of them chased after each other.

The woman at the head showed a smug look on her face, and while chasing, she shouted, “Xiao Yi, you obediently surrender, hand over the treasure, I can spare you death.”

Xiao Yi turned around and shouted-for-tat, “You kneel down now, send me away, I can spare your life.”

“Otherwise, I’ll send you to reincarnation later.” But a vicious and ugly woman like you, the king of Yan does not dare to accept it.

“Any idea why? Because you are so ugly, the king of Yan has to spit out the overnight meal when he sees it. Seeing

Xiao Yi still so arrogant in this situation, the woman at the head jumped to her feet in anger, and her sharp voice echoed, “Ah… Sharp teeth, I’ll tear your mouth later. ”

Another reason why Xiao Yi is famous here in the Peerless Rift Abyss is her mouth.

Scolding people, fierce and ruthless, without mercy, can always make people so popular that one Buddha comes out of the body and two Buddhas ascend to heaven.

With a mouth, Xiao Yi provoked almost everyone here, making everyone hate her to the bone.

Xiao Bai’s speed was very fast, and he ran wildly on the grassland with Xiao Yi, galloping like lightning, and the speed of the three Saint Clan women behind was also not weak, chasing closely.

One after the other, soon, the forest is in sight.

The eyes of the three Saint Clan women lit up, and the woman at the head drank again, “Xiao Yi, I see where else you can escape.” ”

Once in the forest, can your spirit pet still maintain such speed?

Xiao Yi turned around and said arrogantly, “Don’t follow, follow, you wait to cry.” This

was a naked provocation, and the woman led by the anger roared again and again.

Seeing Xiao Yi rush into the woods and disappear, she shouted, and her speed increased again, “Don’t run away!”

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However, as soon as she came in, she suddenly felt something, looked up, and was immediately scared.

A huge fireball fell from the sky, the roaring flames, and the amazing coercion, made the three Saint Clan women feel the sun falling in the sky.

In a hurry, the three of them could only resist separately.


A huge explosion, the ground shook, the flames burst into the sky, and huge smoke covered the place.

The three Saint Clan women were forced to fight separately, and the formation was chaotic.

Billowing smoke, suddenly there was a scream.

Hearing the screams of her companions, the leading woman was shocked and cried out in panic, “What, what’s wrong?”

“It’s okay, are you okay?”

“Speak…” The

aura on her body skyrocketed, and it was the middle of Jiedan, the seven-layer realm.

The breath erupted, setting off invisible fluctuations, like a hurricane blowing the surrounding smoke.

However, at this moment, there was another scream.

Another companion also suffered an accident.

The face of the leading woman changed drastically again, looking at the gray surroundings, unable to see the situation ten meters away.

Psychic sense could not search for any situation, making her feel like a blind person.

She retreated, thinking about exiting the forest first.

However, suddenly a white shadow flashed, and a white tiger pounced from behind the trees.

The sharp tiger claws and huge body, like the tiger tail of an iron whip, instantly brought her great pressure.

The woman shouted, and her breath erupted again, “Wicked beast, get away!” ”

Although she is a woman, as a saint, her strong strength makes her fearless and does not put the white tiger in her eyes.


She resisted the white tiger hard, saw the white tiger howl, flew out upside down, and hit the tree hard.

A mocking smile appeared on her face, “Beasts dare to provoke me?

However, the next moment, her smile froze.

A touch of blue flashed in the smoke, and a long sword appeared like a poisonous snake, showing its fangs at the woman…

Xiao Yi wiped the sweat on his forehead and took a long breath.

Then he very skillfully searched the bodies of the three people and shouted, “Xiaobai, go!” Xiao

Yi rode Xiao Bai and quickly disappeared here, ran thousands of miles away, and found a place to hide.

“It’s really dangerous here!”

“Hurry up and write your battle experience…”

Xiao Yi let out a long sigh, and then took out a silver-white brush and a golden book.

Licked the brush with his tongue and began to write on a golden book.

As Xiao Yi continued to put down the pen, the breath on her body gradually tumbled, boiling like boiling water, and the whole person exuded a faint light, like a glowing jade.

As time passed, Xiao Yi’s breath continued to climb, and after Xiao Yi wrote the last word, her breath climbed to the top, and she also closed her eyes…

A day and a night passed, and Xiao Yi opened his eyes.

Feeling his situation, his face showed joy and jumped up.

Waving his fist at the sky, he shouted excitedly, “Haha, the sixth layer of Jiedan, suppressing the senior brother with one hand, and kicking the second senior brother is not far away…”

Suddenly, a chill surged in his heart, and Xiao Yi coldly shivered….

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