Seeing that Lu Shaoqing changed his face in a few breaths, Mu Yong was even more speechless.

He laughed, although it was a smile, but it gave people a bit of coldness.

“Do you two still have the ability to fight again?”

The murderous aura is pervasive, and the killing intent is strong.

Lu Shaoqing reminded Mu Yong, “You swore an oath.” Mu

Yong nodded, “That’s right, I said I wouldn’t attack you here in the Peerless Abyss. ”

At this point, there is not much point in covering up.

“But following you is not within my oath.”

Mu Yong smiled happily, but the killing intent in his heart did not diminish at all.

He wanted to kill Lu Shaoqing, but it was not Lu Shaoqing’s character that provoked him.

It’s that Lu Shaoqing is too evil.

His presence is dangerous to the Holy Family.

Such dangers must be stifled.

This is a great righteousness, not a personal grudge.

Even if Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan performed amazingly, it might be the person he was looking for for him.

But he felt that Lu Shaoqing was too evil, such a person would do more harm than good to the Holy Family, and he would rather kill him than not.

Lu Shaoqing sighed when he heard this, and was speechless for a long time.

It’s really the same kind of people.

It’s all so smart.

The word game is played with thieves.

No wonder I saw this guy at first glance, and I didn’t like him.

Homophobic kind.

Lu Shaoqing lowered his face, as if closing the door and letting go of a dog, and said to Xiao Yi, “Scold him!” ”

Xiao Yi’s side has been putting up with it for a long time.

Mu Yong repeatedly embarrassed her second senior brother, and in his heart, he had long seen that Mu Yong’s demon race was not pleasing to the eye.

In his heart, he had already greeted Mu Yong over and over again.

As soon as Lu Shaoqing’s order came out, Xiao Yi’s small mouth opened.

Immediately scolded at Mu Yong, “A dog-like thing looks like a person, the outside is a person, and the inside is a dog, right?”

“Untrustworthy, despicable and shameless, the Holy Family has produced such scum as you, do others know?”

“Was your face accidentally slapped by your father when you were born early and folded together from the middle?”

“Cheeky while not being faceless?”

“Your mother was…”

Lu Shaoqing interrupted, “Don’t greet his father’s mother, scold people politely.” ”

The most important thing is that Mu Yong’s strength is so strong now, he can’t beat it.

Greeting people’s parents is prone to accidents.


Xiao Yi tilted his head and thought for a while, pointed at Mu Yong and continued to scold, “My second senior brother has worked hard to do things for you, even if there is no benefit, you actually have to cross the river and tear down the bridge?”

“It’s worthy of being a demon race, it’s really three words, smelly and faceless, heh, it’s four words.”

“You say that you are higher than our Terrans, you are taller, but your heart is dirty.”

“Fierce beasts are also very big, they have another name, beast, I see you are too…”

Mu Yong’s smile disappeared immediately.

With his status, even if someone scolds him, he will not care.

But now he was scolded a little dumbfounded.

This girl scolded too badly.

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Mu Yong stared at Xiao Yi and snorted, his murderous aura pervaded.

Xiao Yi noticed it and immediately ran behind Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing to hide.

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Mu Yong and drank, “How is it?” Do you want to bully children? Is it interesting?

“Don’t make me look down on you.”

Mu Yong looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly, and finally suddenly laughed, “I’ll follow you anyway, can you help me?” ”

Lu Shaoqing is too evil, Mu Yong does not watch him die, and his heart is always uneasy.

Now that most of the time has passed, just wait until Jian Wu comes.

Now Mu Yong looked like a scoundrel, so angry that Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth.

He was born on the ninth floor, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were disabled, and Xiao Yi was a weak chicken in the Jiedan period.

The three senior brothers and sisters couldn’t help him.

Ji Yan took a step forward and said to Mu Yong, “In that case, I will learn your strength.”

Mu Yong reminded, “I swear that I will not do anything to you here, but your invitation to battle will not be counted in the oath.”

Lu Shaoqing pulled Ji Yan behind him, “What kind of big-tailed wolf, I’ll line up with him.” Watching

Lu Shaoqing come out, Mu Yong laughed, “Do you want to fight me?” ”

As long as Lu Shaoqing dares to fight him, he will exert all his strength at the first time, and the means will come out in unison, and strive to kill Lu Shaoqing in the shortest possible time.”

Lu Shaoqing sneered, and then stretched out his right hand to Mu Yongdao, “Here, I’ll show you a baby.” ”


Mu Yong couldn’t help but sneer in his heart, can you still have a baby for me to fear?

Mu Yong thought that Lu Shaoqing had nothing to make him retreat.

However, when his gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing’s right hand, his expression froze again.

In Lu Shaoqing’s hands, a black lightning bolt was like a crawling black python, exuding a strange aura, making Mu Yong’s face begin to change.

“You…” Mu

Yong’s killing intent was even stronger in his heart, and he was indeed an evil guy.

Lu Shaoqing sneered at Mu Yong, “Where do you think those black lightning bolts went? Conservation of energy, ever heard of it?

“They’re inside me right now, and if I can’t control them, what do you say will happen to them?”

“Will it run out?”

Mu Yong’s face became extremely ugly, and this time it was troublesome.

He had killing intent towards Lu Shaoqing, wasn’t it because of this?

Lu Shaoqing was able to open the crack that linked the monsters, and killing him could get a hundred.

Now, trouble.

If Lu Shaoqing broke out here, the crack would open again.

But Mu Yong is Mu Yong after all, and he quickly thought of a way.

He said to Lu Shaoqing, “You swear, you can’t open the crack here, I’ll leave now

, otherwise…” For a cunning person like Lu Shaoqing, he can only be restrained by oath, otherwise he doesn’t know what to do.

Lu Shaoqing did not refuse, he also had conditions, “You also have to swear that you can’t come near us.” ”

The distance of thousands of miles, for a master like Mu Yong, is also a matter of breathing.

Mu Yong did not refuse this, and the two swore to each other at the moment.

Mu Yong took a deep look at Lu Shaoqing, and finally the figure disappeared here.

But whether he went far or not, only he knows.

Lu Shaoqing wiped a handful of sweat, facing Mu Yong, there was a lot of pressure in his heart, he cursed and cursed, “Bastard guy, don’t let me run into it in the future, otherwise I will definitely not let you go.”

Xiao Yi also breathed a sigh of relief, “Abominable fellow, finally left.”

“Second Senior Brother, how is it now?”

Lu Shaoqing took out the materials without saying a word, “Let’s build a formation first.” The

feeling of danger in his heart has not disappeared, and in order to prevent Mu Yong from making a bad mistake when he transfers, he must be fully prepared.

Use formations to buy him time….

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