The laughter was like a night cane in the night, which made Xiao Yi’s heart chill.

Xiao Yi turned back with difficulty, and a man was suspended outside the spaceship, with a pair of eyes like jackals, revealing a fierce gaze.

This person was the middle Yuan Infant who had just been smashed off half of his body by Lin Yu’s bricks.

Now that he has reappeared here, the destroyed half of his body has recovered, but looking at his face, you can tell that he has paid a lot of price.

Moreover, the aura emitted was much weaker than just now, and the realm also fell.

The breath he exudes now, but it is only the early stage of the Yuan Infant.

But the early stage of the Yuan Infant was also enough to easily clean up Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi’s scalp was numb.

This kind of enemy is too bad, half of his body has been destroyed, and he has actually recovered in a short time.

The more Xiao Yi thought about it, the more angry he became, and he glared angrily at the comer, “What do you want to do?”

“Tell you, if you don’t want to die, get out of here!”

Now that Lu Shaoqing is breaking through in the back, no one can disturb him.

Xiao Yi brandished his long sword, revealing a fierce look, like a fierce puppy, grinning.

The person who came sneered, killing intent, “The apostates must die!” ”

I’ll let Kachi from my Taize tribe send you on your way.”

Jia Chi was smashed off half of his body by the bricks, and although he was recovered, he suffered heavy losses.

Most of the black mist in the body was consumed, the strength decreased, and the weakness was extreme.

Jia Chi was ordered to come here to help the Yuanxuan tribe deal with Lin Yu.

As a result, I almost blamed myself here.

And the companions who came with him also fell on the battle.

Jia Chi originally wanted to escape secretly, but in the end, he found that someone actually broke through at this time.

Let him be overjoyed, kill these people and go back.

After coming here, he found that there was only one little girl and three spirit pets, which made him ecstatic.

Such an opponent is simply not too simple.

Without saying a word, he waved his palm at Xiao Yi.

The black mist transformed into a big hand and shot at Xiao Yi.


The spacecraft glowed with a layer of white light on the surface, and the spaceship’s protective shield activated, blocking Jia Chi’s blow.

However, the powerful force made the spacecraft shake.

Xiao Yi was angry, “Guy who is not human, are you looking for death?” At

this time, she couldn’t let Jia Chi do it anymore, and it would be easy to interfere with Lu Shaoqing in this way.

Xiao Yi’s long sword swung out, and a sword light went straight to Jia Chi.


Xiao Yi is just the six-layer realm of Jiedan, and the difference in strength between him and Jia Chi is huge.

Facing Xiao Yi’s sword, Jia Chi didn’t even have to dodge.

Straightening his chest made Xiao Yi return in vain.

“Abominable fellow!” Xiao Yi hated himself at this time for not being strong enough to be able to split Jia Chi with a sword.

“Look at the move!”

Xiao Yi shouted again, and with a forceful move, a huge fireball fell from the sky.

The burning light of the fireball illuminated the night sky, much to Jia Chi’s disgust.

“What a nasty thing!”

Jia Chi coldly waved his hand, and the black mist roared up, easily breaking the big fireball.


A large fireball exploded, not very powerful, and thick smoke shrouded here.

Xiao Yi did not intend to use the large fireball to cause damage to Jia Chi, what she needed was thick smoke to cover Jia Chi’s vision.

Big White and Little White are also skillful in getting into the smoke.

“Look at the move!”

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Xiao Yi secretly came to the vicinity of Jia Chi and took the opportunity to riot.

The long sword emitted a faint blue light, which looked good in the smoke, and took Jia Chi directly with Xiao Yi’s killing intent.

Just now, Lu Shaoqing split an enemy in half with a sword, and Xiao Yi also learned the same, intending to let people taste the sharpness of her long sword.

Watch me split you in half with a sword.


With a loud noise, Mars splashed, and the huge force rebounded, and Xiao Yi’s hands were numb.

“What kind of turtle shell is this?”

“Dog thing, are you a turtle?”

Jia Chi turned around, and the black mist lingered on his body, like a thick layer of armor, extremely hard.


Jia Chi waved his hand, and the black mist once again volleyed into the air, hitting Xiao Yi’s body hard.



Xiao Yi’s ribs were broken, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out.

Heavy fall from the sky.



Da Bai and Xiao Bai were also angry, Da Bai opened his mouth, and a stream of energy erupted from his mouth, like a cannonball straight towards Jia Chi.

Xiao Bai didn’t know where he found a big stone and smashed it heavily on Jia Chi.

This can be regarded as the most powerful attack of the two spirit pets, but for the existence of Jia Chi, it is just a tickle.

Jia Chi did not dodge, and the black mist lingered around him as if it were alive, easily blocking the attacks of Da Bai and Xiao Bai.

Jia Chi waved his hand, as if driving away annoying flies, Da Bai and Xiao Bai instantly whimpered, the same blood sprayed wildly, fell from the sky, fell to the ground, life and death unknown.


Xiao Yi fell to the ground, and his soul almost fell to death.

A painful expression appeared on her face, and Jia Chi’s blow did not use all her strength, but it was enough to make her miserable.

Not to mention the disorder of spiritual power in the body, the ribs of the body were also broken several times, and the whole body was like being smashed a hundred times by a sledgehammer, and there was not a single place that was not good.

Xiao Yi hurriedly swallowed a few healing pills and stopped the pain slightly.

However, when she stood up, her face changed drastically.

I don’t know when a black mist appeared in her body, which was eroding her body.

Like a vampire, sucking her spiritual power, even her flesh and blood seemed to be devoured.

The severe pain made Xiao Yi couldn’t help but moan lowly, she didn’t dare to delay, and hurriedly pumped the spiritual power in her body to suppress the black mist.

But the target of the black mist is spiritual power, and the spiritual power gathers, although it can suppress the black mist, but at the same time, it also makes the black mist swallow faster.

It’s like putting out a fire with paper.

After a while, the spiritual power in Xiao Yi’s body became dry up, and a sense of powerlessness surged up.

This is the end of it.

Xiao Yi’s heart had already given birth to despair.

Do you have to die here today?

But soon, Xiao Yi perked up.

Damn, I am also a disciple of Tianyu Peak.

I can’t disgrace Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother, otherwise how can I be their junior sister?

Xiao Yi’s gaze became firm, this little difficulty wanted to knock her down?


But with determination, there is no way.

Seeing that the spiritual power in his body was completely dried up, Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, swallowed a handful of pills again to replenish his spiritual power, and then ran his own exercises, mobilizing the sword intent in his body to deal with the black mist.

“There is a play!”

Xiao Yi was overjoyed, but soon his eyes darkened again.

There is a drama that can suppress and disperse the black mist in the body, but helplessly, her strength is too weak.

Seeing that the black mist began to devour her flesh and blood, and when the huge pain came again, another sword intent suddenly erupted in her body, dazzling like the sun…

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