The crowd was silent again.

They have the heart to refute and do not want to believe it.

The Great Elder in their minds was a perfect person, and it couldn’t be what Lu Shaoqing said.

Therefore, someone soon said dissatisfied, “The Great Elder will definitely not do anything to you for no reason, and you definitely did something to anger the Great Elder.

“That’s right, the Great Elder is fair and impartial, and will not strike at will.”

“You must have a bad heart and were discovered by the Great Elder.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “Yes, you are right, it must be my fault, and the Great Elder will not be wrong.”

“The Great Elder can’t do something to me just because he can’t say anything, he can’t be a stingy person.”

“Everything is that I did not do it right, and the Great Elder cannot do it to me because I am petty, nor can he do it to me because I am more handsome than him.”

I’ll go!

Everyone, including Zhou Guangyuan, couldn’t help but complain in their hearts.

Stinky don’t face you, the Great Elder will be jealous of you handsome?

Who is not a handsome guy?

When the Great Elder was young, he was more handsome than you.

Many people really couldn’t bear it and booed Lu Shaoqing.

The boos represented their contempt for Lu Shaoqing.

Nothing else is certain, but one thing they can be sure of.

The guy in the ring in front of him is a narcissistic guy.

Who would boast of being handsome?

What is not narcissism?

However, some people still didn’t believe it, and shouted at Lu Shaoqing very unceremoniously, “Hmph, even if the Great Elder makes a move against you, it doesn’t mean that the Great Elder wants us to come and fight with you.”

“The rumors you said may have been released by yourself.”

“Yes, that’s right, the Great Elder acts in an upright manner, and will never do such villain behavior.”

“You have to slander the Great Elder.”

Many people looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, and they were imposing, and they started fighting without saying a word.

“Don’t you believe it?” Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Wait, soon someone will come, and they are targeting us on the orders of the Great Elder.”

This made everyone half-believe.

Zhou Guangyuan felt that something was wrong when he heard it.

Without waiting for Zhou Guangyuan to straighten it out, after more than an hour had passed, Yin Que and a group of them came in a mighty way.

“Huh, is it Yin Que Gongzi?”

“And Zhang Gongzi, Lu Gongzi, what are a large group of people doing here?”

“No, is it really what Mu Yong said, is it what the Great Elder meant?”

“But, why, the Great Elder, did he target them like this?”

“yes, why? Didn’t it mean that Mu Yong was the person the Great Elder was looking for? With

the appearance of Yin Que and the others, the people who were here just now became confused at this moment.

Their hearts began to waver, and they began to believe Lu Shaoqing’s words a little.

Could it be that the Great Elder really made a move against Mu Yong regardless of his identity?

The Great Elder was because he couldn’t talk about Mu Yong, and he was angry and injured Mu Yong?

Not only that, but also deliberately let people target Mu Yong and them? Is it because of pettiness?

Everyone had to guess.

Yin Que and the others went back to find their companions, and then rushed forward.

“Mu Yong, this time I will let you see how powerful we are.”

“That’s right, let you know the power of the God Killing Organization.”

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“You dare to be arrogant as an outsider? Let you know today that you regret it.

Lu Shaoqing smiled even happier when he saw Yin Que and the others coming.

He laughed, “The Great Elder means that he hopes that everyone will have a good discussion, it’s not good that you are so angry.”

“When you wait for the next competition, I hope that my subordinates will stay merciful and stop at the point.”

Many people in the dark looked at Yin Que.

Yin Que was angry and panicked in his heart, and shouted angrily at Lu Shaoqing, “You are less talking nonsense.”

“This matter has nothing to do with the Great Elder.”

“Oh oh, look at my brain,” Lu Shaoqing pretended to come to his senses, patted his head, and pretended to cough twice, “I forgot.”

Then he turned to everyone, “Don’t misunderstand, the discussion between us has nothing to do with the Great Elder, and it is definitely not the Great Elder who is stingy and wants to take revenge on us like this.” ”

I’ll go!

Yin Que couldn’t wait to rush up and stuff his socks into Lu Shaoqing’s mouth.

It’s better not to say that.

“Don’t talk nonsense,” Yin Que drank angrily, “let your junior sister come out.”

“Good, good, remember your subordinates to show mercy, don’t bully us.”

Xiao Yi jumped onto the ring and shouted at Yin Que and the others, “Who comes first?”

A young woman chuckled, “I’ll come!”

“It’s Huang girl, not very old, but already in the middle realm of Jiedan, and her potential is amazing.”

“Yes, if she makes a move, will the foreign girl be an opponent?”

“The foreign girl is so young, not half my age, how strong can she be?”

“Hey, it’s going to end at the beginning, boring!”

After seeing the people on the field, many people sneered, thinking that Xiao Yi had lost.

Even Zhou Guangyuan, standing next to Lu Shaoqing, couldn’t help but worry, “Brother Mu, I have to let Sister Xiao be careful.” ”

Topaz, this little girl has a good talent and strong strength.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t worry in the slightest, and said indifferently, “If you lose, you will lose.” ”

Anyway, it’s all about discussion.”

Lu Shaoqing even said loudly to Huang Yu, “Miss Huang, I still hope that my subordinates will show mercy, the Great Elder wants us to fight, but he definitely doesn’t want us to get hurt.” ”

Yin Que is angry, can you not open your mouth and shut up about the Great Elder.

It’s easy to misunderstand when you say this.

Abominable fellow.

After the girl known as Topaz came up, she smiled coldly at Xiao Yi, “Little girl, you admit defeat.”

“You are not my opponent, hurry up and admit defeat so as not to suffer hardships.”

Xiao Yi pouted and took out his sword, “Have you heard a word?” ”

What words?” Topaz did not put Xiao Yi in his eyes, his delicate body stood up like a flower, and he was calm and relaxed.

“People talk a lot!”

After Xiao Yi finished speaking, he instantly pulled out his sword.

The blue sword light lit up, and a sword intent was like a storm, descending in an instant.

In an instant, Topaz was surrounded by sword intent, and the surrounding space seemed to be torn apart, isolating Topaz from the world.

Huang Yu was shocked and looked panicked, she never expected Xiao Yi to have such a sharp sword intent.

Facing Xiao Yi’s sword, she could only resist in a hurry.

Although her realm is the same as Xiao Yi, her own strength is not as good as Xiao Yi, plus she is not prepared for Xiao Yi, and she is like a kite in front of this sword.

With a cry of pain, Topaz was knocked off the ring.

Her pale yellow dress cracked, revealing the snow-white skin on her body, and the sword intent left wounds on her body, and blood splattered.

She fell to the ground, very embarrassed.

Xiao Yi won the sword, collected the sword and stood in the ring, and said lightly, “You lost….”

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