My shadow can evolve

Chapter 189 White Lotus

Seize a country.

With the cooperation of both sides, this can be achieved.

Afterwards. . .

Fang Xiu, who was leaving, did feel something just now, but soon he didn't care much.

Even if there are people with strong strength, so what.

He just felt that the existence had no intention of taking action, so he left.

He doesn't need to continue to absorb any improvement now.

Anyway, just go directly to the West Sea.

See what's going on over there.

West Sea.

Fang Xiu flew quickly, thinking that this place should not be particularly far. .

But after he determined the direction again and again.

It still took nearly a day to fly.

He just rested for a while in the middle.

And along the way, some strange riots can be seen everywhere.

There are many people mixed in, whether they are ordinary people or high-ranking officials, and some powerful forces.

Fang Xiu just felt that they were all crazy.

But he didn't do much for these lunatics, and he didn't have the mind to do anything.

He didn't have the mood and time to judge whether these people were right or wrong.

If they want to fight, they can fight, as long as it doesn't affect him.

With this thought.

Fang Xiu came to the West Sea.

The endless ocean, he has been flying for a long time, and Shadow has been sent out to check and determine the location.

But still found nothing, nothing was determined.

"That old guy won't cheat me."

In the end, Fang Xiu had to think so.

It's just that there is less than an hour of exploration time after he finished speaking.

He has found something special.

A group of islands with a special arrangement.

It looks like a special rune from the sky.

And he can see the energy and power on it.

"Is it here? Left by those guys before?" After confirming the news, Fang Xiu didn't hesitate, and took action directly and landed quickly.

After confirming that there was no danger, Shadow had already quickly moved and searched here.

But now it seems that there is nothing here.

There are no trees, no people, no animals, and there is only an island that looks like a pile of stones.

Such a place is ordinary, if there are not more islands clustered here.

He may not have noticed it just now.

He quickly screened through the islands one by one.

It took some time, but he still found some special energy on an island that looked a bit like a circle.

As the black shadow moved, he could feel that there was some space behind the circle.

This made Fang Xiu wonder what it was.

This did not make him too entangled.

He came here to take a look.

After confirming that there was no danger, he took action directly.

The black shadow came first, and the people behind it came later.

As his body moved to the other side of the space, Fang Xiu could clearly feel his body sinking.

The pressure was obviously much stronger than the other side.

In addition, there was the existence of that energy, which felt stronger and heavier than before.

Of course, this was nothing for Fang Xiu now.

This was just because he didn't know what was going on when he first came here, so he was a little uncomfortable.

It will be fine soon.


When Fang Xiu really looked at the new space, he saw it directly.

One by one, special places like cemeteries.

This space is not big, but it is not small either. It is several times larger than the islands outside before.

And even in such a place, there is no telling how many places have the breath of death.

"What?" While searching, Fang Xiu saw some records.

It tells what people did here before.

Thousands of years ago, after many wars, they knew that this world was no longer good and could no longer accommodate them.

If they stayed here, it would only speed up the destruction of this world.

So they could only find new opportunities and new ways.

Fortunately, they were lucky enough to locate a point, which was a world with life that had been passed down from the past.

But knowing the point is useless, and you still need ability to get to the end.

Open the space to send them there.

Otherwise, you don't know how long it will take to fly, and it's not reliable at all.

One person confirmed, one person tried.

In the end, more than a hundred powerful beings gathered here.

In the end, only a few people left.

Leaving this information is just to leave a chance for later people to find it.

Of course, this thing is useless now, there is only one space channel here.

It is not an easy task to open it.

"So those guys have already run away." Fang Xiu looked at the passage with a little surprise.

I had heard from the old guy before that these guys must not be willing to die like this.

I didn't expect that he was really so capable and actually ran away.

However, it is not easy for him to leave now.

Others left directly like that, but with the sacrifice of many masters, it is estimated that they served as energy and research.

Now with this passage, it should not be that complicated.

But the energy required will not be small.

You can't just go find someone and say: Hey, sacrifice yourself, and when you die, I'll build you a nice tombstone?

The tombstones here don't look good either.

Fang Xiu complained in his heart.

When he was here, he was thousands of miles away.

A holy woman was doing things that didn't fit her temperament in a city.

People disappeared and died quickly.

Whether they were from the White Lotus Sect or others, she didn't care, just killed them all.

And in the end, they gathered together to form special crystal-like things.

"It's still not enough."

"Go and see that guy before, he seems to have found that place in the West Sea."

The holy woman said quickly.

Following his words, someone took action soon.

"I didn't expect that someone could find that thing now."

She was also surprised.

In fact, there are many people who know about that place.

But there are probably not many people who have really gone there, studied it, and confirmed that the thing can be used.

She didn't study it herself, but just absorbed some memories of others and some arrangements of the people who stayed before.

Of course, the current situation here is already very scary.

It’s just that there is no energy now, and he needs energy.

Anyway, in the eyes of other people, that thing is useless.

And the kind that can’t be handled.

The world collapses, she must leave here before then.

Otherwise, even if her ability is special, it’s useless.

She has been reborn again and again for this moment.

There can’t be any accidents.

She quickly harvested cities one by one.

As long as it is valuable, it’s fine.

Many people now have been controlled by her and have no chance at all.

“Who are you?”

