Xiao Yi cried his face again, and said timidly, “Second Senior Brother, I, I can’t beat it.” ”

Can’t beat it?” Lu Shaoqing was stunned, “You just said that you killed the senior brother with one hand and trampled on my second senior brother with one foot.

“You’re so awesome, why can’t you beat it?”

Xiao Yi almost couldn’t come up in one breath.

I’m just joking, and, what beats to death, tramples to death, did I say?

Don’t talk nonsense, okay?

My heart was panicking.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but lean towards Ji Yan’s side.

Although the master brother is very strict, he will not toss people.

The second senior brother is different, tossing people, making people unable to survive, unable to seek death.

The current second senior brother is very dangerous, and I have to hide away.

“Hiding from what?” Lu Shaoqing shouted, “This is all because of you, it’s up to you to solve it.” ”

It’s none of my business, is it?

Xiao Yi was aggrieved to death in his heart, and I didn’t know anything.

Xiao Yi timidly tried to defend again, “Second Senior Brother, they, they are none of my business. ”

It must have been the trouble caused by your second senior brother.

“What’s none of your business? If it wasn’t for waiting for you to break through, they would find us?

Xiao Yi understood.

It turned out that it was to wait for her to break through, so she delayed time.

She was grateful in her heart, but also guilty.

He still caused trouble for the two senior brothers.

Xiao Yi asked, “Second Senior Brother, what should I do next?” ”

Cold mix.” Lu Shaoqing was not angry, “Can’t fight later, surrender.” ”


Xiao Yi had a hundred unbeliefs in his heart.

Her second senior brother looked timid and afraid of death on the surface, but he was actually proud and arrogant.

In this world, there are very few people who can be seen by him.

No matter how desperate it is, the second senior brother will not surrender.

Lu Shaoqing’s brows furrowed, and it was more troublesome at the moment.

The other party is menacing, there are many people, and the others are not afraid.

The problem is that it is mixed with the master of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant of Jian Wu.

Jian Wu’s breath is calm and thick and his breath is vain, and Cui Zhangming, who can be called parallel goods, is different.

Lu Shaoqing was sure that Jian Wu was definitely the most difficult opponent this time.

If they want to leave smoothly, they must solve the gang in front of them.

Otherwise, when shuttling, the other party will come and go, the space will be turbulent, and the light will shuttle in the space turbulence like before, and finally come to Cold Star by luck.

Heavy rules, will be torn apart by spatial turbulence, and no one even knows about death.

Master couldn’t do it if he wanted to collect the corpses for them.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on Ji Yan, but soon sighed.

Ji Yan noticed Lu Shaoqing’s gaze and said displeased, “I can do it.”

“You’re a fart, are you okay with your injuries?” Also, you are weaker than me now. ”

I’ll go!

Xiao Yi next to him suddenly pricked up his ears, and a roaring fire of gossip ignited in his heart.

Is the second senior brother strong?

Finally on top of the master brother?

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What happened between the two?

The second senior brother has become stronger, and the senior brother has become weaker?

Will there be an exchange between the two?

Xiao Yi’s heart was inexplicably excited, if it weren’t for the wrong timing, she would have to pull the clothes of the two senior brothers and ask clearly.

However, her eyes were still burning at the two senior brothers, trying to see something from the two senior brothers.

Lu Shaoqing noticed Xiao Yi’s gaze, and his gaze became fierce, “What for?” Is your pig brain turning yellow again?

Xiao Yi hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to say a word.

The current second senior brother is terrible, don’t make a noise casually.

“Haha…,” Cui Zhangming’s laughter came from afar, “Terran traitor, now see where you can escape?” He

carried his hands behind his back and came from the sky, and everyone in the Cui family behind him used their own means, and all kinds of flying props were dazzling and majestic.

The five imperial swords of the sword walked, and the swordsman Yuluan’s neat imperial sword behind him flew, the sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and the streamers were shining.

Jian Wu and Cui Zhangming took the lead and once again fell in front of Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing.

The crowd that followed behind them lined up and half-surrounded them.

Cui Zhangming sneered, “An hour, I can escape quite quickly, but unfortunately, this is a desperate abyss, you break in, like a fly in a cage, you can no longer escape.”

Cui Zhangming’s gaze suddenly fell on Xiao Yi.

Timid look, a little cute, a pair of big eyes, flashing and flashing, revealing curiosity, flexible and spirited.

Cui Zhangming, who has seen countless people, can see Xiao Yi’s extraordinary at a glance.

This is a piece of high-grade beautiful jade, and just by looking at the appearance, you can feel that this is a girl with good root and bone talent.

Cui Zhangming pointed at Xiao Yi and asked unceremoniously, “Who is this little girl?” ”

What an arrogant old fellow.

Xiao Yi cautiously asked Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, who is he?”

“A good man.”


Xiao Yi couldn’t believe that such an old guy was a good person.

Since the second senior brother said that he was a good person, he was a good person.

Xiao Yi replied obediently, “My name is Xiao Yi, and I am their junior sister.

Tanling’s body shook after coming here, and his eyes showed disbelief.

Is this the reason why you must enter the Abyss?

Thousands of miles away, not hesitating to risk being chased and killed by the Holy Land, entering the Peerless Abyss, just to find Junior Sister?

However, how can there be a sour feeling in the heart?

Shi Ji next to him was amazed and admired more and more, “Master Lu Shaoqing is really powerful, for the sake of junior sister, he risked such a big danger to come in.”

“However, he has no way to run now, and this is not a rational approach.” Shi Liao did not approve of this approach.

Shi Ji got angry and patted Shi Liao’s head again, “You mean, I’m in danger, you won’t come to rescue me, right?”

Shi Liao touched his head, “I didn’t mean that, I mean, obviously you can think of a better way…”

Xiao Yi reported his identity here, and suddenly felt countless killing intent.

She was startled and saw that the eyes of the people around her staring at her were full of killing intent.

What’s going on?

Cui Zhangming’s gaze suddenly turned cold, “Okay, another traitor, actually thinking of becoming a saint of the Holy Family?”

“Terrans, it is really a wolf ambition, damn it!”

If the Holy Race chooses a Terran to be a saint, the Holy Land here is ready to be laughed at for 100,000 years.

Xiao Yi was terrified in his heart, the identity of the Terran was discovered?

She didn’t understand, looked at Lu Shaoqing, the doubts in her heart showed on her face, and there was confusion in her big eyes, “Second Senior Brother, didn’t you say that he was a good person?” How so?

Lu Shaoqing said, “Of course it’s a good person, their Cui family gave me more than 30 million spirit stones.” This is not a good person, who is a good person?

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened in disbelief….

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