My Senpai Knows Magic

Chapter 49: Family

Normal people are called the devil's messenger, a symbol of evil, and I'm afraid they won't have a good mood.

Of course, Chen Luo was also very depressed, but thinking about it carefully, normal people can't do things that destroy the foundation of the school of belief, and it would be a good result to not be **** and feed the fish, so he was relieved quickly.

Chen Luo spent an afternoon writing articles on the Nine Bridges Problem and the Problem of Irrational Numbers, and was going to find an opportunity to send them to Calvin tomorrow.

The reason why it is not today is because after school this afternoon, he asked Isabella and Teacher Britney to go out to buy ingredients...

Since it was three people working together, Chen Luo couldn't always think about himself.

Women have a natural interest in shopping, but this does not include grocery shopping. Teacher Britney and Isabella went shopping, leaving the decision to Chen Luo.

This has something to do with their habits. Not only Isabella and Britney, but food is only life-sustaining for everyone here. When the cooking method is savage and primitive, few people will pursue appetite. desire.

In terms of eating, the biggest difference between Chen Luo and them is that the Chinese nation has an obsession with eating. Chen Luo can live in the utility room and wear Blair's old clothes, but he cannot eat bread for three meals a day. , even if it's Alice's savory and sweet creamy bread.

What's the point of life if you just eat to fill your stomach?

After buying the vegetables, Chen Luo went to the blacksmith to have a look, and it happened that the iron pot he needed was ready.

In addition, he also went to the carpenter to make a few pairs of chopsticks. Compared with Western-style knives and forks, they were handed down from the ancestors.

For Chen Luo, of course, magic must be practiced hard and strive to reach the realm of the holy magician as soon as possible, but life must be as refined as possible, even in this unfamiliar world, you can't treat yourself badly.

This is the romance in the Chinese bones.

After doing all this, it took him some time to find Isabella and Teacher Britney in a shop specializing in women's accessories.

Isabella bought a ladylike white hat here, with lace on the brim and a feather of an animal at the back, which looked beautiful.

For some reason, the women here seem to have a soft spot for hats. When participating in the academic salon, Chen Luo had seen many women wearing very exaggerated hats, which should be some kind of fashion in the aristocratic circle.

Teacher Britney bought a purple scarf, which seemed to match her very well. Chen Luo and the two of them walked together, and they received envious glances from many men along the way.

Isabella originally wanted to go home directly, but seeing that Chen Luo had bought so many ingredients, she changed her mind and planned to leave after eating at school.

This made Chen Luo, who originally planned to cook some noodles and meditate tonight, also changed his mind.

Isabella is his golden sister. If she is dissatisfied with her cooking skills, Chen Luo will still have to go out and sell papers to earn money to support him and Teacher Britney.

After all, Teacher Britney's economic conditions are not good either. She forfeited Chen Luo's rent, and Chen Luo was embarrassed to ask her for money.

To conquer a woman's heart, you must first conquer the woman's stomach.

Chen Luo can only conquer her gold coins by conquering Isabella's heart first.

So for this afternoon meal, Chen Luo tried his best to cook the dishes he was best at.

Teacher Britney, Isabella, plus Chen Luo himself, three people, he cooked four dishes, plus one soup.

There were two meat dishes, one was braised fish and the other was lotus leaf chicken. Chen Luo didn't find peppers in the market, and the people here mainly eat light food, so he didn't dare to give Isabella anything heavy.

In case she was dissatisfied with the temporary withdrawal of capital, Chen Luo could not find a second sponsor for a while.

For the other two vegetarian dishes, he sautéed a common vegetable here, and a hand-shredded cabbage. The soup was mushroom soup. Chen Luo boiled it for more than an hour. When he finished all the dishes, the soup was almost ready. .

In the open space outside, Britney was teaching Isabella how to fight. Chen Luo walked to the window, looked at the two figures below, and said, "Mr. Britney, Sister Isabella, it's time to eat... "

Isabella walked to the door and was about to push the door to enter when she suddenly sniffed and wondered, "What smells..."

This was a scent she had never smelled before, not a floral scent, nor a good scent from Teacher Britney, but a scent that made her swallow her saliva.

Not only Isabella, Britney couldn't help but move a few times when she smelled this fragrance.

