In the cave, the fluorescence emitted by the surrounding stones shone here like daylight, and Lu Shaoqing’s white teeth shone under the light, as happy as if he had picked up a million spirit stones.

Xiangsi Xian is silent, this guy, really….

Before, Lu Shaoqing said that he would let the things inside the black egg call him father, but now it seems that he has done what he said.

It is possible that the little blackbird was the son of a sacrifice god.

But now the son of the god of worship called Lu Shaoqing his mother, and was coaxed by a few spirit beans to change his name to father.

What is this?

If it is really the son of the sacrifice god, it must be the son of the most cheap sacrifice god, right?

The sacrificial god would not recognize such subordinates, right?

It’s a shame.

If you want to destroy the little black bird, you can’t say anything.

Finally, Xiang Sixian pointed to the little black bird and asked Lu Shaoqing, “Mu Gongzi, what do you plan to do with it?”

Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “Sister Si Xian, what do you want to say?”

“It is the son of the sacrificial god, and existence is a calamity.” Xiangsi Xian slowly spoke, although he did not say it directly, but the meaning was clear.

I still hope that Lu Shaoqing will dispose of the little black bird.

Xiao Yi was the first to be unhappy, such a cute little guy, can also be ruthless?

This is the daughter of my second senior brother, and no one can disadvantage her.

She immediately stood beside Ji Yan, and if she wanted to make a move, she also had to ask my senior brother, and she was a hundred unhappy, “The son of the sacrifice god is just a guess, sister Si Xian, what evidence do you have to prove that it is the son of the sacrifice god?”

“Besides, have you ever seen such a sacrificial son of a god?”

Xiangsi Xian was silent, and indeed he had not seen it.

The appearance is average, even a little ugly, and the body is petite without the slightest domineering.

And, it seems, it’s still a foodie.

A few spirit beans bought it.

Just now, he also injured Xiao Yi, and now he is so close that he almost calls his mother.

Very cheap little guy, not like the son of the sacrifice god.

“But…” Xiangsi Xian had nothing to say, but she was really unwilling and unwilling to let a suspected son of a god run out, and when the time came, she would be the biggest sinner.

Lu Shaoqing patted the armillary stone armored beast below, the armillary stone armored beast comprehended, turned around and got into the passage, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came over, “The son of the sacrifice god is dead, the consciousness it left in the egg has been extinguished, and now this little guy is just a wild duck.” Ji

Yan shook his head and followed suit.

This kind of thing, with his junior brother out of the horse, there will be no problem.

Xiao Yi said to Xiangsi Immortal, “Sister Si Xian, don’t worry, the second senior brother said that there must be no problem if there is no problem.” Watching

everyone leave, Yin Que asked, “Miss, what should I do?”

Xiangjixian glanced back at the cave behind him, and the gray debris powder left by the eggshell inside was on the ground, proving that what had just happened was not a dream.

What happened to Lu Shaoqing and the black egg in a short period of time, she didn’t know.

Xiangsi Xian collected his mood and shook his head, “I don’t know, I can only take them to see grandpa and let grandpa judge.” ”

There are too many mysteries in this, and with her current ability, she can’t figure it out at all, and she is not sure if the little black bird is the son of the sacrifice god.

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All she could do now was let her grandfather judge.

If it is the son of a sacrifice god, let her grandfather solve it.

Yin Que frowned, and he said, “I’m afraid they won’t want to go to the Great Elder. Xiang

Sixian also knew that Lu Shaoqing was reluctant, she had her plans, “As long as I follow them firmly, even if they don’t want to, they can’t run away.”

She seemed very confident about this, “Even if they want to leave secretly, I also have the spaceship given by my grandfather to follow them firmly.” Her

spaceship was very fast, and she didn’t lag behind Lu Shaoqing too much when she followed behind.

Now Lu Shaoqing is in front of her, even if Lu Shaoqing and them run, she can drive the spaceship to chase behind.

“Now we will follow them firmly and prevent them from having a chance to get rid of us…” The

speed of the armillary armored beast was fast, running wildly through the cave, and the ground was shaken.

Lu Shaoqing and they sat on the back of a muddy stone armored beast, as if sitting in a carriage, looking relaxed and leisurely.

After solving the matter of the black egg, everyone relaxed.

After Lu Shaoqing’s side set off, he sat on the head of the armillary stone armored beast, gently patted its head, and communicated with it with divine thoughts.

Ji Yan stood by the side, quietly not speaking.

After Lu Shaoqing finished communicating with the armillary stone armored beast, he glared at Ji Yan, “What for?”

“This position is mine.” ”

Ji Yan likes to sit in front.

“Cut!” Lu Shaoqing didn’t bother to say anything, turned around and returned to the middle of the back of the armillary stone armored beast, this place is big and spacious, isn’t it fragrant than the dusty position in front?

After Lu Shaoqing returned, the little black bird fluttered to Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder with its wings, and arched Lu Shaoqing’s cheek with his head affectionately.

After Xiao Yi didn’t eat anything in his hands, the little black bird still liked to stay by Lu Shaoqing’s side, just born, and liked to stick to his parents.

Lu Shaoqing patted it, pointed at Xiao Yi’s head, and said to it, “Silly duck, go there to fight in the future, and follow your uncle.”

When Xiao Yi was about to protest, she suddenly reacted, and she asked Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, does it have a name?”

“Silly duck, didn’t you hear?”

Xiao Yi was immediately unhappy, and hugged the little black bird, “What is this name, it’s hard to hear, second senior brother, you don’t know a name at all.” ”

Everything is silly, the little blackbird is so cute, or a girl, called a silly duck, how to meet people after going out?”

Xiao Yi strongly disagreed with this name, and she said, “Second Senior Brother, you have to change a name, it’s too ugly.”

The little blackbird also barked and spoke, “It’s ugly.” She

didn’t like the name Silly Duck either.

“What’s so bad about it? Isn’t it just a name? Just like you, isn’t the idiot also your name? ”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t care about the name or anything, it’s just a title, a three, a four, wangcai erha or anything.

The appearance of the little black bird is similar to a wild duck in Lu Shaoqing’s opinion, what is it called a silly duck?

Xiao Yi waved his hand in protest, “No, Second Senior Brother, your name is too ugly, and I must let me, the senior uncle, come and name it.”

Xiao Hei shouted again, spreading his wings and waving, indicating that he agreed with Xiao Yi’s statement that he had to change his name.

“Whatever name do you think of?”

Xiao Yi smiled, “It’s called Xiao Hei, how?” ”

Slag, you are also slag…”

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