“The sun is out!”

Xiao Yi suddenly pointed to the front and shouted, “It’s spectacular.” ”

Ahead, the sun’s fiery light tore through the gray sky, and the light scattered was like a sword radiating divine brilliance, piercing into the earth.

The gray clouds that accumulated in the sky gradually dissipated under the sunlight, and the long-lost sunlight once again fell on this land.

This was the second sunshine that Lu Shaoqing had encountered since they came here.

Every time the sun first comes out, the sunlight penetrates and sets, which is indeed spectacular.

Feeling the warm sun, Lu Shaoqing, who was lying on the top of the boat, looked even more lazy.

Squinting, I can’t wait to sleep like this for ten years and eight years.

Lu Shaoqing said pleasantly, “If you don’t come out again, people will grow hair.” The

fluttering voice came, and Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes and saw that it was the good girl Xiaohei.

When Xiao Hei saw the sun for the first time, he seemed a little nervous and scared, and he looked for the old father’s comfort for the first time.

Xiao Hei ran into Lu Shaoqing’s arms and avoided the sun, which showed that he did not like sunlight.

Lu Shaoqing patted its head and signaled that there was no need to be afraid.

By taking it out, pinching its tail, hanging it in the sun, and saying to it, “When you follow me back, there will be sunshine every day, what are you afraid of?” ”

Nasty!” Xiao Hei flapped his wings and said.

I don’t know if I hate Lu Shaoqing for it like this, or I hate the sun.

Lu Shaoqing took out a few spirit beans and put them on the roof of the boat, his little black eyes lit up, and he immediately flew to a mouth, and a spirit bean swallowed together with a shell.

After two sips, it spits out the shell.

Lu Shaoqing immediately taught, “Eat in the shell, how unhygienic, you have to peel the shell.”

Xiao Hei shouted, “Dad, peel!” ”

Do it yourself.” Lu Shaoqing lay down and didn’t want to move.

Xiao Hei fanned his wings and found that it was difficult to peel the beans with his wings, and even exerted too much force, and a spirit bean at the end of the good end was pressed into powder.

Xiao Hei tilted his head, looked at Xiao Yi below, and shouted, “Uncle Master!” ”

Hey!” The sweet voice made Xiao Yi fall directly, and without saying a word, he would come up to peel the spirit beans for Xiao Hei.

Xiao Yi peeled the spirit beans and fed Xiao Hei, and Da Bai and Xiao Bai also came together.

The three spirit pets opened their mouths, and Xiao Yi could only take out more spirit beans.

At the same time, I couldn’t help but rejoice in my heart, thanks to her in order to please Lu Shaoqing, she prepared a lot of spirit beans, otherwise it would definitely not be enough now.

While peeling the spirit beans, Xiao Yi asked Lu Shaoqing curiously, “Second Senior Brother, are we really going to see Sister Si Xian’s grandfather?”

Lu Shaoqing closed his eyes and pouted, “Whoever loves will go, I won’t go.” ”

That’s the god of transformation, to meet a god of transformation who has never met, and looking for death is not like this.

The best way to deal with the gods is to hide as far as possible, and not seeing them for a lifetime is the best way.

The god-killing organization said that it was for the sake of the Terran race, and it was necessary to unite all forces to deal with the sacrifice gods.

True or false is one thing, even if it is true, this kind of organization exists for the sake of righteousness.

And for the sake of righteousness, there are many things that can be sacrificed.

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Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to be part of the sacrifice.

Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que said that the three of them were special people, and the more special people they were, the greater the role of sacrifice.

Xiao Yi looked back and said, “They follow like this, can they not go?”

“As they said, if we don’t go, Sister Si Xian’s grandfather will come, what should I do?”

“Instead of this, it is better to meet politely, so that everyone is less embarrassed, and it will not anger Sister Si Xian’s grandfather.”

It looks like you can’t escape it.

Lu Shaoqing proudly cocked Erlang’s legs, shaking proudly, “Hehe, they can keep up.” ”

Huh?” The movement in Xiao Yi’s hand paused, his eyes reflected, what did the second senior brother do?

“Second Senior Brother, what did you do?” Xiao Yi was a little excited and asked excitedly.

“Hehe…” Lu Shaoqing was also very satisfied with his arrangement, and his tone was full of care, “Let the armillary stone armored beast do a favor and stop them casually for a hundred days.” ”

I’ll go!

Sure enough… Clever.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but exclaim, “Second Senior Brother, you are really…” There

was no need to say the following words, and even if she said it, it was difficult to express her admiration for Lu Shaoqing.

However, Xiao Yi was a little worried, “Can the little stones stop Sister Si Xian for a hundred days?” ”

Sister Si Xian is also a Yuan baby, and she still has her grandfather’s six-rank magic weapon in her hand, if it really fights, small stones can’t take advantage.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t care about this, “Forget about him, even if the muddy stone armored beast can’t stop it, she won’t want to catch up with me.” ”

Is it true that his formation attainments are fake?

Xiao Yi was puzzled, and asked curiously, when he knew that Lu Shaoqing had done tricks on the Xiangsi Immortal spaceship, Xiao Yi just wanted to bow down.

“Second Senior Brother, you are really powerful.”

A thousand words can only be gathered into such a sentence.

“No wonder you were going to take Sister Si Xian’s spaceship, it turns out that Second Senior Brother, you have already planned this.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “There is no way, who let her be used as a dog skin ointment?”

“For safety, I can only make this decision.”

Saying that, Lu Shaoqing became angry, “Ma De, you two are not strong at all, and the last person who is tired is me.”

Xiao Yi hurriedly smiled and complimented, “Who made the second senior brother so smart?”

“This kind of thing, only the second senior brother you can do, I can’t do it.”

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart that even the senior brother could not do it.

Then, Xiao Yi asked again, “Second Senior Brother, where are we going now?”

“Of course, go to the center of the world,” although a lot of things happened along the way, Lu Shaoqing’s original intention did not change, and his heart to go home never changed, “When you get to the right place, leave immediately.” ”

Whatever god-sacrificing monster he is, what god-killing organization, or what god-killing great elder he is, they can do whatever they want, it has nothing to do with us.”

The matter here is not Lu Shaoqing’s turn to manage, and his strength cannot be involved.

Lu Shaoqing sighed faintly, “Our strength is too weak, we can only be a burden here, and the biggest contribution we can make is to leave here quickly and not cause trouble to the people here.”

“Adults, the greatest sensibility is not to cause trouble…”

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