“Muyong, get out of here for me!”

Someone outside was shouting, and the voice could not hide the arrogance and arrogance.

“Who’s barking outside?” Xiao Yi came out.

As soon as he heard the voice of the comer, he knew that the person who came was not good, so Xiao Yi was not polite and scolded when he went out.

Whatever dog stuff you are.

My second senior brother is not even afraid of the gods, I am afraid of a fart for these small characters of you.

Xiao Yi, who was a little black on his head, came out to see clearly that the person was not an old man with white hair like Xiang Kui or Lin Yu, and he was not a master at first glance.

At the moment, he scolded even more unceremoniously, “What my second senior brother said is not wrong at all, the people of your God Killing Organization are not polite at all.

“Haven’t you taken a etiquette class?” Even if you haven’t taken etiquette classes, haven’t the elders in the family taught them?

“Do you know how to write the word polite?”

“Coming to someone’s door early in the morning barking, is it a dog?”

As soon as Xiao Yi appeared, he scolded Zhou Guangyuan who came forward.

Zhou Guangyuan was bewitched by Yin Que and mistakenly thought that Lu Shaoqing was interesting to Xiangsi Immortal and was pursuing Xiangsi Immortal.

An outsider also dares to pursue the goddess in his mind?

In addition, in the past two days, there have been rumors circulating here in the organization, and the three outsiders are very arrogant, threatening to challenge the younger generation of the God Killing Organization.

After Zhou Guangyuan knew Lu Shaoqing’s residence, he came to the door as soon as possible.

Although there was an outsider who was very strong, Zhou Guangyuan was far from afraid.

As long as you don’t provoke Ji Yan.

His target was Lu Shaoqing.

Therefore, when he came here, he only dared to call Mu Yong out, instead of letting everyone come out.

But it was not Lu Shaoqing who came out, but Xiao Yi.

As soon as he came out, Xiao Yi scolded Zhou Guangming so much that he couldn’t react for a long time.

Originally, Zhou Guangyuan saw a beautiful girl come out, and Xiao Yi looked more beautiful and moving than a slightly mature Xiangsi Immortal.

At least Zhou Guangyuan’s eyes lit up.

The childish face, coupled with a pair of big eyes, instantly gave birth to a different feeling in Zhou Guangyuan’s heart.

And Xiao Yi, who rushed out, scolded without saying a word.

The swearing words were diametrically opposed to the pure appearance, which once again gave Zhou Guangyuan a great impact.

Zhou Guangyuan looked at Xiao Yi stupidly, his mind was blank, and he didn’t know what to say.

After Xiao Yi saw that he had scolded Zhou Guangming to the point of blood, he stayed there for half a day without moving.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but mutter, this guy, shouldn’t he be so angry that he had a cerebral hemorrhage?

However, Xiao Yi was too lazy to take care of Zhou Guangyuan, and if he scolded for bleeding, he would spill blood, anyway, he was not his own person.

Xiao Yi put down a sentence, “If you don’t want to suffer, just get out.”

Then Xiao Yi Shiran came back, scolded, was in a good mood, and came in and smiled.

“Second Senior Brother, there is a guy outside who wants to trouble you, and he is so scolded by me that he doesn’t dare to speak out.”

Xiao Yi invited merit to come to Lu Shaoqing.

For the things outside, Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense was swept away.

People like Zhou Guangyuan, he didn’t bother to pay attention to.

“Leave him alone, cat and dog.”

Zhou Guangyuan was scolded, and by the time he reacted, Xiao Yi had already returned and closed the door.

Looking at the closed gate, Zhou Guangyuan’s original intention of coming here to trouble Lu Shaoqing had long been thrown out of cloud nine.

His mind is now full of Xiao Yi’s figure.

He thought about it, rearranged his clothes, and then slowly walked to the door, knocked lightly, and said, “Second Elder Apprentice of the God Killing Organization, Zhou Guangyuan, ask for a meeting.” When

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the voice came, Xiao Yi couldn’t help but snort, his eyes flashing with doubt.

“How did this guy become so polite?”

Just now, the momentum was impressive, and his tone was extremely unkind, and he looked like he wanted to go to the door to settle the account.

Now there is polite knocking on the door, and speaking is also polite.

It’s like changing people.

Lu Shaoqing was also strange, what did this guy do?

Scolded, ashamed in your heart, awakened and repented?

“Second Senior Brother, what should I do?” Xiao Yi asked, “Do you want me to go out and drive him away?”

“Let’s go!”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to deal with it, he was still thinking about how to get involved.

He is now playing a high-end game, and the opponent is Xiangkui.

An opponent like Zhou Guangyuan belongs to the low-end game, and he is too lazy to go against it.

However, when Xiao Yi went out, Zhou Guangyuan’s slightly excited voice came in.

“You, you must be Miss Xiao, right? I have offended a lot just now, and I hope to forgive me a lot. ”

Huh?” Lu Shaoqing suddenly became interested, sat up straight, the kid from the low-end bureau was interested in his junior sister?

“What do you want to do?” Xiao Yi is strange, this guy didn’t come to make trouble?

What are you doing so politely?

When Zhou Guangyuan saw Xiao Yi come out, his heart was excited, and the different feeling in his heart was even stronger.

He inexplicably felt happy, the sun in the sky was shining, and the birdsong around him was also moving.

Even the smell in the air became sweet.

Spring, this is what spring feels like.

“I heard that Xiaoxian brought back guests from outside, and I want to come and make friends.” Zhou Guangyuan hurriedly showed a self-considered handsome smile and said to Xiao Yi, “I like to make friends the most.” ”

Make friends?” Xiao Yi looked Zhou Guangyuan up and down, feeling that this guy’s smile was real and hypocritical.

“I don’t want to be friends with someone like you. You just shouted for my second senior brother to get out, is this a way to make friends?

Zhou Guangyuan hurriedly waved his hand and explained at the first time, “I was in time just now, and I didn’t slow down for a while, and I said the wrong thing.”

“If Miss Xiao agrees, I can go in and apologize to Mu Gongzi.”

After Zhou Guangyuan finished speaking, he rubbed his hands, showing a little nervousness and restraint.

After Lu Shaoqing saw this, he was even more affirmative.

Touching his chin

, “Oh, gee…” and then said to Ji Yan on the tree, “What do you think?” Someone wants to like your junior sister.

“I’ll go, is this guy blind?”

Instead, Ji Yan praised, “Good vision.” ”

Being able to look at his junior sister, this guy is quite discerning.

But Ji Yan added, “But you can’t look at your own eyes.” ”

Although Zhou Guangyuan is a baby of the Yuan, in Ji Yan’s opinion, Zhou Guangyuan does not have a clear understanding of himself.

Zhou Guangyuan is not worthy of Xiao Yi.

Lu Shaoqing thought deeply, “He has a fart eye, he is blind.”

“However, there are also benefits to being blind.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, he thought of a way.

Xiao Yi’s side disliked Zhou Guangyuan, “I said, if you don’t want to suffer, just get out.”

“Wait to annoy my senior brother, and beat you up without discussion.”

After speaking, he thought about turning around and going back, Zhou Guangyuan’s mouth had just opened, and Xiao Yi had slammed the door shut, leaving Zhou Guangyuan in a daze.

But before Zhou Guangyuan was in a daze, the door opened, and Xiao Yi came out of it again…

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