My ship girl, my world

Chapter 121 The Name of the Grand Fleet

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment. He really hadn't thought about this. So he said to everyone, "I really haven't thought about the name of the big fleet you mentioned. How about we all be here today to discuss it together? After all, I have never thought about being a dictator. If something happens, Let’s discuss it together.”

"Okay, how about calling it the Dragon Fleet?" Zhang Xiaotian said to everyone.

Chen Baijun glanced at him and said, "Someone has already called the Jiaolong Fleet, and that fleet is the largest fleet stationed in TZ City."

"Well, that's what it looks like." Zhang Xiaotian scratched his head in embarrassment.

"How about calling it the Qinse Fleet? Does it mean that there is harmony between our commander and the ship's wife, and that everyone in the fleet also has a harmonious relationship?" Wang Yueqin said to everyone.

"If I remember correctly, Qin Se and Ming describe husband and wife, right? What happened to everyone in the fleet..." Zhang Yingwei complained.

At this time, Li Chenming stroked his forehead speechlessly, "The words of the Qinse Fleet are very easy to be mistaken for the erotic fleet, so I suggest you don't, otherwise it will be really easy for someone to stab you in the spine..."

"Uh... Okay." Wang Yueqin blushed immediately when she heard Li Chenming's words. She really didn't think about it when she thought of the name, but the taste of the name changed.

"How about calling it the Tiger Shark Fleet?" Chen Baijun said.

"Haha, I can't tell that Senior Chen still has the heart of a middle school student." Zhang Xiaotian laughed at the side.

"This one is not called Zhong Er, this one should be called Loudang. After all, the name of the Grand Fleet needs to be called with great momentum in the future, so that it can impress people immediately." Chen Baijun explained quickly.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Tiger Shark has the momentum, but it's too aggressive and sounds a bit aggressive. But this name is the best one at the moment, so I'll keep it for now."

"How about we call them the Jubao Brigade?" Zhang Yingwei laughed.

Li Chenming was speechless, "Have you played too much in Yamaguchi Mountain? Ankyubaku brigade, please, there are girls here..."

However, it seems that Wang Yueqin did not understand the meaning of the Jubao Brigade, but looked at Chen Baijun, who was standing aside, "Senior Chen, what does the Jubao Brigade mean?"

The corner of Chen Baijun's mouth twitched, "Well, it's the name of a guild that appeared in a cartoon. How should I put it? There are some ambiguities in this name, so you'd better not understand it..."

After finishing speaking, he glared hard at Zhang Yingwei who was smiling at the side. Then he raised his head and said to Li Chenming, "What about you, have you thought of any good names?"

Li Chenming touched his head and said, "I am useless at naming myself. If you ask me to name it, it will probably be similar to Zhang Yingwei's name just now."

"Then at least you have to say it." Chen Baijun said, he didn't want to be embarrassed alone.

Li Chenming touched his chin and said to everyone, "The sword points to the sky, how do you feel?"

"Haha, the, we are the navy, the sea is not the emptiest!" Zhang Yingwei laughed.

Li Chenming spread his hands, "So I told you that I am at this level, but you still don't believe it."

The sea? !

At this time, Qin Ge's eyes flashed, how could he forget that sentence?

Our journey is like the stars and the sea. Isn’t this what I often said at that time?

So he raised his head and said to everyone, "How about calling it the Star Sea Fleet? Our journey is the Star Sea, which not only expresses our goals, but also guides our direction."

"Xinghai?" Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

"What a sea of ​​stars! Tutor Qin Ge deserves to be Tutor Qin Ge. This name is much more meaningful than the Tiger Shark I just mentioned!" Chen Baijun also said very excitedly.

"Star Sea Fleet, a very beautiful name!" Wang Yueqin was also very happy. As a female commander, she would be more concerned about the name of the fleet. The name Xinghai reminded her of the starry sea at night, and she suddenly felt very poetic.

"I agree too!" Zhang Xiaotian said, "Our journey is the stars and the sea, what a high-spirited sentence! Instructor Qin Ge, can you also use this sentence as the slogan and motto of our fleet?"

"Of course." Qin Ge nodded.

"It seems that everyone agrees with this name very much. Then the fleet we will establish in the future will be called the Star Sea Fleet!" Li Chenming said while looking at everyone.

"Okay!" Several people nodded, and they all felt a sense of belonging to the name of Star Sea Fleet.

Qin Ge nodded, "Now that the name of the great fleet has been confirmed, the next step is to improve the strength of our great fleet. After all, strength is the basis of everything. If the strength does not meet the requirements, then we will only be able to face the Sirens. All the way to death.”

"Yeah." After hearing Qin Ge's words, everyone's expressions became serious.

"So next, you will report the strength of your respective fleets, and then I will go back and consider how we can improve the strength of the fleet." Qin Ge said to everyone.

"You know me, Z1 is my initial ship, and her current level of 32 has been exceeded twice." Li Chenming said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, looked at everyone, and said to Zhang Xiaotian sitting at the edge, "Zhang Xiaotian, what about you?"

"Hu Ti, with level 30 training, he has also achieved two breakthroughs." Zhang Xiaotian stood up and said.

"Yeah." Qin Ge nodded and said to Zhang Yingwei, "What about you, Zhang Yingwei?"

"Elwin, with a level 35 training level, achieved a breakthrough once." Zhang Yingwei said.

"Your training level is higher than both of them, why did you only break through once?" Qin Ge said to Zhang Yingwei.

"Because I bought most of the oil as food for the ship girl, so with this kind of blessing, the training level will be relatively high, but there will not be enough materials to make a breakthrough." Zhang Yingwei replied.

Qin Ge nodded and continued to turn to the next Chen Baijun, "What about you, Chen Baijun?"

"Firefly's current level of 64 has been exceeded twice. Wichita's level of 38 has also been exceeded twice. Nevada is relatively low, and it was only summoned recently. Its level of 14 has been exceeded once." Chen Baijun said .

Qin Ge nodded and turned to look at Wang Yueqin, "What about you, Wang Yueqin."

"Teacher Qin Ge, my Atalanta's current practice level is 30, which has exceeded twice." Wang Yueqin said.

Qin Ge nodded and said to everyone, "I probably know your specific situation. For you now, supplies should be the biggest problem restricting you."

"Yes, the ways for first-year students to obtain supplies are too limited, and second-year students like me can't accumulate too many supplies when they first start doing tasks." Chen Baijun said.

Qin Ge nodded, looked at everyone and said, "This question is actually not difficult..."

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