My ship girl, my world

Chapter 103 Support Mboro Island

After registering at the warehouse Ning Hai, everyone walked towards the academy's dock.

"I didn't expect that Commander Qin Ge would choose this very challenging task for his first commissioned mission." Guanghui said with a smile.

Qin Ge looked at the task order in his hand and said to Guanghui on the side, "Actually, the most important reason for taking on this very challenging task is because the training levels of Belfast and Centaur have reached the level to complete the task conservatively. above the level.

And this time, Mboro Island is also an island within the low-risk defense zone, and the Siren's converted training level does not exceed level 20 at most, which is enough to cope with it. "

"And this is also the actual combat opportunity that Commander Qin Ge has been pursuing, right? Haven't you always told me that you are planning to start commissioning tasks at this time, and the main reason is to experiment with your own tactics?" Guanghui smiled. said.

"Yes, training for war, I have always thought so." Qin Ge looked at the Centaur and Belfast, "Sooner or later they will face the day of war. Rather than being at a loss when the time comes, it is better to start from now on. Just familiar with war.”

"Well, this is also the fate of our ship girls, and this is also the fate of your commander." Guanghui said in a low voice, then raised his head and said to Qin Ge, "But I hope that Commander Qin Ge can give his own The light shines farther away."

"Definitely!" Qin Ge nodded.

While they were talking, everyone had arrived in front of the pier at the academy. This pier is specially used by the college, making it convenient for students to travel to various mission locations.

The person in charge of this terminal is not part of the academy's establishment, but is directly affiliated with the Maritime Safety Administration, so she did not appear at the students' opening ceremony.

"Hello, Cologne." Qin Ge said to the ship girl sitting at the dock management office.

"Hello, Commander Qin Ge." Colon adjusted his glasses and said to Qin Ge.

It was obvious that Qin Ge knew the ship girl sitting across from him, which was why he had fully investigated the process of the academy's commissioned tasks before carrying out the commissioned tasks.

I have said hello to Cologne at this pier several times, so we are so familiar with each other.

"This is my task order. Because it is an urgent task, I'm sorry to trouble you." Qin Ge handed the task order in his hand to Cologne.

"Emergency mission?" Cologne was obviously a little surprised by Qin Ge's words.

Although Qin Ge had come to say hello several times before, saying that he would soon complete the commissioned tasks in the future. But Cologne didn't expect that Qin Ge's first mission would be an emergency mission.

"Support Mboro Island?" Colon looked at the task order in his hand, then looked at the ship girl behind Qin Ge, and couldn't help but nodded.

"I understand. There is a high-speed command ship at Pier 4. Here is the key. There are charts on the ship and a positioning system for you to quickly reach Mboro Island."

As Colon said, he took out a bunch of keys from a drawer and handed them to Qin Ge, and gave him instructions.

Qin Ge took the keys and task order from Cologne, nodded to her, "Thank you then."

"It doesn't matter, this is my duty, and Commander Qin Ge. Although this mission does not seem so difficult for you, this is your first commissioned mission after all, and ensuring your own life is everything. Premise." Colon said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, "Thank you, I will definitely remember it."

"Well, then hurry up." Colon said to Qin Ge.

So Qin Ge turned around, took the key and took his ship girl with him to Pier 4.

Compared with the command ships parked at the other three piers, the command ship at Pier 4 is larger, precisely because it is a high-speed command ship.

Because the keys of all high-speed command ships are common, Qin Ge and Belfast came to the outermost command ship together.

"Leave the task of sailing the ship to me. I have been to Mboro Island many times." As soon as he got on the ship, Guanghui said to Qin Ge.

"How can this be done? After all, this is our first mission, so leave it to me. If Guanghui is willing, you can help me locate the direction." Qin Ge said to Guanghui.

After hearing Qin Ge's rejection, Guanghui was not unhappy. After all, he learned some about Qin Ge's situation from the Prince of Wales before coming.

"Okay then." Guanghui said, then walked to the positioning system and began to locate the target.

Qin Ge said to Centaur and Belfast, "You two take a rest now and replenish all the oil you need for this battle. It may be a fierce battle later. .”

"Yes, Commander (Master)!" Centaur and Belfast said one after another, and then walked aside to rest.

As for Qin Ge, he walked directly to the helm, inserted the key to the command ship, started to start the ship, and sailed towards the outside of the dock.

By the time we left the pier, the light on the side had determined the location of Mboro Island. So Qin Ge drove the command ship towards the location of Mboro Island under Guanghui's guidance.

The command ship had been sailing for more than an hour when Qin Ge smelled gunpowder smoke in his nose. The Centaurs and Belfast who were resting on the side also stood up and came to Qin Ge's side.

"Master, I smell war." Belfast said to Qin Ge alertly.

Qin Ge nodded, pointed to the panel on the side and said to the two of them, "We will soon reach the place marked by the light. It should be that the fighting has started there, or that there has been fighting there, so this kind of gunpowder smoke appears. the taste of."

"Then shall we go into the sea now?" the centaur asked.

Qin Ge shook his head, "According to the reaction on the command ship's radar, the enemy was blocked by an island, and that island is believed to be our target, so getting to that island as soon as possible is our most important thing now.

If you go into the water now, your speed will not be able to keep up with the speed of the command ship, so we just need to prepare to head to the island at full speed now. "

Centaur and Belfast nodded to Qin Ge and stopped asking for escort in the water.

Guanghui on the side also nodded at Qin Ge's judgment. Because she has done this kind of mission before, she will never let the Sirens cross the island's defense range until the island is completely lost. So this side of the island is a relatively safe place.

As the high-speed command ship continued to move forward, everyone finally heard the rumbling sound of cannons and the sound of aircraft engines.

They finally got close to the island, and of course they got close to the battlefield...

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