Xiao Yi turned his head to look at Da Bai and Xiao Bai at the stern, and the two spirit pets seemed to have a new toy, and they were having fun.

According to the pattern just now, drop Yin Que from above, and so on.

At first he yelled, but then he got used to it, and he didn’t say a word, even if the weightlessness felt very uncomfortable for him, he didn’t give in.

Xiao Yi looked at it for a while, a little worried, “Second Senior Brother, you won’t fall to death, right?”

Lu Shaoqing was not worried about this at all, “He is also a Yuan baby, if he falls to death so easily, the Yuan baby is too worthless, right?”

Xiao Yi thought about it too, and she also ran to the stern of the boat with a smile, watching happily on the side.

Yin Que has been lost seven or eight times, tossed by two spirit pets, not injured on the surface, but feeling ashamed in his heart.

He shouted to Xiao Yi, “Do you dare to release me?”

“Just fight me!”

“A villain like you, a hundred is not my opponent, I will let you make three moves…” Yin

Que was very unconvinced in his heart.

If he had been defeated head-on, he would not have complained so much.

But on the other hand, Lu Shaoqing relied on the sneak attack, making him feel that he was not inferior to others, but was being yin.

The breath in my heart couldn’t be smooth.

Xiao Yi squatted on the side of the boat, her posture was rude, without the slightest ladylike demeanor, she held her chin and watched Xiaobai drop him, and Dabai fished him up again.

She said with a smile, “You are dead, these words are the opposite.” ”

A hundred of you together will not be the opponent of my two senior brothers, against a small character like you, my two senior brothers can crush you with just one finger.”

As if he had heard the funniest joke, Yin Que couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “Bragging guy, where the hell did you guys come from? ”

I, Yinque, a genius among geniuses…”

Xiao Bai heard this, and without saying a word, he threw him down, and his voice was immediately drowned out by the wind.

After a while, after being fished up, Yin Que hurriedly shouted, “Since you are so powerful, fight with me.” ”

Damn dirt buns, I’m going to let you know how good my genius is.

See if I can’t kill you.

Xiao Yi shook his head, very disdainful of Yin Que’s stupidity, “Don’t you understand yet? Not fighting with you is protecting you. ”

After all, Second Senior Brother, he is afraid that he will accidentally kill you, and he will not be able to explain to your family.”

If it weren’t for the existence of the Avatar God in your family, my second senior brother would have killed you long ago.

“Bragging, bragging!” Yin Que knew that he didn’t have much time to speak, so he simply pointed at Xiao Yi and scolded, “You smelly girl, what else will you do besides bragging?”

Xiao Yi was not happy, “I tell you the truth, why don’t you believe it?” ”

But think about it, if Yin Que was so easy to trust, there would be no need to blow the wind here.

Suddenly, the spacecraft under his feet shook, and the spacecraft started and continued to set off.

Xiao Yi looked at the backward ground and said to Liang Bai, “Be careful, don’t lose him.”

Yin Que continued to curse, “Just let me go!”

However, no matter how Yin Que scolded, Lu Shaoqing was indifferent, just couldn’t hear it.

Let the two spirit pets play with him.

So angry that he almost vomited blood.

He was treated as a toy by two spirit pets, dropped from the boat, caught again, and so on.

He was going to throw up.

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Two days passed, and the spacecraft entered a steep stone forest.

Countless stones in the stone forest tower, as far as the eye can see, the horizon is endless, like an ocean of stones gathered, vast and boundless.

Among them, countless pointed gray stones pointed straight into the sky with their sheathed swords.

The gray stone, the surface is covered with dust, and there is a bit of eerieness in the haze.

Xiao Yi ran to ask Lu Shaoqing if he wanted to detour the road, but Lu Shaoqing’s consciousness swept by, and he did not notice any danger in the stone forest.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “No need to detour, go straight in, fly higher.” ”

The stone forest is too big, and the detour is a waste of time.”

The speed of the spacecraft is not fast these days, and if you detour, you will waste more time.

Lu Shaoqing Shi Shiran came to the stern of the boat, and Yin Que had just been fished up from below by Dabai.

Thrown around, now seeing Lu Shaoqing again, Yin Que immediately broke his mouth and cursed, “Shameless villain, do you dare to appear?”

“Fight me, I want you to know how good I am.”

Lu Shaoqing admired, “Sure enough, it’s tough, it’s good, it’s good, keep it up!” ”

Although he is an arrogant person, he still has the backbone.

For this kind of person, in addition to admiration, Lu Shaoqing also said to Liangbai, “What are you doing so gentlely?”

“Haven’t you fallen to the ground once in two days?”

“His mouth is so hard, his face is so thick, he can’t die if he falls.”

Anyway, the skin of the yuan baby is thick and thick, and it can’t die if you fall, but the pain can’t be avoided.

“But, abominable scumbag!”

Yin Que hated so much that his teeth were almost crushed and fell into this person’s hands, which was simply a great shame.

“Are you scared?” Lu Shaoqing asked with a smile, “Cooperate obediently to keep you safe.” ”

Cooperation you fart,” Yin Que was unwilling to bow to the evil forces, he pointed at Lu Shaoqing, angry, like a grudge, “Do you dare to fight me?”

“I don’t do things that waste time.” Lu Shaoqing flatly refused, “You can’t even beat my head, what are you going to use to fight me?”

Yin Que was furious, “You are despicable and sneak attack, otherwise, you are not even as good as an animal in front of me.” ”

Drop it!” Lu Shaoqing dug his ears, “It’s noisy.” Xiao

Bai carried Yin Que and threw it down, this time Yin Que was smashed heavily on the ground.

The ground shook, and the ground was smashed into a deep pit, causing the shaking that shattered a pile of stones and almost buried him.

Yin Que fell so badly that he didn’t have time to slow down.

He was taken up by Dabai again, and then fell again.

The spaceship went deep into the stone forest, and Yin Que was dropped all the way.

Every time it falls, the ground can cause a huge vibration, smash a pile of stones, set off smoke and dust, and cause huge movements.

Almost threw Yin Que out of.

“Phew!” Yin Que was dropped again, feeling the wind in his ears, Yin Que’s teeth were almost crushed.

I was treated like a toy by two pets, which was too much to deceive.

Don’t give me a chance, or I’ll make you people regret it.”

Yin Que was fierce in his heart.

He was used to the feeling of weightlessness, and he calmly did not struggle, which could save some strength.


There was a vibration from the ground below, the earth tumbled, and a black shadow tumbled out from under the dirt, among the chaotic rocks…

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