Tan Ling held his head, crazy, crazy.

That bastard is really crazy.

Dare to bargain with the Holy Lord, moreover, succeed?

What the hell is wrong with this world?

What exactly is the origin of that bastard?

Tan Ling broke his head and couldn’t think of what was the reason.

Out of the corner of her eye, Shi Liao next to her saw that Shi Liao was the same as her.

Holding his head, his face was full of shock and puzzlement.

What happened had a great impact on Shi Liao.

“Lord Tanling, this, this, what’s going on.”

Shi Liao looked at Tanling, and his heart was already a little broken.

How is it different from what I guessed?

Tan Ling also smiled bitterly and shook his head, “Don’t ask me, I don’t know.” ”

Only the Holy Lord himself knows why.

The adoring gaze in Shi Ji’s eyes almost materialized.

It’s too powerful, only Lord Lu Shaoqing in this world can be so powerful.

And Mu Yong in the distance did not marvel, but was deeply worried.

He looked at the sky and whispered to himself, “What are you planning?” The

gray clouds above the sky seemed to turn black in Mu Yong’s eyes, and a strong uneasiness surged into his heart.

“Is the sky going to change?”

Jian Wu looked up at the sky, and his dry face was a little more sad.

The Holy Lord can’t be fake, right?

The Terrans are obviously bargaining, what is your Holy Lord’s identity?

Bargain with him, forget it, and finally agree to his bargain?

If you agree, you would have said it earlier, and I would have been slapped in the face.

Jian Wu suddenly felt a resentment in his heart, but this resentment quickly shifted to the target.

Everything, it’s that vile Terrans.

Jian Wu stepped forward with a sword and pointed at Lu Shaoqing, “Release the sword and them, otherwise…”

Kenichi was slapped again.

Lu Shaoqing still said that, “Don’t scare me!”

Jian Wu’s momentum froze, and he looked up at the sky again.

Holy Lord, do you see it?

This Terran is still so arrogant, don’t you care?

Jian Lan screamed, “You, you bastard, aren’t you afraid of the Holy Lord? ”

The Holy Lord asked me to release people, of course I want to release people,” Lu Shaoqing said with a smile, “But before releasing people, I don’t want anyone to scare me.” Jian

Lan still wanted to scold more, but at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, Jian Lan felt a chill in her heart and subconsciously shrunk her neck.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes did not have the slightest smile, but they were extremely cold, as if they were going to kill her two siblings in the next moment.

Lu Shaoqing stared at Jian Yi and Jian Lan, and suddenly felt a little more irritable in his heart.

A good plan actually disrupted the bastard of the Holy Lord.

Lu Shaoqing was now full of killing intent in his heart, and he couldn’t wait to rush to the top of the Holy Mountain, cut the Holy Lord into ten segments and eight segments, and then loot all his inventory.

It’s a pity, the strength is still too weak.

The Holy Lord came forward, and now he didn’t know what would happen next.

All he could do now was fight with Sword Five according to the Holy Lord’s wishes.

Jian Wu is very strong, the ninth layer of the Yuan baby, compared to Cui Zhangwan’s kind of existence, not Cui Zhangming’s kind of parallel goods.

However, now you can only fight.

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Lu Shaoqing’s gaze became serious, and a murderous aura permeated.

The rich murderous aura made Jian Yi and Jian Lan terrified.

This murderous aura made them understand that Lu Shaoqing was even more terrifying than they thought.

Lu Shaoqing raised his hand, and Jian Lan was so frightened that she almost screamed, thinking that Lu Shaoqing was going to kill her.

However, Lu Shaoqing only lifted several confinements on the two of them, allowing their two siblings to resume their actions.


Jian Yi and Jian Lan did not talk nonsense and left in a hurry.

As soon as the sword turned around, he stared at Lu Shaoqing viciously, intending to say a few cruel words.

Lu Shaoqing pointed at him and threatened, “Are you arrogant to try?

Jian Yi was furious, but his body was honest and sped up.

Protected by everyone in the Jian family, Jian Yi was relieved in his heart.

But sensing the concerned and pitying gazes of the people of the Jian family, the anger in his heart was even stronger.

His face was very ugly, and the shame in his heart was like countless ants devouring his heart.

He lowered his head, and the anger, killing intent, and resentment in his heart were mixed together, making his whole person like a 10,000-year-old ice cube, exuding a thick cold aura.

The clansmen around him also subconsciously retreated, not daring to approach.

And no one dared to say anything.

No one dares to say anything about comfort, and whoever dares to say it will only attract the wrath of Kenichi.

Jian Lan was not as silent and resentful as Jian Yi, she shouted hysterically, “Damn the Terrans, elders, must kill him, strip his soul out, imprison him for ten thousand years, and burn ten thousand years.” Jian

Lan’s whole person was screaming with anger, even after such a long time, the white rouge powder on her face was still falling, a little white.

Everyone’s eyes were on Jian Wu.

Jian Yi and Jian Lan were out of danger, and Jian Wu was relieved and had no more scruples.

Angry, he immediately turned into a furious tiger and instantly shot his sword at Lu Shaoqing.

In an instant, dozens of sharp sword lights rained towards Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, and hurriedly ran.

Jian Wu roared angrily, “Despicable humans, die quickly!” ”

The breath of Jian Wu is amazing, and the whole circle is his tyrannical breath, making the animals in the radius scatter with their tails between their legs.

Lu Shaoqing ran to the side like a rabbit and said to Ji Yan, “You line up with him first.” ”

Call me again when the blood remains.”

Then, Lu Shaoqing shouted at Jian Wu, “Old thing, I respect the old and love the young, I don’t bully you, let my senior brother, a weak chicken, come to fight you.”

“Can’t beat it, I’ll clean you up again.”

The Holy Lord was no longer here, and many Saint Clan people dared to discuss it loudly.

They all complained that they despised Lu Shaoqing.

“What a shameless fellow.”

“Stinky, are all Terrans so nasty? Then I have to kill all these humans.

“Respect the old and love the young? What is his behavior like respecting the old and loving the young? The fifth master of the sword was so angry that he vomited blood. ”

The first time the Saint Clan saw the Terran like this, Lu Shaoqing’s behavior made them feel that the Terran was almost like this.

Jian Wu roared angrily, “Despicable Terrans, go together!” Jian

Wu felt that it didn’t matter if Ji Yan killed this Terran or not, mainly Lu Shaoqing, if he didn’t kill Lu Shaoqing, he couldn’t swallow this breath.

The hatred in my heart can’t be dissipated.

Only by killing Lu Shaoqing could he vent the anger and hatred in his heart.

Ji Yan took out his sword and blocked Jian Wu’s attack.

Coldly said, “Your opponent is me!” ”

For an opponent like Jian Wu, Ji Yan can’t ask for it.

Even though he is injured and in bad condition now, he is just as fearless.

Wuqiu sword swung out, and the silver-white divine dragon soared into the air, roaring towards Jian Wu…

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