My ship girl, my world

Chapter 998 Choice

"What are you talking about?" Guanghui couldn't react, because a second ago she could understand the conversation between the two people, but now she couldn't understand it.

Qin Ge smiled, but did not answer Guanghui directly, but said to Helena, "This depends on you. Although you are my ship girl, you still represent the old school ship girl, so no matter what you do, No matter what choice you make, I won’t be surprised.”

Helena looked at Qin Ge's unwavering face and said with some surprise, "I thought the commander would be panicked, but I didn't expect you to be so calm."

"Haha, you once told me that you have tried countless times in the past, but you have been unable to change the outcome of the original world. Because that may be fate, or it may also be an evolution.

Isn't this the case now? " Qin Ge smiled when he said this, "Actually, to be honest, I think I will fail this test. "

Helena frowned. She was now sure that Qin Ge knew a lot of information. But when I suddenly heard Qin Ge say this, I couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

Qin Ge breathed out, turned around and looked at the dark red sea outside, "If the trial is successful, it means more responsibilities. The star sea is so vast, I really can't be sure what it will be like in the future. .

Although there will be help from others, the future that belongs to you or to us must be created by ourselves. Walking on this road will be very difficult, and it will even be far more difficult than when you pursued it before.

There are even times when a bad decision causes losses beyond what we can imagine now. That might be the destruction of a planet or a star field.

For me, although I long for that kind of life, it also feels stressful. If possible, I hope to take my ship girls and take root in my world.

Just like our current Minato District, we are doing conscientious things every day, and we can have heart-to-heart conversations with them every day, without having to think so much. Isn't this kind of life wonderful? "

Helena was startled and looked at Qin Ge with deep eyes. She suddenly realized a problem, a problem that they had ignored since the beginning of the plan.

That is, from the beginning to the end, they never considered Qin Ge's feelings, and only regarded this trial as an inevitable choice. He believed that as long as Qin Ge passed the trial, he would definitely choose to lead the ship girls to find a way out in another universe.

But what if Qin Ge refuses when the trial is completed?

As he said, if possible, he would rather stay with his ship girls in this world or a world he is familiar with.

For some reason, Helena felt a sense of loss and emptiness, and she suddenly became panicked, "So, are you ready to refuse to lead us forward, Commander?"

Qin Ge turned his head and looked at Helena in surprise. It was strange to see such anxiety and uneasiness on her face.

"Haha, so you didn't take this matter into consideration at that time, right?"

Seeing Helena's helpless expression, Qin Ge smiled, "Although I am not a great person, maybe I came to this world from my own world and shouldered a certain mission, right?

I don't resist this outcome. Otherwise, I would have told everything to my ship girls, and I would not be here at this moment, but in a certain corner of this world, working with them from sunrise to sunset, spending leisurely time with them. The time of my life. "

"Is that so?"

A sudden voice came from the hatch of the command ship, and Qin Ge, Guanghui and Helena looked there.

I saw a figure with long gray hair and a tattered battle robe standing there, and there were several figures behind her.

Although several of them looked like ship girls, the evil spirit released from their bodies made Guanghui stand in front of Qin Ge involuntarily, showing off his ship uniforms and putting on a defensive look.

Qin Ge looked at the figure and frowned. After thinking about it carefully, he tentatively said, "Maybe I should call you Enterprise? Or Key Point G?"

"G is just a code name. Just call me Enterprise. That is my name." The gray Enterprise said.

"Okay." Qin Ge nodded, stretched out his hand and patted Guanghui's shoulder, indicating that she didn't need to be so nervous. Then he looked at Helena and found that her face looked normal. It was obvious that all this was planned.

"So this should be the first time we meet, right? Although I know that you have been in this world a long time ago, I didn't expect that you would wait until this moment to meet."

"Because now is the time to show up." Gray Enterprise said.

Qin Ge nodded, "Then let me think about it, since you have already appeared, does it mean that this final battle is not simple? Is it as simple as just four arbiters on the other side?"

"Yes, in addition to the four arbiters who appear in front of you, Lavos and Tova have also come to this world." Gray Enterprise said.

"Does it correspond to the love and tower in the Tarot cards?" Qin Ge narrowed his eyes, "There will definitely be a fierce battle after the reward, right?"

"Yes, everything will end here." Gray Enterprise said, "But today I just came to see you. I hope you don't tell your ship girls about my appearance for the time being."

Qin Ge touched his nose and said, "Okay, you guys are always mysterious all day long, but I hope you don't have to be like this when we cooperate in the future."

Enterprise paused, "No, and have you really met that adult? As far as I know, he only came to this world recently."

"I have seen it, and it was a long time ago." Qin Ge couldn't help but smile when he remembered the scene at that time, "But this time after he came to this world, I only saw his Shinano and Akagi, but he himself did not appear. .

But right now, he should be in a certain space, looking at us with gossip, right? "

Enterprise was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth turned up, "According to that adult's character, it's very possible.

So, our goal has been achieved this time. Since you already know everything, please accompany us to perform the last scene, in order to commemorate this irreversible fate. "

Although Qin Ge didn't know their past, he still nodded, "I think so too. When all this passes, I hope that what awaits you is a true new life."

"This is the best!"

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