My ship girl, my world

Chapter 125 Clues

"Oh, what is it?" Prince Eugen asked.

"I first discovered it when I went to Mikasa-senpai's house with Centaur and Noshiro," Qin Ge said.

"Being a guest?"

Everyone looked at Centaur and Noshiro with doubtful eyes, and the two of them quickly recalled what happened before, but they found that the day was very normal, and nothing special happened.

Looking at the confused expressions of Centaur and Noshiro, Qin Ge explained, "Do you still remember the model collection room of Mikasa-senpai?"

"Remember." Centaur and Nodai nodded.

"Did Senior Mikasa bring out a model at that time? She said it was a model of the ship that was drawn in her memory after her awakening?" Qin Ge asked.

"Well, it does happen." The centaur suddenly thought of it and nodded.

"The model that Senior Mikasa took out is exactly the same as the battleship recorded in my previous life. So I feel that there is an inevitable connection between you in this world and the battleship in my world." Qin Ge said to everyone. Speaking of.

"Yes, I was also wondering at the time why Mikasa-senpai said that was our prototype ship. Isn't it always like this in our memories?" Centaur said.

Prince Eugen nodded, "So according to what the commander said, if we want to awaken after reaching full training, it must be related to the prototype ship?"

Qin Ge shook his head, "Not sure, but from senior Mikasa's words, we can indeed get something related to the prototype ship.

But awakening is extremely difficult. Just like Guanghui, who is with us now, she has been fully trained for such a long time and has no intention of awakening.

And now in this world, the only ones who truly control the power of awakening are the flagship leaders of each camp. "

"So what happens after the commander's clue is broken? Have you found any other clues?" Prince Eugen asked Qin Ge.

"Yes." Qin Ge said to all the ship girls, "Then the dean called me over and asked me about my true situation. After all, my appearance before was too sudden."

"So, in addition to us knowing that the commander comes from other worlds, does the dean, Prince of Wales, also know?" Prince Eugen narrowed his eyes and said.

"Yes, she is very secretive about my identity. She told me that the flagships of the major camps may be the first to master the awakening as I said before." Qin Ge said, "In addition, she also said something else clues."

"What clue?" Prince Eugen asked.

"Sirens." Qin Ge said, "The sirens were the first to appear in this world, and you appeared later.

But you knew nothing about the Sirens at that time, but on the contrary, the Sirens knew about you and created so many copies in your appearance.

Therefore, King Qin of Wales concluded that the sirens might know the true situation of all this. They know where you come from, and they also have the method to return me to my original world. "

Prince Eugen couldn't help but nodded after hearing this, "Indeed, the Prince of Wales's judgment is correct. If there is anyone in the world who knows the world best, then it must be the Sirens."

"So, this is what the commander has been hiding from us? But even if we knew it, we wouldn't tell it everywhere. Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Centaur asked.

"I guess the owner is worried. If he really finds a way to go home by then, then he will have to choose between the two, both for home and for us.

Either give up and go home and stay in this world. Either betray us and return to the original world. Master, don’t you know what I said is right? asked Belfast.

"Yes, this is what I have always been struggling with." Qin Ge paused, "What I have always thought is to live like this forever, and if I really find my way home then I will go home. But today, Prince Eugen told me something that I had always ignored.

I forgot that you are not just battleships, you are also ordinary girls with your own ideas and pursuits. If you place your feelings on me, then my leaving this world will be a betrayal to you. "

"So Commander, tell us everything now. Have you made a decision?" the centaur asked Qin Ge.

"I haven't decided yet. I'm telling you everything now because I want to hear what you think." Qin Ge said to everyone.

“Master, I don’t know if you have heard of one thing, that is, since the ship girl was summoned by the commander, she will never betray the commander except under certain circumstances.

This means that from the moment we are called out by you, we are already your property. No matter whether you are happy or sad in the future, we will never leave you.

Even if you find a way to go back in the future, we will support your choice. This is us, this is Kanniang. " said Belfast.

"Senior Belfast is right, the commander can tell us about this matter as soon as possible, and we can also help the commander go home together.

And you also said that you are not sure now about whether you can go home. What if you can't go home by then? Then wouldn’t we have wasted more time and more emotions?

And even if you find your way home by then, what if we can go to your world with you by then? You know, we also want to see a world without war. " said the centaur.

"Yes, Commander always considers the worst idea, so can we consider the optimal solution this time?" Noshiro said.

"Yes, if the power of the Sardinian Empire can be spread to another world, then I don't mind either." Veneto said to Qin Ge with a smile.

"You..." Qin Ge said movedly, "I'm sorry, I have never taken your feelings into consideration, but now you are taking into account mine. I'm really sorry."

"Now is not the time to apologize, Commander." Prince Eugen said to Qin Ge, "Because there is still a long way to go before you reach your goal. None of us are full of training now." degree, let alone awakening.

And taking the Sirens as an example, large-scale legion operations on the front line can't deal with some advanced Siren humanoids. How difficult do you think it would be to get information from the Sirens, or how hopeful would we be to awaken?

Instead of thinking about these illusory things, it is better to spend every day in this world down to earth. Maybe when it is time to leave this world, you will miss it instead, maybe? "

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