My ship girl, my world

Chapter 1020 The Sinking of Strencus

The black iron chain passed through the blue flames, and the end of the iron chain tightly trapped one of Hermet's arms.

"Hmph!" Hermet said with strength, "Gneisenau, do you think a simple chain can imprison me? Or have you become so arrogant after all this time?"

"I think you are the one who is arrogant, Hermet? Who told you that I am the only one with a chain?" Gneisenau said.

As soon as he finished speaking, another black chain passed through the blue flames and was tightly bound to Hermet's other arm. Hermet looked towards the direction of the chain, and there was Scharnhorst on the other end!

"The enemy has been restrained. Everyone else, turn to fire and fire!" Scharnhorst's voice echoed through the public communicator.

And everyone who received this message opened a distance from their opponents at the same time, turned their guns, and waited for all the firepower to be concentrated on Hermit!

"It's not that simple! Do you think we are dead?" Strenkus said loudly in the distance, and then raised his hand, obviously wanting to use gravity and Yinli to interfere with the trajectory of the cannonball, providing Hermet with a way to escape. time!

"Hey, this is the moment I've been waiting for!"

Just as Stelenkus acted, a figure suddenly appeared above her head, holding a giant lava sword in his hand, and slashed hard at the raised arm!

This action made Stelenkus retract his outstretched arm quickly. If he was stunned for a moment, cutting off the giant lava sword would not only hurt him!

Without Strenkus' gravity field to block it, countless cannonballs and barrage quickly hit Hermet! At the moment when all the attacks were coming, a tower-shaped guard appeared next to Hermite, causing all the attacks to hit the guard.

"Hmph, do you think that by blocking Strencus, I can let you have your way with me?" Hermet sneered.

"Haha, who said our ultimate target is you?" Helena smiled, "Move the target! Tova's guardian has been used, nothing can stop us!"

Several arbiters were suddenly startled. Looking at the current situation, they also realized that they had fallen into a trap!

"What's wrong, their target is you, Stelenkus, use your shield to defend!" Tempalans quickly reacted, but Stelenkus was too far away from her position, even if it was If you want help, it's beyond reach.

But when she finished speaking, it was already too late. Because the reputation has been waiting for this moment since the very beginning. Just after she had just counterattacked and attracted all the attention of Stelenkus, she held a giant sword and quickly got close to the back of Stelenkus!

"Too late!"

The soft whisper was like a talisman to urge death. Stelenkus paused for a moment, and then everyone saw a giant sword penetrating from Stelenkus's body!

The lava flowing on that giant sword is just like dripping blood, violent and stunning!

But the prestige attack was not over yet. An explosion spread from Stelenkus's body. Along with the flames, Stelenkus's whole body became still.

Then, along with the famous sword, it slowly slid to the surface of the sea, and then sank under the surface of the sea!

"What a trick!" Enpres separated from the company and said coldly, looking at Stelenkus sinking into the sea, "How long have you been planning for this moment?"

"Plan?" Enterprise shook his head, "We have been fighting for such a long time, do you think there is still a need for a plan? Which of you has characteristics that we are not familiar with?

The reason why we succeeded this time is due to your carelessness. "

"Hmph, what you said is indeed correct. I was indeed careless, and Strenkus also paid the price for his carelessness. But there are still five people among me. Do you think this method will still be useful to me? Empress frowned.

"Haha, who can tell until the end?" Helena's voice came over.

"Then let's wait and see!" Empress snorted coldly.

Even though they were talking, no one dared to be careless, and the battle continued.

"Sister, Strenkus has been defeated, what's our next step?" Counterattack asked Reputation.

"Wandering in the battlefield, taking surprise!" Reputation laughed, "No matter whose battle group we join now, it will definitely arouse vigilance. It is better for us to start casually providing artillery support, and wait until they reveal their flaws. One more hit and you’ll kill!”

"Is it like Strenkus did just now?" asked the counterattack.

"Yeah." Reputation nodded.

"Then let's get started!"

Just as Counterattack and Reputation were taking action, Qin Ge's ship girls also resumed their artillery support. But despite this, the way Arbiter Strenkus fell just now was still deeply imprinted in their eyes.

"You were so decisive. You caught the moment when Strenkus' attention was not on you, and succeeded in killing her with one strike. You are truly worthy of being an ember!" Musashi frowned and said, " With such strength, it will be very difficult for us to resist.”

"It's difficult? I think we can't resist at all, right?" King George V said, "Anyway, so far, I dare not say that I can react at once."

"Indeed, they are worthy of being warriors who fought on the battlefield. Their fighting skills have been deeply rooted in their bones, especially the control of opportunities. To be honest, we still have a long way to go compared to them. Please don't Be discouraged, after all they are already too far ahead of us," Bismarck said.

"Haha, I'm just amazed. I'm not discouraged or anything. And I think it's a good thing to have a goal in front of me, right?" New Jersey said with a smile.

"Yes." Yixian nodded, "But now it is more important to provide fire support, especially now that Stelenkus has been eliminated and the gravity field no longer exists. It is time for us to play our role."


Just as the battlefield was in full swing, Qin Ge looked at the people on the side in shock, "Stellenkus really sank?"

"Yes, under an attack like Reputation, even the arbitration agency cannot bear it." Dream Weaver said calmly, as if the sinking of Strenkus was not an unacceptable thing to her.

"But isn't this a trial? How could it be..." Qin Ge still felt a little unbelievable. For him, such a trial was just like an exercise, but now he saw that the Arbiter really sank in front of his eyes. It feels like this is no longer as simple as a trial.

"Don't worry, this incident has been anticipated, and she will be resurrected later." Song Qingge said with a smile.

"That's good." Qin Ge felt relieved. For him, whether it was Ember or Antix now, he would be his helper in the future. If anyone was damaged, he would really feel bad.

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