Then they looked at the food on the table at the same time.

It was different from bread, something they had never seen before.

The situation after that can only be described by the wind and the clouds.

Chen Luo's cooking skills can only be regarded as average, but this result has long been expected by him. This is not confidence in himself, but confidence in traditional Chinese cuisine.

People take food as their heaven. From ancient times to the present, the Chinese people's pursuit of food has almost reached the extreme. In this era when eating is generally just to fill the stomach, Chen Luo has it, but hundreds of millions of foodie ancestors have spent hundreds of them. Valuable experience summed up in thousands of years.

After eating, Isabella was lying comfortably on the sofa, one hand unconsciously caressing her slightly bulging belly, showing no ladylike demeanor...

Chen Luo couldn't help looking at her more. Isabella always called herself a lady, but whether it was Alice or Teacher Britney, they were more ladies than her.

After all, a lady would not touch her belly in front of the opposite sex.

Feeling Chen Luo's gaze, Isabella's face turned red, and snorted coldly: "What are you looking at, it's not because of you..."

It seemed that she felt that she had eaten too much and instead blamed the chef for the delicious food. Isabella stopped abruptly halfway through her words.

Chen Luo quickly looked away and stared at the belly of other girls, which is the behavior of hooligans and nasty embryos.

The four dishes on the table were eaten cleanly, and there was not a single mouthful of the mushroom soup left. Isabella stroked her stomach and felt that her ten gold coins were really worth it.

Before today, she never even thought that there would be such delicious food.

In addition to baking bread to make cakes, the chefs at home are kippers and smoked fish, and they don’t even use mushrooms to make soup. They are usually used to bake mushrooms.

She once thought that honey cream cake was the best food in the world, but she never thought that the same food could taste so different.

It was the first time that Britney had eaten a meal with a completely different feeling, but she was much more restrained than Isabella. tableware.

In the past 20 years, she used to use a knife and fork to eat, whether it was cutting bread or meat, it was very convenient.

For Chinese-style meals, chopsticks are naturally used. Britney saw that he used two stick-shaped things, which were more flexible than knives and forks, so she learned to use them.

It was a little difficult to control at first, but later became more and more proficient. Although it was still not as well-cooked as Chen Luochun, there was no obstacle to using it for serving dishes.

Isabella also learned quickly in this area. She experienced difficulties at the beginning. At the end, there were already three pairs of chopsticks coming and going on the table.

Although Britney and Isabella's use of chopsticks is still somewhat unfamiliar, in Chen Luo's view, there is still a strong sense of intimacy. In this place, most of them have brown hair and blue eyes, and black hair and black eyes are regarded as aliens. , In a world where people only eat with knives, forks and spoons, it is a rare thing to have two people sitting with him and eating a home-cooked meal with

This made Chen Luo feel at home for the first time here.

After eating, Britney took the initiative to clean up the mess, and Isabella followed her to help. At a certain moment, Isabella looked back at Chen Luo who was sitting on the sofa in a daze, and wondered: "What's wrong with Blair? ?"

After Britney cleaned the dishes and placed them neatly together, she was also slightly startled when she looked at Chen Luo.

In Britney's heart, her gifted student has always been rational. He has maturity and stability that they should not have at their age. Britney has never seen this kind of emotion in his eyes.

She is not unfamiliar with this kind of emotion, because at some point, such an emotion will also appear in her.

Britney looked outside and said softly, "He must be homesick."

Isabella was even more puzzled and murmured, "But isn't this his home?"

Alone in another world, although Chen Luo forcibly buried a certain emotion in his heart, occasionally he couldn't suppress the feeling of homesickness.

Fortunately, after a good night's sleep, the low mood was swept away.

Toby came earlier than usual today, and looked in good spirits. After sitting in his seat, he said excitedly, "Blair, I saw Sister Alice just now..."

Chen Luo opened the math textbook and asked casually, "Don't you like Sister Isabella?"

Toby showed hesitation on his face and said, "Although Isabella-senpai is more beautiful, Alice-senpai is really big..."

"I seem to have heard my name..." Alice walked in from the back door of the classroom, looked at Chen Luo with a smile, and asked, "Sister Blair, what did you say about me just now?"

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