My ship girl, my world

Chapter 107 Delivering the Task

The centaur's body is very soft, much softer than Qin Ge imagined. He had heard people say that women were made of water, but Qin Ge didn't think so. After truly hugging the centaur, Qin Ge finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

The fragrant smell and soft touch, even though it was just a gentle hug, this feeling made Qin Ge unforgettable.

Gently letting go of the centaur, both of them turned a little red. The centaur was excited and shy about having his wish fulfilled, while Qin Ge was embarrassed about hugging a girl for the first time.

Before Qin Ge could say anything to the centaur, Belfast said in a resentful voice, "Miss Centaur is really happy. It would be great if the master could hug me, the maid." alright."

Although Belfast said it in a soft voice, she obviously intended to let Qin Ge hear it clearly. Otherwise, with Belfast's character, he wouldn't have said it directly.

Qin Ge shouldn't grin. After all, he was already very embarrassed when he hugged Centaur. If he hugs Belfast again, I'm afraid he will really make a fool of himself.

But when he thought of Belfast's feigned resentment and the fact that he had just experienced a battle, Qin Ge still felt that he couldn't be cruel.

So he stepped forward and hugged Belfast as well.

"Ah, I didn't expect that a maid like me could get more from my master. I really have neglected my duty." Being held in Qin Ge's arms, Belfast said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, pretending to be frightened.

"Uh, just a simple hug, it'll be fine." Qin Ge said, patting Belfast on the back.

In fact, he was very nervous at this moment, because the feeling that Belfast brought to him was completely different from that of Centaur. After all, compared to her figure, the centaur is slender, and hugging her is like hugging a doll.

But Belfast is different, because it is simply a devilish figure. When he hugged her, her whole body felt soft and soft, which made Qin Ge uncontrollably surge up with an impulse in his heart.

However, with Qin Ge's self-disciplined character, he still suppressed this impulse, and then reluctantly let go of Belfast.

"Haha, it seems that everyone has finished hugging, so Commander Qin Ge, it's time to report." Guanghui said to Qin Ge with a smile.

"Okay!" Qin Ge was very grateful in his heart for Guanghui's rescue at this time. He nodded quickly and turned around and walked in the direction he came from.

Seeing Qin Ge walking up quickly, Centaur and Belfast looked at each other and followed. And the glory fell at the end. She glanced at the Centaur and Belfast with interest, smiled and shook her head, but didn't say anything.

Several people returned to the reporting office on Mboro Island together, and the man who received them in the afterlife was still sitting there.

"Hello, delivered the mission." Qin Ge said, turned around and took the medals that men had given them at that time from Belfast and Centaur, and placed them in front of the man.

"Thank you for your hard work, let me see your results." The man picked up the medal and glanced at it, "One has five ships, the other has three ships, a total of eight Siren mass-produced warships, okay."

Hearing the man's heartfelt admiration, Qin Ge said, "There is no way, we can only find so much within the scope of air control."

"Haha, destroying eight ships is already very impressive." The man said to Qin Ge, "Because these are all fish that slipped through the net from the front line. As long as we eliminate as many as possible here, then the large fleets along the coast can be easier. ”

"That's really great." Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "Then what kind of evaluation do we have?"

"Of course, the commission is a great success, an S-level evaluation." The man said, taking out the commission task sheet that Qin Ge brought in the morning, wrote what he just said in the evaluation column, and took it from the side His seal was stamped on it.

After doing all this, the man handed the commissioned task list to Qin Ge, "Okay, you can use this to receive the reward at your Commander Academy. Because it is a great success, you can receive the maximum reward."

"Thank you very much." Qin Ge said to the man.

"Don't thank me, I'm just acting according to the facts. You deserve these things." The man said to Qin Ge.

"Then let's leave now." Qin Ge nodded to the man.

"Well, walk slowly."

After bidding farewell to the man in the reporting office, Qin Ge took his ship girl and Guanghui and returned to the high-speed command ship that he had driven over in the morning.

After jumping on the command ship, Guanghui located the location of the Commander Academy on it, and Qin Ge drove the command ship towards the academy.

After just driving for a while, Belfast came to Qin Ge with a cup of steaming black tea and said, "Master, take a rest and let me drive."

Qin Ge shook his head, "You have just experienced the battle, so you should rest more. It doesn't take much energy to sail the ship, so just leave it to me."

"Actually, we didn't spend much power in the battle just now, because the power used in the battle at that time was all converted from petroleum, and there was not much loss in itself.

Moreover, the master has been standing at the dock since morning and has not even eaten. You are now consuming more than us, so leave it to me.

The most important thing for you now is to take a rest. I have put some snacks next to the table. You can now have a tea party with Miss Glory and Miss Centaur. By the time the tea party is over, we'll probably be back at the academy. "

Belfast said to Qin Ge, and every word was full of evidence, so Qin Ge couldn't refute it consciously.

So he handed the helm to Belfast, took the black tea himself, then turned around and walked to the table in the cabin, sitting down with Centaur and Glory.

"Today's mission was completed very smoothly, Commander." The centaur said to Qin Ge with a smile, obviously in a very good mood.

Qin Ge also nodded, "It is true, we have been evaluated as a great success in the commission, and we can receive some extra things after we return.

By the way, Centaur, you sank five Siren mass-produced warships today. Do you feel that your training level has increased? "

"Well, I feel that my training level has increased significantly. It turns out that fighting is much faster than usual training." The centaur said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded and turned to look at Guanghui aside, "Guanghui, I have always guessed that your training level should be at level 100. I don't know, right?"

Guanghui smiled slightly, "Commander Qin Ge's guess is indeed right. My training level is indeed 100, but I haven't officially awakened yet..."

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