Huang Yu and Cao Chen were defeated, but Yin Que’s side was not discouraged.

Instead, people continue to play.

However, the next result shocked them.

One after another, one person went up, a total of eight people, and finally fell into Xiao Yi’s hands.

Whether it is the early stage of Jiedan or the middle period of Jiedan, it is not Xiao Yi’s opponent.

It looks like a female tyrannosaurus in the competition, the shot is fierce and fierce, and the people who go up are not Xiao Yi’s opponents, and they are easily defeated by Xiao Yi.

The eight young talents of the Jiedan period were all defeated in Xiao Yi’s hands, and this scene shocked everyone.

Their mouths were wide open, their expressions were dull, and they looked at Xiao Yi in the ring like fools.

Xiao Yi defeated eight opponents in a row, and this scene was beyond their imagination.

It was the first time he saw the scene when Ji Yan split six Yuan Infant masters with a sword.

They were all shocked.

Zhou Guangyuan also looked at Xiao Yi in the ring blankly.

Xiao Yi’s strength was beyond his imagination.

The cute little rabbit turned into a tyrannosaurus beast, once again giving him a strong contrast impact.

Zhou Guangyuan’s heart beat violently again.

I really like it the more I look at it.

“Brother Mu, Sister Xiao, she is so powerful?” Zhou Guangyuan couldn’t help but ask Lu Shaoqing beside him.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand and said truthfully, “It’s far away, she’s too lazy, if she tries a little harder, she will already be a baby of the yuan.” ”

Alas, it’s too lazy.

The brain thinks about yellow stuff all day.

Be an imperial uncle all day.

You have to exercise well, otherwise it will be wasted.

The regret on Lu Shaoqing’s face made Zhou Guangyuan stunned.

“Brother Mu, are you serious?”

What are you kidding, how old is this?

Although he didn’t know the exact age, through the bone age, Zhou Guangyuan could roughly guess Xiao Yi’s age.

Definitely under twenty-five.

At such an age, Yuedan is already a genius among geniuses in the middle of the century.

When Zhou Guangyuan was at Xiao Yi’s age, it was only the early stage of Jiedan, and his combat effectiveness was simply not comparable to Xiao Yi now.

Don’t say let him pump eight, even if it is one draw two, he feels hard.

A performance like Xiao Yi’s, no matter who can find fault.

But here in Lu Shaoqing, it is not good enough.

Still thinking of becoming a meta-baby at this time?

How old is Xiao Yicai?

Start cultivating in the mother’s womb, and at this time, you can’t become a yuan baby.

Do you really think that everyone is a demon pervert?

Zhou Guangyuan wanted to ask Lu Shaoqing if you were pretending.

Don’t compare with your junior sister.

Zhou Guangyuan was very uncomfortable, he didn’t want to talk to Lu Shaoqing for the time being, so as not to be suffocated.

His gaze fell on the ring again, or look at his goddess well.

Xiao Yi stood proudly in the ring and defeated eight opponents in a row, which greatly increased her confidence. The body exudes a confident light, and the whole person looks radiant.

It seems that as the second senior brother said, this world has been isolated for too long.

A thousand years of time has caused a lot of exercises to be lost, and the strength of these people is very average.

Xiao Yi’s heart became more and more confident, such opponents, I will fight ten of them.

Xiao Yi looked at everyone looking at her with awe, and her heart became more and more proud, and her head shook slightly.

“Is that all? Dare to come to us for trouble with this bit of strength?

“Is anyone else coming?”

“If you are not convinced, just come on.”

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Everyone continued to be silent, and in the face of Xiao Yi’s shouts and provocations, no one from the onlookers spoke up.

Many of them come here to see and annoy, their strength is ordinary, and they just ask for their own hardships when they go up.

More people set their sights on Yin Que and his group.

The faces on Yin Que’s side were gloomy, and it was difficult to see the extreme.

Especially Yin Que secretly gritted his teeth, and his teeth were almost crushed.

Look away.

I didn’t expect this smelly girl to be so powerful.

Is there still heavenly reason?

Eight people couldn’t beat her in a wheel war.

Such an age, such strength, where the hell did the freaks come from.

Xiao Yi’s defiant gaze fell, and Yin Que felt as if the long sword in Xiao Yi’s hand fell on his body, poking him to pieces and shattering his face.

Yin Que’s companions felt almost the same way.

They didn’t even dare to look directly into Xiao Yi’s gaze.

Even if they were cultivators in the Yuan Infancy Stage, they felt that Xiao Yi’s gaze was full of great pressure, making them dare not look directly.

Damn it!

But such behavior is undoubtedly a shame for them, so angry that they gritted their teeth and were extremely angry.

At this time, Yin Que set his sights on the two companions before, both of whom were companions in the late Jiedan period.

One Jiedan eight-layer, one Jiedan nine-layer.

Both of them have higher realms than Xiao Yi, and it seems that their strength is also stronger than Xiao Yi.

The eyes of others also fell on these two, and the meaning was self-evident.

Hopefully, they will make a move.

The strongest of the eight people who came to fight against Xiao Yi just now was only in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, and the one in the later stage was not on it.

Now if you want to win Xiao Yi, maybe only in the late stage of Jiedan.

“Brother Lu, Brother Xu, I can only rely on you.”

Lu Huang, the eighth layer of Jiedan.

Xu Yu, ninth layer of Jiedan.

The two looked at each other, and their faces were not very good-looking.

The two of them hold their own strength stronger than Xiao Yi, and they are big men, and they don’t want to bully the small with the big, and they don’t plan to make a move.

At this point, the two of them couldn’t avoid it.

Lu Huang said to Xu Yu, “Brother Xu, why don’t you go up?”

Xu Yu smiled, “I’m afraid that if I get on it, I will be said to bully the small, or Brother Lu, you are appropriate.”

Yin Que said, “No matter who makes the move, we must win this time, otherwise our face will be severely trampled on the ground.” The

others around him also nodded one after another, their faces a little grim.

If you don’t win this time, this face will be lost to your grandmother’s house.

Xu Yu’s strength is stronger than Lu Huang, and he can say it without making a move.

Lu Huang was helpless, and finally could only say, “Okay, I’ll go meet her.”

Seeing that Lu Huang was willing to fight, Yin Que and the others looked good, and they all turned from cloudy to sunny.

“Brother Lu, don’t leave your hands, you must solve the battle as quickly as possible.”

Lu Huang nodded, looking proud, “Don’t worry, I won’t let her bounce around for too long.” ”

The strength is stronger than Xiao Yi, if you fight back and forth, you can barely win, and your face is not good-looking.”

Lu Huang took the stage, and after the others exclaimed, it was a great joy.

“Haha, that girl lost.”

“This time, look how arrogant she is.”

“Lu Gongzi’s strength is already the ninth layer of Jiedan, see how she resists.”

Xiao Yi saw Lu Huang on the stage and looked Lu Huang up and down, “Are you also here to send death?”

“Who sent death is not certain.” Lu Huang smiled coldly and made a decisive move.

There are many dishes, he has heard this sentence several times, and he doesn’t want to be evaluated like this by Xiao Yi.

“Let you see how good I am.” Lu Huang drank.

What answered him was a sword light, like countless green pings spreading out, shrouding him…

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