My ship girl, my world

Chapter 994 Decision

Facing Frederick the Great's answer, Bismarck was startled.

As the planner of the entire experimental site, she knew what was in the experimental site. And so far, only myself, Frederick the Great and Qin Ge know about that thing.

When I left the experimental site, I told Frederick the Great that that thing could only be used until the final decisive battle. Therefore, the disease made the war very anxious. Frederick the Great did not participate in the battle, but stuck to it. Proving ground to prevent problems from arising there.

But now Frederick the Great actually appeared here, and she said that he appeared under Qin Ge's order. It seemed that it was not that Frederick the Great noticed something. On the contrary, his commander had decided to fight a decisive battle?

But now the fortress in sea area B has not been breached, and the entire sea area has not been completely controlled. Is my commander now going to prepare the last thing?

Seeing Bismarck's confused look, Frederick the Great smiled and said, "You will know when the time comes."

"Okay." Bismarck didn't ask any more questions, but stood there, waiting for Qin Ge to finish the matter at hand.

Of course, it was not just Bismarck at this time, but several other people were also a little confused. As for Frederick the Great, who had not participated in the war before, they learned from Qin Ge that Frederick the Great had a special mission.

Now that Frederick the Great appears here, does that mean that his commander is ready to take action? Moreover, it would be impossible for them not to be curious about what kind of special mission Frederick the Great was performing.

But Qin Ge didn't say much at first, so they didn't ask any more questions.

As everyone greeted each other, the command hall fell into a somewhat silent environment for a short period of time.

However, the silence did not last long. With the document in Monk Qin Ge's hand, the silence was broken after he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Haha, it seems that everyone is here." Qin Ge stood up, looked at the ship girls beside him and smiled, "Thank you for your hard work. It is precisely because of your fighting during this period that we are now You can decide the final direction of this war here."

"So Commander, what is going on?" Bismarck asked.

The other ship girls also looked at Qin Ge, waiting for his answer.

"Since entering this sea area, we have conquered three sea area fortresses until now, and the last sea area fortress is about to be officially conquered by us.

I don’t think we can’t conquer that Siren Fortress with our current strength, and under the joint control of everyone in Ember, the fourth Siren Fortress that seems to be the most difficult to conquer may be much easier than the previous ones.

So in view of this situation, I plan to not stop and rest after taking down the last Siren Fortress, but to go all out and step into the last sea area! "Qin Ge said.

After hearing Qin Ge's words, several ship girls looked at each other, and their eyes showed that this was indeed the case.

Although there were some guesses before, they were just guesses. In a situation like this, we can only confirm it until Qin Ge personally confirms it.

"According to the commander's opinion, it is indeed easier to attack the last maritime fortress than before. After all, our fleet has been fighting on two fronts since the beginning, and the number of people has never been uniform.

And due to some reasons of conquering the sea area, the strength has always been incomplete. Now after the rendezvous, all our main forces are gathered together, including the power of Ember.

Under these conditions of strength, as long as the final arbiter Empress does not exceed Hermet and the others by too much, we can successfully win this sea area.

However, this is only based on the available information. Things will not go as smoothly as we thought. What should we do if other variables arise?

I'm not rejecting the commander's idea, but what if we have suffered a lot of damage after defeating Enpres, and we don't have the power to continue pushing deeper into the sea?

In other words, Empress is very powerful. What should we do if our attack is frustrated? These issues must be taken into consideration. I believe the commander will not ignore it, right? asked Bismarck.

The others nodded in agreement. Although the previous strategy seemed to be relatively smooth so far, they did not feel paralyzed or careless in their hearts at all. The Siren may have shown more power than this until now.

If they underestimate the enemy rashly, the consequences that may arise are beyond their ability to bear.

"I have already considered what you just said, and I have quite good reasons." Qin Ge smiled at Bismarck, and then seemed to explain Bismarck's questions, but in fact he was telling everyone.

"The Flying Dragons know more about the Arbiter than we do, and I can get more detailed information from them. The Arbiter Empress is stronger than Hermet and the others.

However, under the combined attack of the three Hermites, Empress will appear slightly weaker. This is the Arbiter. While they are very powerful individually, they become even more powerful when connected.

In fact, you have also experienced this situation in the Atlantic Ocean at that time, so it should not be unfamiliar to you.

But now the Siren has separated them and placed them in the four sea areas. This is obviously to test our strength, or it is another experiment and test.

I believe that after experiencing these three sea areas, you must have some understanding of them. This is why when Ember and the others follow you to fight, the most important thing is to contain them, and they don't use too many attacks.

The current situation shows that you have clearly passed such experiments and tests. Although there is still a fourth Siren Fortress that has not been breached, it is only a matter of time.

However, this battle has lasted a bit too long. With the energy we have now, I think we already have the power to end this battle.

So I don’t want to wait any longer, and the strategy for the fourth sea area will continue as usual. After the attack, we will use the power of Ember and our elite forces as the main body, and other ships that can still move as the auxiliary, to directly attack the core of the Siren.

Although this behavior seems very risky, it is much better than letting the few arbiters that everyone defeated at that time fully recover and then engage in an endless war.

And according to the intelligence sent to me by the Northern Alliance, the Siren's core sea area has now begun to move, and they will most likely launch a counterattack while we attack the last sea area.

This is why I have gathered you. Whether we are willing or not or take the initiative or not, the final battle is very close to us.

Rather than falling into passivity like this, it is better to make proactive decisions from now on and put everything on this action. "

After hearing what Qin Ge said, everyone was stunned. Combining some of the previous information and the documents in Qin Ge's hand, they could also understand why Qin Ge made such a decision.

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