Ji Yan was next to him, and once again felt Lu Shaoqing’s state.

It was like facing a terrifying ferocious beast, which made Ji Yan’s fighting spirit burn.

He couldn’t help but ask, “What do you want to do?”

Lu Shaoqing sensed that something was wrong with Ji Yan, and asked vigilantly, “What do you want to do?” ”

Fight!” Ji Yan’s eyes were scorching, as if there was a flame burning in his eyes, and his body was full of fighting spirit.

“You get out!” Lu Shaoqing didn’t give Ji Yan a good face.

He is now not only physically tired, but also mentally tired.

He had thought of finding another gray rune like before.

As a result, there was no hair.

It’s so disappointing.

It seems that being able to get a gray rune at that time can be regarded as a coincidence, and it was shit luck.

The depressed Lu Shaoqing returned directly to the spaceship, and Ji Yan also returned.

“What kind of exercise are you? Fight with me and let me see. ”

Ji Yan really wants to fight with Lu Shaoqing in such a state to see what is different.

Junior Brother still hides too many good things.

“Get out!” Lu Shaoqing was not angry, “You shout again?” I’m afraid I’ll beat you to death.

Xiao Yi pouted, a hundred unbelieving.

“Second Senior Brother, Senior Brother is now a realm stronger than you.”

Xiao Yi touched Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei, don’t learn from your father, talking big all day.

Now the master brother is strong, and the second senior brother is weak.

I definitely can’t beat Senior Brother.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Xiao Yi and sneered twice, “You know a fart.”

Xiao Yi shrunk his neck and hurriedly took a few steps back with Xiao Hei in his arms.

The second senior brother is hard-mouthed, unwilling to bow his head in front of the senior brother.

The spaceship came to the sky above the Yuanxuan tribe, and the battle here in the Yuanxuan tribe was over.

The last Yuan baby of the Yuanxuan tribe was also killed after Lin Yu joined.

The people of the other Yuanxuan tribes were powerless to resist the people of the God Killing Organization, and could only surrender and be disposed of.

Lin Yu also breathed a sigh of relief and let his subordinates deal with these things.

Solving the priests and Yuan Ying masters of the Yuanxuan tribe is only the first step.

Next, it is necessary to change the minds of the people in the tribe so that they know who is the enemy and who is the friend.

Then Lin Yu saw Lu Shaoqing’s spaceship appear in the sky, and he had a somewhat complicated expression on his face.

Today is not Lu Shaoqing and them, he and his people are fierce this time.

If all of his people fell here, it would be a huge loss for the God Killing Organization, and it would demoralize the organization heavily.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan’s performance is too enchanting, and their talent is like the blazing sun in the sky, which makes people dare not look at it directly.

It was also because their performance was too amazing, and he, a master of the eight-layer realm in the late Yuan Infant stage, seemed to be a joke.

After being saved by Lu Shaoqing, he always wanted to appear as a grandfather and earn back a little face, but in the end, he never had a chance, and the so-called face could not be earned at all.


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Watching the spaceship stop there quietly, it seemed to be waiting for him.

Lin Yu quietly straightened his chest, the image of the grandfather of the superior man had to be made out, but he couldn’t make those juniors laugh.

His figure flashed, and he came to the outside of the spaceship and bowed, “Old man Lin Yu, the head of one of the branches of the God Killing Organization, has seen a few.

Lu Shaoqing stood on the deck and said to Lin Yu, “Senior, please come on board and get together.”

Lin Yu couldn’t ask for it, smiled, and got on the spaceship.

Lu Shaoqing bowed to Lin Yu and introduced the identities of the three.

Of course, his current name is Mu Yong.

After the two exchanged polite conversations, Lin Yu couldn’t help the curiosity in his heart and asked, “Dare to ask Mu Gongzi, where do you three come from?”

Lin Yu was very curious about Lu Shaoqing’s identity, in this world, the sacrificial god and its minions dominated this world.

The God Killer Organization is the biggest resistance organization, and has always wanted to kill the sacrificial gods and liberate the world.

In addition to these two forces, there are other forces.

Those forces are hidden from the world, powerful, and suddenly one or two geniuses come out to travel, and such things have not happened.

Lin Yu felt that Lu Shaoqing should be the disciples cultivated by this hidden force.

Lu Shaoqing said with a smile, “Where we come from, this can’t be said, and I hope that the seniors will forgive me.” ”

Understood, understood.” Although Lin Yu was very curious and wanted to know, but people showed their attitude, he could only suppress the curiosity in his heart.

He solemnly saluted Lu Shaoqing and said, “I won Mu Gongzi’s help this time, otherwise I will be in danger.”

“I, Lin Yu, owe a favor to the two princes, and if I need it in the future, I will definitely go to the soup and do whatever I want.”

Lu Shaoqing and they appeared very timely, otherwise he would already be queuing up to drink Meng Po soup.

Timely help saved him, and also saved the God Killing Organization, such a great grace, there is no reward.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he laughed and opened his mouth to say, “In that case, I’m not welcome.” Saying

that, he took out a jade Jane and handed it to Lin Yu, “Senior, can you help me see what place this is?”

Lin Yu looked at Lu Shaoqing blankly, facing Lu Shaoqing who was beating the snake stick, he couldn’t react for a while.

As soon as I finished speaking, I didn’t even finish my breath, and you made a request?

So fast, is it really good?

Xiao Yi was holding it next to him, holding his chin with both hands, quietly watching the play.

Lin Yu’s daze made Xiao Yi feel strange, the first time he communicated with the second senior brother, it was normal to have such a reaction.

Xiao Yi laughed slightly, she felt very enjoyable to watch such a scene.

After Lin Yu was in a daze for a while, he came back to his senses and hurriedly took the jade Jian in Lu Shaoqing’s hand, “Oh, oh, good, okay, I’ll take a look.”

Lin Yu pinched the jade Jian, and after a while, his face became solemn and asked, “Mu Gongzi, where did you get the map in your hand?”

“You don’t need to know this, I just want to ask, where is the place inside?”

Lu Shaoqing was also very depressed in his heart, looking at Lin Yu’s reaction, he could guess what place it was.

Lin Yu’s face became more and more solemn, and he unconsciously took a step back, looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze already with vigilance.

It seems that Lu Shaoqing is already a bad guy with bad intentions.

“Mu Gongzi, this place, to be honest, I don’t know.” Lin Yu finally said this sentence against his will.

He was familiar with the place, so familiar that he couldn’t be more familiar.

However, that place is too important to be exposed, otherwise disaster will come.

Green Jade’s reaction made Lu Shaoqing even more depressed, and he pouted, “Isn’t it the headquarters of your God Killing Organization?” What’s remarkable.

This sentence was like a thunderbolt on Lin Yu on a sunny day, but Lin Yu looked confused, “Who said that it is the headquarters of our god killer?” ”

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