My shadow can evolve

Chapter 181 The Third Floor

While the green-haired youth and Li Rong were fighting.

Fang Xiu, who had been feeling the energy fluctuations and came here, already knew the situation of these two people.

For the divine crystal?

With this idea, Fang Xiu also took action directly.

The green-haired youth who didn't know what was going on in front of him instantly felt a chill around him, and then darkness was born.

Not only him, but even Li Rong who was fighting before was dragged away directly.

At this time, Li Rong faced this unknown attack without any fear, but smiled.

"Hahaha, you guy, you are going to be unlucky."

"Let's die together."

"You won't have a good time if you plot against me."

Li Rong and the green-haired youth had no ability to resist at all.

They were quickly controlled.

And with the action of the black shadow.

The red and green figures all became Fang Xiu's nourishment.

"Here, the competition is really fierce." Seeing the black shadow devouring the divine crystal, even not letting people go, Fang Xiu nodded with great satisfaction, and then sighed.

While saying this, energy fluctuations erupted in the lava volcano cave again.

A huge lava monster ran out from below.

As this guy moved, a hole opened in the lava below.

The hole was a bit like the previous one.

"The passage to the third floor?" Fang Xiu was also a little surprised.

The passage to the third floor that had been elusive was found so easily.

This really came without any effort.

It was completely picked up for nothing.

Of course, there is still a big boss guarding here.

This lava monster.

The huge figure was attracted by the black shadow, and now it is looking for trouble with his black shadow.

But before it really did anything, the black light burst out, and the power seemed to directly cover the lava cave entrance.

And the next moment, this guy was wrapped and swallowed.

Fang Xiu could feel that the black shadow seemed to like this thing very much, and just swallowed it.

"Next floor."

Looking at the lava lake below, perhaps most people would be afraid.

But for him, this is still tolerable, as long as there is energy to wrap himself.

Jump directly into the crater.

Before the hole disappears completely, go inside.

Behind him, there is a fearful face.

This guy is a tool now. Before he can really play his role, he should continue to be a tool.

The third floor, arrived.

The third floor is a green jungle, which is completely different from the previous lava world.

However, the land here is still the same, blood red, and I don’t know how many people have died here, or how many things have been buried.

Of course, it is also possible that it is a special mutation of this land.

That’s why it’s like this now.

This third floor is actually okay. This green everything, at least it won’t be the same as before, when you can’t find people, there is no vitality at all.

When I appeared on this third floor, I soon saw a place like a small jungle, which is a bit too small to call it a forest.

"Someone is watching so soon?" After feeling it, Fang Xiu was also surprised.

But the black shadow has been released silently.

And he and the face shadow are already standing here.

Stupidly like a weak chicken.

The person who is hiding and observing has not been determined yet.

"Two more fat sheep. They came here but didn't hide. They must have accidentally reached the third floor." In the jungle, people with strange green runes on their bodies stared at Fang Xiu and the others and said.

"Two more fat sheep. Killing them should allow us to enter the later floors."

"Go ahead. They haven't moved yet. They don't know the situation here at all."

"These guys, we..."

Five people stood here, each with their own confidence and arrogance.

And facing Fang Xiu and the others who only took the roots, and had that special sense of superiority, they didn't take Fang Xiu and the others seriously at all.

"Calm down, let's decide how to divide it first."

"Drain all their divine power, don't leave any, there will be no such good opportunity in the later floors."

"Now we can only take advantage of this time."

Everyone has his own ideas.

The later levels are obviously all masters.

Those who can survive are either powerful or smart.

It is basically impossible to rely on luck alone in the later stages.

The probability of them meeting in the later stages will only increase.


"Ah..." Someone wanted to say more.

But soon there was no chance.

The shadow quickly enveloped them, and the five people were quickly separated.

The weaker ones were even crushed directly.

"It just so happens that there is someone to lead the way." Although Mianying can lead the way, he is not from a big force and has no idea what is going on here.

Like these big forces, they know a lot more information.

Five spaces died directly with two people, leaving only three.

Looking at the remaining three people.

"You know a lot of things, why don't you tell me."

When Fang Xiu's figure came to their jungle and continued to control the shadow.

When the people inside heard the words, they wanted to attack immediately.

It's just a pity that there is no chance for anyone to be tricked.

The darkness covered him, not only his body, but also his eyes and various organs.

Although it was covered to the extent that they could still feel some situations.

But it would be much worse than before.

There is still a gap between what he felt directly and what he felt with his energy.

In addition to the gap, the consumption is large.

Especially since the black shadow has been devouring their energy, the consumption is even greater.


One by one, they tried to ask, and when necessary, they used a variety of hallucinogenic poisons fused from various poisons.

In the end, they successfully learned the news.

And after knowing the news, these guys were useless.

"Thank you for the information you sent."

From knowing nothing at the beginning, Fang Xiu already knew it now.

The place where he first came in actually has five floors.

Now they are right in the middle, on the third floor.

And behind them, there are other things I.

The range of the fourth floor will become smaller, and that place is a series of metal mountains.

The fifth floor is an endless expanse of water, and their goal is a small tower in the middle.

That is the real God Tower.

Starting from the third floor, the competition is about to begin.

To enter the next floor, you need to have a certain amount of God power.

Whether it is plundering or other.

If you don’t have enough God power, you have to stay here honestly, or even run down.

"God power."

These five guys have already obtained the passage, and even their partners have left first.

