My ship girl, my world

Chapter 14 Yixian in the cafeteria

After cleaning up the room, Qin Ge looked at the time. It was almost seven o'clock. Because he had paid attention to the opening hours of the canteen before, he was not in a hurry.

In front of the cabinet, Qin Ge put on the navy uniform that Fushun had just brought over. Qin Ge looked in the mirror and tidied up his appearance. Looking at the slightly familiar regular clothes, he couldn't help but chuckle, "It seems that even in another world, this kind of clothes is still the most suitable for me."

Qin Ge turned sideways to make sure there was nothing wrong with his clothes, then picked up the key from the table next to him, hung the assistant's name badge on his chest, walked out of the room and walked towards the cafeteria. .

Because the cafeteria in the faculty and staff residential area itself is not far away, we walked a short distance to reach the cafeteria. After entering the canteen, I found that there was only one woman standing at the operating table, and the other tables and chairs were empty.

"Oh, you must be Commander Qin Ge whom Fushun just mentioned, right? I am Yixian, and I am very happy that you have joined the Commander Academy." As soon as Qin Ge approached the operating table, the woman said to him with a smile.

Qin Ge looked at Yixian who introduced himself in front of him and nodded politely, "Hello, nice to meet you." Information about Yixian flashed through his mind very quickly. The Yixian was a ship built by the Navy of the Republic of China. The light cruiser was also the flagship of the First Fleet of the Republic of China Navy. The Yixian in front of her looked like a Jiangnan girl, looking very gentle.

"When Fushun came over for dinner just now, he said that you might come later, so I'm waiting here. What do you want to eat?" Yixian said with a smile.

"Can we still order food here?" Qin Ge asked in surprise. Isn't this treatment too good?

"Of course not in normal times, but now is the holiday, and we are all in the academy, so we can order food." Yixian said with a smile.

"Oh." Qin Ge nodded and said to Yixian, "I don't have anything special to eat, just eat whatever you want, it's fine."

"Haha, if that's the case, then I'll make you a pot roast with lotus leaves, how about it?" Yixian said with a smile.

"No problem." Qin Ge nodded, then sat aside and waited for Yixian to prepare the meal.

I have to say that the food cooked by Yixian is really delicious. This was Qin Ge's only thought after eating. With a sense of satisfaction, Qin Ge returned to his house, picked up his notebook, and recorded what he learned from Fushun and the Prince of Wales today...

At six o'clock the next morning, Qin Ge's biological clock was on time and he sat up from the bed. Looking at the slightly bright sky outside the window, he quickly climbed out of bed, made the bed, put on his training clothes and went to work. Ran out of the room.

Running is Qin Ge's daily habit. Regardless of wind or rain, he will run five kilometers in the morning. Some time ago in Minghai City, I had to run a stall in the morning, so I could only run to the library at noon, but I didn't miss anything.

Along the periphery of the faculty and staff area, Qin Ge began to run, his light footsteps falling on the early morning road, like a pulse beating in his blood vessels, strong and powerful, injecting a bit of vitality into this silent morning.

After finishing his run, Qin Ge returned to his house, cleaned up, washed and changed clothes, and then went to the cafeteria to have breakfast. Everything was just as it was at the Naval Command Academy.

"Good morning." Qin Ge said to Yixian who was busy in the cafeteria.

"Good morning, Commander Qin Ge, you got up so early." Yixian said with a smile, "This morning it's steamed buns and soy milk, as well as bread, dessert, and milk. What do you want to eat?"

"Haha, I'm used to it, just steamed buns and soy milk." Qin Ge smiled at Yixian.

"Okay, wait a moment." After Yixian said with a smile, he took out a few hot buns from the steaming cage, scooped out a bowl of soy milk from the pot on the side, and put it on the tray The top was brought to Qin Ge.

"Thank you." Qin Ge thanked him, took the tray and started eating hungrily. The bold action made Yixian laugh.

"Slow down, no one will compete with you." Yixian said with a smile.

"Uh..." Qin Ge put down the bun in his hand and couldn't help but smile at Yixian, "I'm used to it."

"I really don't understand what you did before. Do you have to get used to eating at such a fast pace?" Yixian said with a smile.

"That's for sure. After all, war waits for no one. Whether eating or doing other things, as long as there is an order, it must be dispatched, so eating faster has the advantage of being faster." Qin Ge said with a smile. .

"You are right, but now in the Commander Academy, this is the safest place. No siren can defeat it, so there is no need to be in such a hurry. Just eat slowly." Yixian said with a smile.

"This is good...and the buns are delicious!" Qin Ge raised the buns in his hand to Yixian with a smile on his face.

"Then it's up to you." Yixian smiled, left Qin Ge's position, and returned to the console. Qin Ge, on the other hand, finished eating the steamed buns and soy milk, then washed the plates and bowls and chopsticks at the faucet nearby and put them where they should be. Then he said hello to Yixian at the operating table from a distance, turned around and walked out.

"Haha, what an interesting person." Yixian looked at Qin Ge's retreating back and smiled slightly...

After returning to the room, Qin Ge took out the books he had bought in Minghai City and read them. After all, the college library was not open yet, so he could not borrow books yet.

After the time came to eight o'clock, Qin Ge heard a knock on his door. He walked to the door and opened it, and saw the Prince of Wales standing at his door with a smile.

"Good morning, Dean." Qin Ge said to the Prince of Wales, then turned sideways and opened the door.

"Good morning." The Prince of Wales walked in with a smile, looked at the bright and clean living room, and nodded to Qin Ge with a smile, "You have tidied up well. I am now more and more confident in your future assistant teaching. "

"Thank you for the compliment, Dean. Please sit down first and I'll get you a glass of water." Qin Ge was as humble as ever, showing no pride at all when compared to the Prince of Wales' praise. With that said, he asked the Prince of Wales to sit down and walked towards the drinking fountain.

The Prince of Wales stopped Qin Ge quickly and was about to pour water. "There's no need to pour water. I didn't come here just to drink water. By the way, Fushun should have told you about the construction situation yesterday afternoon, right?"

"Yes, Fushun introduced it in great detail yesterday, and I have fully understood it." Qin Ge turned around and faced the Prince of Wales.

"That's good, let's go to the construction room together now." The Prince of Wales smiled at Qin Ge, "Build your first ship girl."

"Yes!" Qin Ge nodded, walked out of the door with Wales, and walked towards the construction room.

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