Xiao Yi’s words made everyone present shocked and silent.

Even Zhou Guangyuan was stunned.

Doesn’t it mean temptation?

How did it become a mouth cannon, but angry into anger to beat people?

Would the Great Elders do this?

The villain is also a great elder, so there is no need to see Brother Mu in general, right?

Zhou Guangyuan couldn’t believe it, and so did the others.

When they came back to their senses, they all cried out.

“No, it can’t be!”

“What kind of joke, the Great Elder is such a person?”

“How can it be possible to beat people if you can’t say it, and less slander the Great Elder here.”

“Mu Yong is something, is he qualified to meet the Great Elder?”

“Smelly girl, don’t give me nonsense here, be careful that I clean you up.”

The more the others spoke, the more angry they became, and their gazes looking at Xiao Yi were full of anger.

Xiangkui has a high status and high prestige in the god-killing organization, and is the object of respect and worship of everyone in the god-killing organization.

The juniors grew up listening to the deeds of the Great Elder since they were young, and they already regarded the Great Elder as idols.

Xiao Yi’s words undoubtedly meant to them slandering the Great Elder and ruining the reputation of the Great Elder.

If it weren’t for Zhou Guangyuan standing next to Xiao Yi and glaring angrily, they would have made a move long ago.

However, Yin Que did not speak.

Instead, he had some belief in his heart.

He knew that Xiang Sixian took Lu Shaoqing and his party to see Xiang Kui.

What happened in the middle, he did not know, but it seemed to him that there would certainly not be a pleasant outcome.

Without him, it was because Lu Shaoqing was too annoying.

Xiao Yi said that the Great Elder was embarrassed and angry because he couldn’t say Lu Shaoqing, and he believed it.

How annoying Lu Shaoqing’s mouth was, he had learned it, and he knew better than everyone else present.

It was a mouth that made people want to tear it into countless pieces with their own hands, and then burn it with fire to destroy it clean.

At the same time, Yin Que was a little curious in his heart.

Can’t even the Great Elder say that bastard?

But it’s good to be beaten, this is deserved.

Dare to offend the Great Elder and not be killed is his good luck.

It’s a pity that I wasn’t there at the time, and I couldn’t see his sad look.

Well, since they are all here, even if they can’t find trouble with that bastard, they have to see how embarrassed he looks.

Thinking of this, Yin Que stretched out his hand in his heart and pressed against his companions, signaling them all to calm down.

He smiled at Xiao Yihe, like a young man who controlled everything, “If you haven’t seen him, do you think we will believe it?” ”

Unless he comes out and lets us see, we will not believe it, otherwise can we think that you are slandering the Great Elder and ruining the reputation of the Great Elder?”

With such a big hat buttoned down, even Zhou Guangyuan couldn’t help but change his face slightly.

He shouted angrily at Yin Que, “Yin Que, what do you want to do?”

“Don’t you even believe my words?”

This guy is really getting annoying more and more.

Yin Que was still light and breezy, “Even if we believe it, what about the others?”

“The Great Elder is benevolent and loyal, and has high morality, how can there be villain behavior?”

“When the time comes, the organization here will only think that Zhou Guangyuan has become a traitor, and together with outsiders, slander the Great Elder and destroy the reputation of the Great Elder.”

“In the end, it is your master who is affected.”

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Guangyuan’s face became even more ugly.

And Lu Shaoqing, who was in the room, pinched his chin and muttered, “I didn’t expect it, this guy still has some brains?” Two

or three sentences almost drove Zhou Guangyuan into silence.

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Zhou Guangyuan was the apprentice of the second elder and represented the second elder of the God Killing Organization.

The position of the second elder is very sensitive, if it is deliberately made bad by someone with intentions, what Zhou Guangyuan is doing here today will easily be interpreted as the second elder wants to take the position.

For Zhou Guangyuan, this is not a good thing.

Zhou Guang was far from stupid, and he could hear Yin Que’s implications.

For a while, he fell silent.

When it came to Master, he had to be careful and cautious.

Xiao Yi didn’t have so many scruples.

Mind your Great Elder, Second Elder or something, and care about your prestige.

Anyway, the second senior brother just wants to disgust the Great Elder.

Xiao Yi said to Yin Que, “You are not convinced? If you are not convinced, you go and ask Sister Si Xian, what do you think Sister Si Xian said?

“You asked Sister Si Xian, did her grandfather really suddenly make a move against my second senior brother?”

Xiao Yi moved out of Xiangsi Immortal, leaving Yin Que and the others silent.

Yin Que was not convinced, “Hmph, the eldest lady is not here, what you say is what it is.”

“That’s right, what you say is what you say.”

“The eldest lady is not here, you can talk nonsense.”

Others were also unconvinced.

Xiao Yi smiled straightly, not caring in the slightest, she said, “I dare to swear, do you dare to ask Sister Si Xian?” The

crowd fell silent again.

“Hmph, your Great Elder bullied us as outsiders, and specially came to bully us, do you people also want to follow and bully?”

“Do you really think we’re bullies?”

“I think you must have been instigated by the Great Elder, it’s really abominable.”

“Cough…” Suddenly there were two coughs behind him, Lu Shaoqing appeared with a pale face, and he shouted at Xiao Yi, “Don’t be rude.” ”

The Great Elder Dao is highly respected, the Great Duke is selfless, and he is devoted to the Terran race, and I should respect it.”

“Even if he makes a move on me, there must be a reason, you can’t blame him, it’s definitely not stingy.”

Lu Shaoqing came here and faced Yin Que and the others.

Zhou Guangyuan hurriedly said, “Brother Mu, why did you come out?”

“You heal your wounds well, I won’t let them interfere with you.”

Zhou Guangyuan hated it in his heart, and greeted Yin Que fiercely in his heart.

Damn, this time I was deducted points by Brother Mu.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, “That’s it, I wanted to let you help, but now it seems that it will affect you.” ”

I’ll do it.”

Who made you not give power?

Alas, I still underestimated the prestige of the old man.

Then he said to Yin Que, “Brother Yin, did you bring people here on the orders of the Great Elder?”

Then, with a scowl on his face, he said angrily, “Great Elder, this is too much, right?

“Good, good, in that case, I will accompany you to the end.”

I wipe, you don’t talk nonsense.

Yin Que came here for his own reason, and he had nothing to do with the Great Elder.

Yin Que said angrily, “You don’t talk nonsense, we came here to learn your strength and meet your friends with martial arts.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded and deliberately said loudly, “Understand, understand, I understand, this has nothing to do with the Great Elder.”

“The Great Elder will not be involved in this kind of thing, everything is spontaneous by you, I understand.”

I’ll go, you bastard, on purpose.

Yin Que was furious, “Shut up.

“So what’s angry for?” Lu Shaoqing muttered, “I said it has nothing to do with the Great Elder.

“Since you came to the door to look for trouble, I can’t back down.”

Yin Que sneered, “Didn’t you say you were injured? Can you still fight?

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Xiao Yi and said, “I can’t, she can…”

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