To be honest, “I hate that bastard too. This

Mu Yong believes, Lu Shaoqing’s character, ordinary people can’t stand it.

However, Lu Shaoqing regarded Tanling as a friend.

The reason why Tan Ling came here was also known by Mu Yong.

He shook his head and didn’t say anything more.

At this time, a streamer flew in the distance.

As the streamer fell steadily, the murderous Sword Five appeared.

Seeing Jian Wu, the three of them were shocked.

Isn’t Sword Five injured? Why does it seem like nothing is going on now?


Jian Wu’s attitude towards Mu Yong was extremely respectful.

Mu Yong looked at Jian Wuyi, changed into new clothes, his face was rosy, his breath flowed smoothly, and he couldn’t see the slightest injury.

“Strength restored?”

Mu Yong asked lightly, showing the aura of a superior person.

Jian Wu was more respectful, bending down slightly, “With the help of adults, I have recovered seven or eight percent, which is more than enough to deal with those three Terrans.”

Mu Yong nodded, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were injured, their strength was not one in ten, and joining forces was not the opponent of Jian Wu.

The three of them were shocked again.

Is it Mu Yong who helps Ken Wu heal his injuries and restore his strength?

Tan Ling couldn’t help but ask, “Sword Five, are you here to hunt down and kill three Terrans?”

Jian Wu sneered, “Could it be that I came here to find them to catch up?” ”

If it weren’t for the fact that Tan Ling was the apprentice of the Second Elder, the sword would have given Tan Ling a holy traitor’s hat one hundred percent.

Talking about the relationship between Ling and Lu Shaoqing has long made the Jianjia and others unhappy.

They all felt that it was Tan Ling who brought Lu Shaoqing and these two Terran traitors into the holy land and brought them to the holy mountain.

Shi Ji muttered in a low voice, “You can’t beat people, do you dare to come now?”

When Jian Wu heard this, he was not angry, but smiled, “You’ll know later.” ”

He is full of confidence when his strength is restored, and even if Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan join forces this time, he is not afraid.

Tan Ling looked at

Mu Yong, “Master Mu Yong…” Mu Yong ignored the talk, he pointed into the distance and said to Jian Wu, “They are there, go and kill them.”

At this moment, Mu Yong’s eyes were cold, showing coldness, like a ruthless king.

A simple word can determine life and death.

Jian Wu did not refuse, which was also the reason why he came here.

The humiliation that Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan gave him was too great.

He had to kill both of them with his own hands to be able to wash away the shame on his body.

Jian Wu was equally murderous and said murderously, “Please rest assured, my lord, I will definitely take their heads.” Jian

Wu was full of hatred in his heart, and swore in his heart that he absolutely wanted to take back the heads of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan and put them away as specimens, which was his booty.

Mu Yong nodded, but he warned Jian Wu, “Don’t be careless.

“It doesn’t matter if you can kill Ji Yan or not, but that Lu Shaoqing must die.”

“Lu Shaoqing?” Jian Wu was stunned, where did this Lu Shaoqing come from?

“Lu Shaoqing, that is, Zhang Zheng, he used a fake name.” Mu Yong was also speechless in his heart, if he hadn’t known Lu Shaoqing’s true name from the Second Elder, he would have been kept in the dark.

Born cunning.

Jian Wu knew for a while, and then his figure flashed and went straight to the direction where Lu Shaoqing was.

“Don’t worry, my lord, I will go and take back the head of the despicable Terran now…” There

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was a strong confidence in his tone.

Jian Wu was full of confidence, and no one could save Lu Shaoqing and them this time.

Mu Yong’s divine sense was firmly locked on Jian Wu, and he was as confident as Jian Wu.

Unless Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan had a pill similar to the one he gave to Jian Wu.

However, this possibility is very low.

Mu Yong whispered to himself, “I don’t believe you can have a seven-grade elixir that is infinitely close to the eighth-grade. ”

This kind of elixir, even he doesn’t have much.

It is still an antique elixir handed down by his master’s master.

If it weren’t for this time, he would definitely not have given Jian Wu.

After taking this elixir, Jian Wu can not only recover most of his strength in a short time, but also easily break through and step into the realm of Transformation God in the future.

“It’s worth it to exchange a seven-pin elixir for your head.”

Mu Yong’s gaze was faint, and he seemed to be able to see Lu Shaoqing’s figure thousands of miles away.

There, the white mist is faint, revealing a mysteriousness.

Mu Yong secretly said in his heart, you can’t run away.

The three of them were still unbelievable at this moment.

They still couldn’t accept that Mu Yong asked Jian Wu to kill Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

What is this?

Cross the river and tear down the bridge?

Tan Ling became a little angry, “Master Mu Yong, Lu Shaoqing also helped you, right?”

“Why do you still want the Sword Five to deal with them?”

With Jian Wu’s hatred for Lu Shaoqing, he would definitely not show mercy to his subordinates.

Shi Ji and Shi Liao also looked at Mu Yong with dissatisfaction, even contempt.

Say one thing in the front, say one thing later, this is the act of villains.

Mu Yong didn’t agree with Tanling’s angry gaze.

He gave an explanation faintly, “They are the Terrans, we are the Holy Race, and the two races are at odds. Tan

Ling was even more dissatisfied and angry, “Master Muyong, the Terran and the Holy Race can coexist, this is what my master said. He didn’t offend you, did he? ”

Didn’t offend me?

Offended me hard.

Mu Yong shook his head and chuckled, “You think I killed them for personal grudges?

He didn’t bother to explain, “Go back, things here have nothing to do with you.”

“Of course, if you want to make a move, do it.”

The three of them were silent.

The three of them know their own affairs, talking about the second layer of the Yuan Baby, Shi Ji and Shi Liao’s two siblings are just new to the Yuan Infant stage, just one layer of realm.

Nor can it add up to Mu Yong’s opponent.

In other words, the three of them couldn’t stop it if they wanted to.

Tanling did not die, hoping to persuade Mu Yong, “Master Mu Yong, aren’t you afraid of other people’s jokes when you do this?” Mu

Yong shook his head, I’m here for the Holy Clan, why am I afraid of other people’s jokes?

He still didn’t bother to explain, but just said, “You guys take a good look, let you see how they are dying…” Jian

Wu came to Lu Shaoqing, and the white mist was pervasive, covering a radius of several miles, making it impossible to see the specific scene inside.

At this time, there was a sudden spatial fluctuation inside.

Jian Wu was stunned at first, what are the Terrans doing inside?

And Mu Yong’s voice suddenly came, it seemed to be a little urgent, and he shouted in his ear, “Move, hurry up, they are going to escape….”

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