They fled as quickly as they could, like a little sheep meeting a big bad wolf, running as fast as they could.

A powerful explosion sounded behind them, and they looked back and saw the terrifying explosion scene.

Huge mushroom clouds, dazzling light, as if the sun had exploded.

Heaven and earth trembled, shaking endlessly, and the space in the explosion was constantly distorted like a wave.

Flames like fire dragons rose up into the sky, as if they were about to pierce the sky.

The scope of the explosion expanded, and everything on the ground disappeared into the horror of the explosion.

Mountains, forests, lakes, animals, everything turned to dust in the explosion and disappeared into the fire.

Black cracks continued to appear in the air, and powerful explosion holes pierced the void and shattered space.

The three of them did not dare to stop, kept running, and only stopped when they felt that they were almost the same.

Looking back at the explosion behind him, his expression turned pale and he was speechless for a long time.

This explosion, even though they were now far, far away, more than 100,000 li, they still felt the invisible power.

The shockwave still has a good power here.

Trees fell under the impact of the explosion, comparable to a Category 12 hurricane.

Mu Yong’s figure also appeared, and he looked at the explosion in the distance, his face so gloomy that it looked like it was about to drip water.

Lu Shaoqing ran away without saying anything, and left a trap by the way.

In such an explosion, even Jian Wu could not survive.

The power of this explosion is not to mention that it is equivalent to the power of five to seven Avatar Gods joining forces.

The sword is slagging.

I don’t know if I can still reincarnate.

“Despicable boy!” Mu Yong hated his teeth itching.

Cunning, too cunning.

More cunning than the most cunning old fox.

“Kinaga-sama, how’s it going?” Tan Ling looked at the explosion, and she didn’t know why she was very happy, she deliberately asked Mu Yong, “Lu Shaoqing and they fled, what are you going to do?”

Mu Yong was angry in his heart, and he snorted, not wanting to speak.

He was about to leave when suddenly his gaze sharpened.

The mushroom cloud raised by the explosion suddenly became smaller and smaller, or even disappeared, like a whirlpool that fell into the water, and was quickly sucked into the bottom of the water and disappeared to the surface.

The mushroom clouds, soot, etc. produced by the explosion were continuously absorbed, and void cracks of different sizes appeared on the surface of the void, one after another.

Some are like a round deep well, deep and dark without bottom, and some are like black scars that are terrifying.

Large and small are all over the sky, like a piece of broken glass, covered with countless cracks, and the black glow is constantly refracted out, strange and terrifying.

Shi Liao couldn’t help but say, “This, shouldn’t this be like just now?”

When Mu Yong heard this, his heart was about to break.

I finally threatened that kid to help solve it, and now come again?

If I come again, how do I close?

Mu Yong suddenly felt a little regret in his heart.

However, Mu Yong was relieved to find that those void cracks of different sizes were constantly closing.

Fortunately, this is a normal void rupture that will close automatically soon.

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Mu Yong looked at the void crack in the distance and whispered to himself, “Hmph, boy, want to yin me?” It’s not that easy!

However, Shi Ji pointed into the distance and suddenly exclaimed, “So, what is that?”

When Mu Yong saw it, the whole person froze.

In the distance, black lightning suddenly drilled out from among the countless cracks.

Like snakes awakened from hibernation, one after another emerged from the dirt, danced in the air, and wreaked havoc everywhere.

Like a group of demons dancing, black lightning continued to devour the edge of the Void Rift, constantly nibbling, and constantly expanding the scope of the Void Rift.

In just a few breaths, the Void Cracks everywhere merged, forming an even larger Void Crack.

In the incredulous gazes of Mu Yong and the others, a void crack that stood up, more than two hundred miles high and dozens of miles wide, formed again.

Like an erected demon eye, it emitted a terrifying aura, and the darkness behind the crack swallowed all light.

Those who have been staring feel that their souls are going to be devoured by eh.

“Damn, damn it!”

Mu Yong’s face was extremely gloomy, even if it was him, he couldn’t help but curse, “Damn the Terrans, I will definitely not spare you lightly.” ”

The crack appears again, what is it?

What was the point of what he had done before?

The little regret in Mu Yong’s heart was also like a crack in the sky, constantly merging and expanding, making him regret it.

Knowing this, he didn’t want to kill Lu Shaoqing, he should do nothing and let Lu Shaoqing leave, maybe things wouldn’t become like this.

Now that Lu Shaoqing left, this huge crack could not be easily closed.

Mu Yong’s face was livid, and the black crackling sound at the edge of the crack was heard in his ears, as if Lu Shaoqing was laughing at his voice.

He didn’t lose a small one, but a complete defeat.


The roar of the monster was heard again in the void crack, and anyone could hear the joy contained in the monster’s voice.

Then monsters appeared from the cracks, once again filling the entire sky.

Moreover, different from ordinary monsters mixed in the black monsters, huge figures flashed from time to time.

More powerful monsters have also appeared, and there is more than one.

The monster dispatched troops and finally let the large army arrive.

“Mu, Lord Munaga, what should I do now?” Tan Ling turned his head and asked Mu Yong lightly.

Although it is for the sake of the Holy Family, he wants to get rid of Lu Shaoqing.

Now Lu Shaoqing did not get rid of it, but let Lu Shaoqing open the void crack again, attracting those monsters who did not know the details.

Mu Yong was silent, looking at the monsters that kept appearing, he finally let out a long sigh, “Leave, this is no longer something that one or two people can do.” ”

These monsters have reappeared, and it will take the power of the entire Cold Star to be able to deal with them.

Mu Yong turned to leave, his gaze cold, he decided to go to the top of the sacred mountain and ask what the man really wanted to do.

However, when Mu Yong returned to the teleportation point, he found that the teleportation point was constantly lit up with white light, and groups of black-armored cultivators entered.

The children of the major families also appeared one by one.

There are also numerous casual practices.

The crowd was surging, and at the same time, the cultivators of the Holy Land built military camps centered on the teleportation array, built fortress checkpoints, and arranged formations.

The light kept flickering, a hot sky, everyone was like a machine with full horsepower, each performing his duty, each with his own responsibility, walking in an orderly manner, the breath of slaughter swept over, and the great war was coming…

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