Time passed slowly, and Fang Xiu met a strange guy not long after leaving the island group.

When he met him, he attacked him directly.

The goal was very clear.

“Who is it again?” Fang Xiu was also surprised now.

There are still people attacking him now?

He knocked the other party down and controlled him in just a few moves.

The black shadow has formed a black chain to control the guy in front of him.

Now the other party’s expression has also changed.

Seeing Fang Xiu's panicked face.

"Just be direct, don't waste my time."

"Who are you, who told you to get up?"

After carefully determining the situation of this guy, Fang Xiu quickly thought of the guy he met in a certain city before.

I didn't expect to chase him here.

Is he bored or is there something else going on?

This situation is probably only known by the other party himself.


"It seems that you are just being tough."

"Then I will satisfy you and see how tough you are."

All kinds of hallucinogenic and mind-destroying drugs are used as if they are free.

Just weaken this guy and keep weakening him.

It's still possible to understand this guy's situation later.

At first, this guy looked like he wouldn't say anything.

But as some restrictions on his body were opened.

The words started to speak.

And as the other party spoke.

Fang Xiu then thought of the old acquaintance he had met before.

White Lotus Sect?

This guy hasn't been destroyed yet.

He remembered that when he was in the God Tower before, he killed a lot of such guys.

After leaving, there were only some low-level guys messing around in various cities.

How could there be guys with high-level combat power?

This aroused some interest in him.

At the same time, he began to understand other situations.


When he knew that the other party also knew about the West Sea and was ready to take action.

Fang Xiu led his men back directly.

Since the other party also knew the situation in this world.

Just look at the place.

Along the way, he smelled their plans and so on.

This guy did know something.

After understanding the crazy ideas of the White Lotus Sect.

He was a little silent again.

This guy was crazier than him.

From the wars that broke out in the White Lotus Sect in the past, they didn't just want to win.

They were also collecting energy and various things behind the scenes.

It was prepared for the space channel.

As for the so-called Holy Mother, it should be an old monster that has survived for who knows how many years, or reincarnated.

On the way back, Fang Xiu clearly saw many hellish miseries on earth.

Many cities have become empty cities, and even this situation has affected several countries.

Now it is estimated that they have no resistance.

Fang Xiu also has some budget, whether the other side has any alliance or something.

Have they been preparing all the time and are in place at this time?

There are many ideas along the way.

Fang Xiu even thought about plundering energy and leaving this world first.

Until a white city floating in the air.

"White Lotus..." Looking at the big white lotus doorplate engraved on the city gate.

There seems to be a formation inside.

As soon as Fang Xiu approached, he welcomed many people.

These people are the guards of the White Lotus Sect.

Many of them are not weak.

There are still strong ones here now.

I thought they were going to fight.

"Holy Mother, please come over." A white lotus guard leading the team spoke.

There was no idea of ​​fighting at all.

In this situation, he led people in directly.

"Lead the way..."

Without wasting time, Fang Xiu agreed directly.

It's not like before, when he still needs to be timid.

Anyway, go and see the situation.

It's not like he hasn't seen this old monster who has lived for who knows how long.

He even killed more than one.

Now, why is he afraid of these.

Passing through the long corridor, there are not only guards here, but also various places planted with strange trees.

From time to time, you can see a pond, and there are dense white lotuses below.

And all this disappeared as they entered a special white house.

"I didn't expect to meet a companion."

"Are you Huang? Or Wu?"

"Or something else?"

When they got here, the white Jie woman had already spoken directly.

It was very obvious that he had already felt some of the breath on his body, which made him guess a little bit.

But he was not completely sure yet.

"I am who I am."

"Not desolate."

Fang Xiu said directly.

Unless he admitted one of them, the other party would not believe it directly.

During this period, the other party should ask a lot of questions.

And he also has a lot of questions now.

Just waiting to find out.

"It seems that they are unlucky."

"Can you let him go now?"

"Since you have come here, you should have something to say."

The Bai Jie woman looked at Fang Xiu, as if she was confirming something.

And there was something that Fang Xiu needed to confirm beside her. Her former little brother was still with Fang Xiu.

Now they are all treated as hostages.

Although it is useless.

"I do have something to say, so let him go and wait."

"What are you going to do now? Unify the world, or do something to the people in this world?"

Looking at the Bai Jie woman who was radiating light in front of him.

Fang Xiu spoke directly.

This is what he wanted to know most.

It's not that he was reluctant to leave this world or there were important people.

It was simply a feeling that if this world was to disappear, or if people were to disappear, he would be in trouble.

Just like now.

Although the origin of the world has been reduced a lot.

But it can still last for a while.

This time can allow him to discover more things.

And if people are gone, even if he discovers something, if he needs people or something, he will have no chance.

"Haven't you seen it all? Why are you asking so many questions?"

"I'm just like them, planning to get some energy."

"Now there are fewer beings of our level, and it can't be the same as before."

"So I tried it before, using ordinary beings to replace them. After many experiments, I failed again and again and again. This time, the opportunity is the greatest."

"So I want a lot of energy. This is the last time, the last chance."

"If it fails, it's over."

"I told you everything. Are you satisfied with this?" Bai Jie said to Fang Xiu.

He asked Fang Xiu for people not because he was worried about the lives of his men. He was just worried that if such people died, a large wave of energy would be gone, which would be a pity.

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