They were assigned according to their respective strengths and finally worked together.

Those forces are not particularly famous forces, and the powerful ones have already gone up.

They are left here to hold some people back.

Of course, it’s best to hold them back, but it’s okay if they can’t.

Having understood the situation of this God Tower, Fang Xiu started to move quickly on the third floor.

First, the passage to the fourth floor was determined.

There are not only many wolf-like guys here, but also surrounding the portal here, defending so that ordinary people have no chance to move.

The door behind is different from the other doors. It is closed. There is something like a stone in front.

This thing is the key to opening the door.

If there is not enough divine power, the stone door cannot be opened at all.

After understanding this place, Fang Xiu made sure that there was no one nearby and planned to change places.

"Find someone, hurry up." Later, he gave the task of finding someone to Mian Ying.

After understanding the situation behind, he was a little hesitant about whether to continue to bring this guy.

If he continued to bring this guy, he would have to divide a lot of divine power to him.

If he didn't bring him, he could recycle the divine power. Not only did he not have to divide the divine power to the other party, he could even take away the other party's own divine power.

Of course, there are also disadvantages to doing this. The disadvantage is that there is no way to continue to use this guy to find people.

"Here..." When Fang Xiu hesitated.

Mian Ying had already found some people.

He didn't know that Fang Xiu was thinking about whether to keep him.

Of course, he didn't know that the situation here would require a certain amount of divine power to pass after the third level.

Chasing the target quickly.

Kyle didn't care much at first.

He just wanted to kill the target as soon as possible.

And after arriving at the destination.

Looking at the big men wearing special animal skins.

The exposed breath also made Fang Xiu a little careful.

But it seemed useless.

"I found a small fish."

"It seems that he came here specifically. He is very brave." A man with yellow hair, red pupils and fangs laughed strangely.

And the next moment, with an explosion from the other party, he instantly jumped hundreds of meters.

And the speed did not mean to stop at all. In two blinks of an eye.

Originally, there was a distance of more than one kilometer, but it was instantly shortened to the front.

The difference was less than ten meters, which was not a distance at all for them.

As long as you are a little careless, you can kill people with a burst. In fact, ten meters is no different from being close to the body in their eyes.

"Not one, but two."

"It seems that there is another little guy who is hiding well."

"But that's all."

After a figure arrived, two more figures soon surrounded them.

Each person commented on Fang Xiu and the other two.

They didn't take them seriously at all, and even Fang Xiu, who they didn't sense before, they didn't take him seriously.

In their opinion, this was just a guy who could hide more easily.

That's all.

"Let's not talk nonsense. You should give us the divine crystal honestly, and we will let you die comfortably, or resist and live a life worse than death."

A gray-haired man who looked like a giant gorilla spoke.

That desire to fight was not concealed at all.

He was going to deal with them directly.

It was as if he was telling them directly, come and fight me, come and fight me.

With all kinds of thoughts, Fang Xiu didn't say much.

The pressure on the face next to him was actually very great.

At his level, it is not that he cannot see the difference in strength.

The three people next to him are all monsters.

Of course, Fang Xiu is also a monster. If it was one person, he might have thought that Fang Xiu would win.

But now, it is not one person.

"Choose for yourself." Not only the gray-haired man.

Other barbarians also shouted directly.

Before coming here, they also released their breath to scare people several times.

Of course, the people who met them died in the end.

It is impossible to let them go. They are already competitors when they come here.

If they die directly, it would be mercy.

"What is it." While they were talking, Fang Xiu had already taken action.

A barbarian felt something around him and jumped away instantly, but was still scratched by the sharp black shadow.

The others were similar.

When they attacked, they had already noticed it.

It was just that the speed was too fast, so they did not avoid it in the first time.


"I didn't expect to meet a guy like you on the third floor."

"Let's do our best to deal with you."

The barbarian said quickly with his fangs and big mouth.

While speaking, one of the barbarians has already grown huge and turned into a werewolf.

"Let's send you to the paradise of death."

"Bless the barbarian god."

Three people burst out, and only two used the ability to transform.

The ability used by the other person seemed a bit special, but soon no one had the mind to pay attention to these.

There was no chance to sneak attack this time. The strength of these guys was indeed much stronger than the previous ones. Even when they burst out, they already had the combat power of the Saint Lord level.

Although there is a clear gap with that Fierce Dragon King, they are already considered masters.

When there are more people, they have a chance to kill the Fierce Dragon King by beating him up.


"Bang." With a roar.

Then there was a feeling of pieces of ground breaking.

Beside Fang Xiu, several sturdy bodies suddenly appeared.

They attacked Fang Xiu one after another.

As for the shadows around them, they were ignored for the time being.

From the situation they had discovered here before.

It was already very clear that the other guy was just a rookie.

The attack had arrived in an instant.

And Fang Xiu was not careless, the black shadow had already covered most of his body.

When their attack arrived, it exploded directly.

The black shadow was like a steel coat, directly supporting it. Although a part of it was directly hit with a big hole, more of it was still shot out, causing a lot of wounds to the three arrogant guys.

"You approach me casually like this, and you still want to leave?" Originally, these guys wanted to fight quickly, but now, it felt like they had entered the tiger's den.

Fang Xiu obviously wouldn't let them leave like this.

The darkness had directly pulled them and was about to press them directly into it.

Even if their fighting ability was not weak, they would soon be unable to hold on after a large amount of their abilities were absorbed.

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