“Damn bastard…

..,” Yin Que got up with a swollen nose and a swollen face, he was thrown down, caught off guard, and his head hit the ground first, if not for Yuanbao’s body being strong enough, it was enough to break his neck just now.

Although it didn’t hurt his life, it was enough to embarrass him.

Yin Que, who got up, looked at the distant spaceship, so angry that his teeth were almost crushed.

The flames of anger made him mad with hatred, and he wanted to destroy the world completely.

This is the anger of being deceived, the anger of being played.

Is this something that a human can do?

With a righteous face saying that he wanted to contribute to mankind, his sincere expression and sincere tone made him choose to believe Lu Shaoqing.

I feel that this is a person who will not be ambiguous in the face of human righteousness.

As a result, he was dropped from the ship in a blink of an eye, and he ran away without a trace in a puff of smoke.

Let him curse a few words and can’t do it.

Here, incompetent scolding also does not reach the ears of the other party.

This feeling of holding back is annoying to think about, and I want to kill when I think about it.

Yin Que covered his chest, he was so angry that he seemed to have a heart attack, and his deceived heart was faintly aching.


In the end, Yin Que could only let out an angry roar, and the angry voice echoed through the stone forest.

After roaring for a long time, Yin Que gritted his teeth and looked in the direction where Lu Shaoqing was gone, “You wait for me, don’t let me touch you again, otherwise I will definitely not spare you.”

After the anger, Yin Que began to calm down, and he looked at his surroundings.

There is also a stone forest around, and here there are stones as far as the eye can see, and the whistling wind blows in the stone forest, blowing through the cracks in the stone, making different sounds, echoing in the stone forest.

Coupled with the gray sky, it adds a bit of terror out of thin air.

“Roar…” At

the same time, the roar of some monsters was faintly heard in the distance.

This is not the place for good stubble. Yin Que subconsciously used the spiritual power in his body, intending to leave here

, but when the spiritual power operated, he remembered that he still had this prohibition in his body.

“Bastard, bastard

…” Yin Que’s anger was ignited again, and he greeted Lu Shaoqing with resentment again, “Damn bastard, hateful bastard, you must not die well…”

Now he can exert limited strength, and he is not even as good as a cultivator of the Jiedan period.

He could only carefully shuttle through the stone forest, looking for a safe place, and then quickly recuperate and release the prohibitions in his body.

There is no other shortcut to the prohibition in the body, and it can only be solved with the work of water grinding.

At the same time, he also sent a message flying sword, telling his companions his location and situation.

In less than three days, Yin Que finally broke the prohibition that Lu Shaoqing left in his body, and his strength was fully restored.

After regaining his strength, his self-confidence also recovered

, “Mad, bastard, you wait for me, I will definitely not let you go.” Yin Que clenched his fists, murderous, and he couldn’t wait to kill Lu Shaoqing right away, and use his strength to blast Lu Shaoqing into slag.

It’s abominable.

He had never met such a hateful guy in his life.

Despicable and shameless, he does not talk about martial virtue, and he also turns the group around where he deceives.

Yin Que lifted into the air, and was about to catch up with his strength, when his heart suddenly moved, and his eyes fell in the distance.

Soon, a stream of light appeared in the distance, streaked through the gray sky, and finally fell into his hand.

Flying Sword Messenger!

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After Yin Que read it, his face showed a little excitement, “Did the eldest lady come so quickly?” ”

Knowing that the eldest lady who has been chasing the spaceship is not far behind, Yin Que is not in a hurry to chase Lu Shaoqing.

He waited in place, and after another three days, there was a fluctuation in the distance, and Yin Que opened his eyes, his face showing joy, “Here it is!” ”

In the distance, a strangely shaped black spaceship appeared like a conch, with spiral patterns on the surface.

The spacecraft slowly came to a stop in front of Yin Que, and a woman with an indifferent expression and a handsome appearance appeared.

Although the woman is of average height, a lilac long dress makes her full of temptation.

At least for Yiyinque, the person who came was the fairy in his mind.

He jumped up, jumped onto the spaceship, and said to the woman with a smile, “Miss! ”

Eldest Miss, Xiangsi Immortal, granddaughter of the Great Elder of the God Killing Organization.

Strength, the early stage of the Yuan Infant, a layer of realm.

The age is younger than Yin Que, and he is also called a genius.

Seeing Yin Que, Xiang Si Xian’s face softened a little, in her mind, Yin Que was her brother.

As for Yin Que pursuing her, she just didn’t know.

“Brother Yin, how, what about the three people?” Aoshisen gets straight to the point.

She chased after a few people for more than three months, and she didn’t even catch a hair, if she couldn’t determine the direction of Lu Shaoqing and their advance, she would have no confidence to continue chasing.

Speaking of Lu Shaoqing and the three, Yin Que’s face was immediately difficult to see.

Really, just got together, can’t everyone say something happy?

How is it that bastard as soon as he opens his mouth?

Yin Que was depressed in his heart.

Speaking of Lu Shaoqing, his good mood was swept away and he was extremely depressed.

Finally, he hung his face and said unpleasantly, “Run!” ”

Ran away?” Yin Que’s answer surprised Xiangsi Xian and the others.

“Brother Yin, why?” Xiangsi Xian didn’t understand, “With your strength, how can you let them run?”

The others nodded one after another, “Yes, Yin Gongzi’s strength is so strong, they can still slip away from under your nose?”

“Even if they break in, they don’t have a chance of winning, right?”

Then someone guessed the reason from the perspective of everyone.

“Shouldn’t Young Master Yin be secretly letting them go?”

“So that you can fly amphibious with the eldest miss?”

“It’s possible, after all, this is one of the few opportunities to get along, high, really high, my generation model…”

Everyone guessed, and their gazes changed as they looked at Yin Que.

When did Yin Que become so cunning?

Sure enough, love will make people change, not in the change, but in the change.

“Yin Gongzi was not carried away by love, but became smarter, really worthy of being a genius…”

everyone secretly sighed in their hearts.

What strength does Yin Que have?

The whispered words of these people fell into his ears word for word, so angry that he cursed, “What are you talking about?

“Am I that kind of person?”

“They can run because they are too cunning, and I fell for their tricks.”

“Yes, yes, yes, they are too cunning…” Everyone nodded…

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