Everyone was shocked, did Zuo Die want to challenge Xiao Yi?

Zuo Die’s strength is a little stronger than that of the eldest miss, and it is already in the early stage of the Yuan Infant, the second-layer realm.

Only Xiong Xiaoyi in the Jiedan period will not be his opponent.

Even if there are ten more, they won’t be able to beat Zuo Butterfly.

Yin Que and others were overjoyed.

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, where did this chick run out?

The age is not much older than the Xiangsi Immortal, but it is not half as sensible as the Xiangsi Immortal.

Until now, Xiangsi Xian did not dare to appear, what was this chick going to do when she ran out?

From the discussions of the people around him, Lu Shaoqing knew the identity of Zuo Die.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “How?” If you can’t beat the Jiedan period, will you send Yuan Ying?

“Little chick, are you on the order of the Great Elder?”

“Is the Great Elder really so stingy? I can’t afford to lose, but let this chick of yours bully us, right? Zuo

Die froze.

She subconsciously replied, “No, it’s not.

“You don’t have to deny it, I know that the Great Elder looks down on us three outsiders, isn’t it because I said a few truthful words to make him unhappy?”

“It’s just a matter of hurting me, and until now, are you still thinking about it?”

“It’s really stingy enough, okay, we admit defeat, okay?”

“Junior sister, admit defeat, don’t fight, we can’t fight the Great Elder.”

Lu Shaoqing looked very sad and indignant, and the aggrieved look made everyone feel stunned, and he actually had some belief in his heart, was it the Great Elder who was too much?

“Is the Great Elder such a person?”

“No, why target them?”

“Doesn’t it mean they’re special people? Maybe that’s because of that. ”

Well, it’s possible

…” “Although he looks a little pitiful, he offended the Great Elder and deserved to be targeted by the Great Elder…”

Everyone whispered, these voices made Lu Shaoqing laugh secretly in his heart.

It also made Zuo Die, Yin Que and others confused.

What’s going on?

So the bad words about the Great Elder came?

After Zuo Die was stunned for a while, he hurriedly said, “I’m not here to fight with my little sister, I’m here to hope you guys stop here.”

“This is the end of the matter, don’t hurt everyone’s harmony……”

And on the top of the mountain, sitting in the rebuilt wooden house, Xiang Kui was full of anger, “I, I will kill him!”

The powerful aura almost caused the newly built wooden house to crumble again.

He shouted angrily at his granddaughter standing in front of him, “I’m going to clean up this bastard boy.” ”

Abominable, abominable…”

Xiangsixian looked at his grandfather speechlessly.

She looked very helpless, “Grandpa, look, I said it all, Mu Gongzi is not so easy to deal with.” ”

As an avatar, he usually maintains a serious appearance in front of everyone.

But in front of his granddaughter, Xiangkui did not put on a serious look.

He covered his head and looked very headache, “I didn’t expect this bastard boy to be so difficult.” He

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originally wanted to spread rumors and let people go to Lu Shaoqing’s trouble.

Yin Que took people there, but was counterattacked by Lu Shaoqing.

Now many people began to suspect that he was really as Lu Shaoqing said, stingy, cautious, and deliberately targeting Lu Shaoqing and them outsiders.

Xiangkui doesn’t care about his reputation, for thousands of years, he has long looked down on reputation.

What made him unhappy was that he and Lu Shaoqing, a hairy boy, fought in the air, and he lost.

Losing to such a kid who is less than one tenth of his age, the breath in his heart can’t be spit out, and he can’t hold it uncomfortably.

I lost the first round, and now I seem to be almost losing the second round.

It’s very uncomfortable.

“Abominable bastard boy!” Xiangkui felt what was happening in the martial arts arena, and gritted his teeth in anger, “I must clean you up.” ”

As an avatar, you will never bow your head and admit defeat easily.

Then he said to Xiangji Xian, “Go, let that kid come to me.”

“Grandpa, what are you going to do?”

Xiangkui sneered, “Hmph, I didn’t plan to go around in circles with him, I have to clean him up head-on, didn’t he say I was stingy?” I was petty and showed him. Seeing

that his grandfather would continue to fight with Lu Shaoqing, Xiangsi Xian was anxious.

“Grandpa, do you want to continue?”

Xiang Kui huffed, “Why don’t you continue?” I will not throw in the towel to him.

Looking at his grandfather like a stubborn child, he was so angry that he stomped his foot, “Grandpa, when the time comes, how will it end?”

“Now I’m asking Sister Fluttershy to help, who else can help next time?”

Lu Shaoqing and Yin Que competed in the martial arts arena, and Xiang Sixian soon received the news.

After watching it for a long time, I knew that something was wrong.

However, she couldn’t personally stop it, Xiao Yi had won so many games, and she came forward to stop it, which was easily mistaken for the Great Elder’s weakness.

So, she entrusted Zuo Die to help stop it.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Die actually had a big fun and made a joke with Xiao Yi, but he was caught by Lu Shaoqing and took the opportunity to sublimate a wave.

Let everyone believe Lu Shaoqing’s nonsense, thinking that the Great Elder is targeting Lu Shaoqing.

As a result, Xiang Kui was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Below, Lu Shaoqing saw Zuo Die come out to dissuade, and he asked with a smile, “Little chick, is it the Great Elder who came to dissuade you?” ”

Heck, the Great Elder is really generous, really benevolent and righteous, he didn’t stop it before, he quickly sent someone to stop it when my junior sister was about to lose.”

“For the sake of our face, it is really a respected old-timer.”

“We are the most polite, and we can’t help but listen to the words of our elders.”

“That’s the end of today, everyone disperse, go home for dinner.”

When Xiangkui heard these words, he was so angry that he smoked, “Abominable bastard, I’m going to kill him.” ”

Still praise and irony, or pour dirty water on him.”

Xiang Kui really wanted to rush down, slapped Lu Shaoqing into the mountain, and buried him.

This hateful little bastard should be killed as soon as possible.

Xiangkui couldn’t bear it anymore, and angrily, he blew his beard and glared, urging Xiangsi Xian to say, “Go, go and call him immediately.”


Xiangsixian wanted to persuade more, but Xiangkui was so angry that he couldn’t listen to anything.

Don’t forget to pour dirty water on him all the time, this can’t be tolerated.

“I’m going to be a stingy person…”

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