My ship girl, my world

Chapter 1005 Sea Labyrinth

Looking at the thick fog in front of him, Bismarck frowned and turned to look at Prince Eugen and Gneisenau.

"Such a dense fog does not look like a microlayer mixture, but something more detailed than a microlayer mixture."

"Yes, and I can only think of one person who can release this dense fog." Gneisenau said, looking at the fog in front of him.

"Arbiter Tempalance?" Prince Eugen said.

"That's right, it's the Arbiter's Templar." Gneisenau nodded and confirmed.

"But didn't I hear that Tempalans has been wiped out by the royal family, Donghuang, and the Northern Combined Fleet led by the commander?" Prince Eugen asked.

"Such a battle is not considered an elimination, it can only be considered a defeat. It is more difficult to eliminate an Arbiter than you think." Gneisenau shook his head.

"That means that when we fought with Arbiter Strencus and Hermet before, we only defeated them but did not eliminate them?" Bismarck narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Yes." Gneisenau did not hide anything. Now that he has reached the final core sea area, there are some things he wants to hide, but he can no longer hide them.

"Why? We have obviously sunk them, and you are here, why do we let them slip away like this?" Prince Eugen asked with a smile.

There were not many questions in the words, but more of a little curiosity.

"As I said before, it is not easy to eliminate an Arbiter, and it is also an Arbiter loaded with overload modules.

As for why we let them slip away in vain, it all stems from an agreement. As for what this agreement is, you will have a lot of time to witness it next. " said Gneisenau.

"It seems that what I thought is correct, you have been hiding something from us." Bismarck looked at Gneisenau and said, "What makes me confused is that the commander seems to have already known your purpose."

"Commander? Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to know our purpose, but for you to say so, it seems that the commander does know something.

However, Helena had no reason to tell him. After all, once these things were told, the subsequent battles would be meaningless. ” Gneisenau shook his head.

"You'd better not guess our purpose. As I said just now, maybe you will know it soon."

Bismarck gave Gneisenau a deep look, "It's not that I don't believe you, but the commander is here, and his safety is the most important to us."

"We will not have any thoughts about the commander, and we have also joined the port area. The commander is also our commander, please rest assured.

In addition, our goals are the same. Even if the goals are different, the process is still the same. Gneisenau replied, which made Scharnhorst nodded.

"And we have come all the way, so we don't have to worry about this issue. The most important thing now is to get through this thick fog." Scharnhorst said, "The thick fog in Templars is invisible and With the ability to interrupt communications, it is basically impossible to contact other teams now. The only people we can rely on are ourselves.

It is best for everyone to be careful about the situation nearby and try to reduce unnecessary losses. "

Bismarck nodded and shouted to the nearby U-boat, "Dense fog generally covers the sea surface. Now you are spreading out under the sea, looking for exits and enemies that may be hidden in the sea fog.

After discovering it, they came back and told me immediately not to attack proactively to avoid alerting the enemy. "

"Yes, Sister Bismarck!" Several U-boats saluted Bismarck, then made a beautiful roll and dived into the water.

Watching the submarines disappear, Bismarck turned his attention to several destroyers again. Most of the Z-drivers were severely damaged in the previous battle against Enpres, but the destroyers that can stay here at this time are all the best among the best.

"Z1, Z23, Z46, you spread out in a fan shape, quickly find out the situation in this sea area, and find the exit of the fog." Bismarck said to the destroyer.

"Yes." Several people responded, and then quickly slid forward and disappeared into the sea mist in the blink of an eye.

"Mainz, Cologne, Leipzig, Nuremberg, pay attention to our flanks to prevent the enemy from launching a surprise attack on us under the cover of sea fog." Bismarck said.


Just when Tie Xue began to set up defenses and explore, White Eagle on the other side was not idle either.

"Enterprise, the fog is too thick. The carrier-based aircraft cannot be retrieved after it is released, and the corresponding information cannot be seen." Essex waited for a long time, but could not see the carrier-based aircraft returning through the thick fog, and then Speaking to the company.

"Indeed, I just released the carrier-based aircraft and tried my best to fly high, but still couldn't fly out of the dense fog. It seems that if we want to reach the core of this sea area, we must first break through this dense fog. OK!" York City said.

"Now we can only look in one direction and keep moving forward, otherwise we will easily get lost in such a thick fog." New Jersey said.

Enterprise nodded, "We do have to pass through this sea fog, and I don't know if you have noticed that where we just passed, there are the same reefs and islands as in the previous sea. These things are arranged on the sea. The cloth looks very messy, but it always gives me a special feeling."

"Special feeling?" North Carolina asked doubtfully.

"Yes, it feels a bit like a maze!" Enterprise frowned, "The criss-crossing rocks and the thick fog covering the entire sea area are really a bit like the maze sea area we encountered when we rescued Helena. .”

"The company senior said this, and I remembered that when we came back from that sea area, we brought back a micro-layer mixture. But the thick fog in front of us now is more complicated than the previous micro-layer mixture. A lot." Helena said.

"That's right, so the things we encountered in the mirror sea before may also be encountered in this sea, and they are much more unpleasant than that sea." The company said.

"So, plan carefully. When exploring this sea area and breaking out of the fog, you must remain vigilant and monitor the surrounding movements at all times."

"Understood!" Everyone nodded.

"Although there is sea fog on the sea surface, the view of the seabed is better, so their task is handed over to us. We are the best at this!" said the archer fish.

"Yes, although the sea fog obscures the information, once we discover the situation, we will report back in time." Bluegill nodded.

"Hehe, let me give them some surprise!" the big mackerel also said very excitedly.

Enterprise nodded, "Then the task of exploring the path will be left to you. However, in order to prevent them from being defeated one by one, once you find any abnormalities, report them back quickly, and never exchange fire with them!"


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